Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 956: Choice (monthly vote requested!!)

The passion of the fight faded, and Liu Yu quickly regained his composure.

The dark eyes flickered with rationality again.

From the perspective of interests, the Red Snake Demon Lord is backed by the "Tiansha Sect", a power that has transformed into a god. It is obviously not a rational choice to force this woman to stay at this time.

From a long-term perspective, this move not only offends the Tiansha Sect, but is also too much of a show, which is not good for future cultivation.

The two teammates are just making up the numbers, and even 30% of the mana is not enough to keep the other party.

However, with the sword of ruins, killing or not is just a matter of thought.

The human heart is complex and changeable.

Liu Yu had previously tried his best to get rid of the Red Snake Demon Lord as soon as possible, just to fulfill his pleasure.

Stopping at this time is from the perspective of interests.

But in the final analysis, "happiness" or emotion is also a kind of interest.

So the two ideas before and after are not contradictory, and both are based on oneself.

He cultivates immortality and pursues truth and strength, isn't it just for freedom and unconstrained?

"I'm in better shape than ever before."

"This hearty battle was not without gain."

Feeling the bottleneck loosened a lot, Liu Yu smiled a little. Although his mana was empty, he couldn't help but feel in a good mood.

With the current state, and the help of the spiritual object "Nine-orifice Green Grape", he has an 80% chance of breaking through to the late stage of the Nascent Soul!


The scattered golden flames regrouped into a fist-sized golden bird, flapping its wings and turning into a long rainbow soaring into the sky.

The golden bird circled around Liu Yu for several circles and finally stopped in the palm of his right hand.

Where the bird passed, there were scattered light golden spots, exuding a very masculine and strong breath, and a kind of vast masculine and illuminating all things.

This vast masculine meaning only has a few charms of "Sun Golden Flame", but it is not much worse than "Evil-Repelling Divine Thunder".

The key to the quasi-fifth-level spell, "Big Sun Transformation", is to use one's own "sun power" to pry and pull the "sun energy" existing between heaven and earth.

The sun power has some characteristics of "sun power", and "sun energy" is also the power of the sun shining on all things and spreading throughout the world.

Therefore, the spell formed by the two has some characteristics of "sun gold flame" and can even restrain the sixth-grade "Purgatory Devil Flame".

Without Liu Yu's special "sun power", others would never be able to cultivate spells even if they obtained "Star True Body" and "Big Sun Transformation".

"The actual performance is better than expected."

"Without using the "Sword of Destruction", this method can be used as a killer to make the final decision in normal times."

With a thought, he controlled the golden bird to turn into golden light and dissipate. He nodded slightly and was very satisfied with the two new spells.

While Liu Yu was recalling the battle, Huang Mei and Mo Mei had already acted in tacit agreement and set up a fourth-level formation around him.

The two guarded outside the formation, waiting for their teammates to recover their mana.

With their strength, if Liu Yu was not the absolute main force, it would be difficult to explore the core of the dangerous forbidden area.

The three exchanged glances, and everything was self-evident.

After confirming that the surroundings were safe, Liu Yu found a place to sit cross-legged, took a fourth-level elixir to restore mana, and held a top-grade spirit stone in one hand to practice the exercises.

The fourth-level elixir and the top-grade spirit stone are precious, but their own safety is more important. In the ancient forbidden area full of dangers, insufficient mana is an extremely dangerous thing.

After setting up the fourth-level formation, the three of them rested one after another, and time passed slowly.

About two quarters of an hour later, when the mana and state were basically restored, Liu Yu got up and prepared to continue on the road.

Looking at the two teammates who were putting away the formation, he thought for a while and slowly spoke:

"Listen to me, fellow Taoists."

"The ancient forbidden land is the essence of Kaguya Cave Heaven, and the core of the forbidden land is the most valuable place in the ancient forbidden land."

"At this time, I am afraid that there are already many strong people, and the great cultivators are just foils. The three great true masters and the five great demon kings are the protagonists."

"Forgive Liu for being frank, for the two Taoists, the risk of continuing to move forward is too great!"

"It is better to stop while you are ahead, find a place to spend the remaining half a day, and then leave Kaguya Cave Heaven safely."

"This may be the best choice."

"Otherwise, if there is danger next, I am afraid that Liu will not be able to take care of it in time, and the risk is really a bit big."

The calm voice sounded, he looked directly at the two people, his attitude was very sincere, and he told the objective facts.

In the world of cultivating immortals, the fittest survive, and after being eliminated step by step, the weak have already left the stage.

The strong who dared to go to the core of the forbidden land are probably at least in the late stage of the Nascent Soul.

After all, if you don't know what's good for you before the late fourth stage, going to the core of the forbidden area is just like "delivering a courier".

The True Lords and Demon Kings who have made a lot of money are now equivalent to mobile resource points. How can they be safe when they meet great monks and great demon kings?

Who would dislike having too many spiritual objects?

Objectively speaking, the strength of the two people can only be said to be very average among the great monks.

The three great True Lords and five great demon kings are the protagonists. In this case, the two teammates can no longer provide much help.

Being bound by the "Daluo Golden Book" and needing to rescue when necessary is already a burden.

Objectively speaking, it is indeed the best choice for the two to retreat.

Whether it is for themselves or for Liu Yu.

The reality is cold and ruthless. The great monks who are very important in the outside world have become "small soldiers" in the core of the forbidden area.


Hearing this, the two of them were silent and looked a little ugly, but they had to admit the reality.

After the battle just now, they have realized that they cannot pose a threat to the Peak True Lord and the Peak Demon King.

Although it was unpleasant to hear, everything Liu Yu said made sense. After speaking, he stopped talking. It was all revealed by the great monk.

It is indeed valuable to persist to the end.

But it is also a wise choice to give up when things are good!

In the extremely solemn atmosphere, the three of them remained silent as time passed slowly.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths

After three breaths, Huang Mei's eyes kept flickering, as if he had made a difficult decision, and finally said in a deep voice:

"What Fellow Daoist Qingyang said is reasonable. The core of the forbidden area is too dangerous at this time, so it is a rational choice to stop here."

"So Huang decided to quit, go to other areas to collect resources, and leave Kaguya Cave when the time is up."

The heavy words sounded slowly, and he was still a little unwilling at first.

But as the words came out of his mouth, that trace of unwillingness quickly turned into relief, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

Yes, the harvest from this trip has exceeded expectations, why take such a big risk again?

Huang Mei thought silently.

"Liu swears to God that he will return the spiritual objects to fellow Taoists as soon as possible after he goes out."

Hearing this, Liu Yu nodded slightly and immediately looked at Mo Mei, who was still silent.

This woman's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, her eyes were flashing like autumn water, and the expression on her face was constantly changing.

It seems that this decision was very difficult for her.

In just a few breaths, Mo Mei actually thought of a lot.

I think of the oath my master made when he entrusted the sect with his duty before his death, of his powerlessness during the "War to Destroy the Sect", and of his regrets when his life hung by a thread several times.

"How can you get the fragrance of plum blossoms without experiencing a bone-chilling cold?"

As thoughts came and went, Mo Mei's face gradually calmed down, and her eyes became clear.

She took a deep breath and lightly opened her red lips:

"Fellow Taoist Qingyang, I want to move on."

When she said this, the woman looked serious and her attitude was extremely firm.

Liu Yu opened her mouth and wanted to persuade her, but when she saw the woman's firm gaze, she just nodded lightly.

Attitude is the mask of the soul.

From that firm gaze, he saw a brave heart.

She has already made her choice.

People always subconsciously choose the easiest path.

Even if this path leads to worse and worse conditions, it may even lead to chronic death.

Under normal circumstances, people are always immersed in the happiness of the moment and find it difficult to make substantial changes.

This is the gravity of reality and the shortcomings of human nature.

Mo Mei made a risky choice, which surprised Liu Yu.

But it's hard to persuade the damned one with good words. The pros and cons have been analyzed. They are all great monks who have experienced ups and downs. They don't need long speeches from mother-in-law and mother-in-law.

Everyone said that it might be difficult to take care of her. If Mo Mei died because of this, she would not be able to blame herself.

"Then, let's set off."

"Fellow Taoist Huangmei, please say goodbye."

Turning his eyes, Liu Yu nodded gently towards Huang Mei and was about to set off with Mo Mei.

He took one step forward and his figure appeared more than ten feet away.

"It's a long road, Taoist friends, take care of it."

On the same spot, Huang Mei watched the two people go away with extremely complicated eyes.

I originally thought that since the two were of similar strength, this woman would make the same choice.

Unexpectedly, Mo Mei, who was weaker, chose to continue taking risks, but he, who was stronger, stopped there.

For a moment, looking at the two people's retreating figures, Huang Mei felt uncomfortable in his heart, and even felt a little ashamed of himself.


All kinds of thoughts finally turned into a sigh.

As the sun set, until the two of them disappeared, he turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

He also made his choice.


In the wilderness, a man and a woman ran at top speed, wading through mountains, rivers and various terrains.

It's Liu Yu and Mo Mei!

In the sight of the two of them, the iconic "black archway" at the core of the forbidden area became increasingly clear.

Except for the encounter with Lord Chi Lian, the journey went very smoothly without any trouble.

After leaving the Grand Canyon, the suppression of spiritual consciousness was greatly reduced, and the suppression of spiritual sense no longer existed.

Therefore, Liu Yu could clearly feel the powerful auras on the roads leading to the core of the forbidden area.

Maybe someone observed the battle from a distance with their spiritual consciousness, causing his record of fighting against the Peak True Lord to spread. Maybe everyone rushed to the core of the forbidden land to seize the treasure.

All in all, this journey was smoother than expected.


Where rivers, mountains and winding roads turn, both of them are busy walking.

Because we had already lost a lot of time, we did not explore the colorful buildings along the way and headed straight for the core of the forbidden area.

Eighty miles, fifty miles, thirty miles

As time passed, Liu Yu and Mo Mei climbed a high mountain and finally saw the true face of the "Black Archway".

In the vast valley surrounded by mountains, the black archway stood alone, and there were no traces of formation restrictions around it. It was completely different from the core of the forbidden area as imagined in advance.

It is about 1,800 feet tall, taller than the mountains, and gives you the feeling of seeing all the mountains at a glance.

Although there are no complex colors, the two pillars supporting the archway on the left and right are engraved with countless weird runes, which continue to attract the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

Liu Yu recognized it at a glance. It was the writing of the Spirit Clan.

He was surprised to find that no matter what angle he looked at, or if he used his spiritual and spiritual senses to explore, he could only see the front of the "black archway".

Even if they went around the opposite mountain, they still saw the front.

The two used dozens of methods, but it was still the same after a few attempts.

In Liu Yu's senses, the black archway was like a special "door". If you don't open the door and enter the door, you may never know what the door looks like.

"Another great master's hand."

Looking at the black archway from afar, Liu Yu had this thought.

The detection method was unsuccessful, and he found that this "door" had no entity, and the real treasure spells and even stones could pass through it.

This feeling was just like an illusion.

But in his consciousness, the black archway actually absorbed the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and a large amount of spiritual energy of heaven and earth disappeared into it.

"From any angle, you can only see the front."

"And the three levels of consciousness, spiritual perception, and naked eyes can only see but not touch."

"This is a conceptual "door."

Finally, Liu Yu concluded.

No matter how many times, the various methods of the great master of Lianxu are still amazing.

"So, how do we get into this door?"

Thinking of this, he looked around.

It had been tested just now that real treasures, magical powers, or stones, etc., could not touch this "door", but would just pass through it directly. The black archway was like a phantom and illusion.

The divine sense quickly scanned several circles, not missing any angle, but did not find any suspicious places.

Seeing this, Liu Yu frowned.

"No, the breath of the True Lords and Demon Kings who arrived first finally disappeared here."

"This is enough to prove that there must be some way to "enter the door", and this way is not difficult to be discovered."

Mo Mei looked around and spoke softly.

Liu Yu nodded slightly, thinking that what the woman said was very reasonable, and continued to observe calmly, trying to find clues.

After more than ten breaths, just as the two were struggling to find a way to enter, an extremely strong spiritual pressure suddenly appeared in the distance.

This spiritual pressure was not inferior to that of the Red Snake Demon Lord at his peak state.


The two turned their heads and saw a red flame approaching from afar.


Red eyes, swan-like slender neck, flame-like feathers

In the flames, there was a fire phoenix with a wingspan of a hundred feet and amazing power. Due to the restrictions of Kaguya Cave Heaven, it flew close to the ground.

"The second princess of the Fire Phoenix Clan."

"Feng Xian'er, one of the five top demon kings."

Liu Yu's eyes flashed, and he immediately recognized the identity of this demon.

In a few breaths, Feng Xian'er approached the valley where the black archway was located.

After approaching the valley, she climbed up and quickly reached a height where she could overlook the mountains, as if observing something.

After half a breath, the demon let out a loud and long cry, and then spoke a strange and difficult language in an aria:



The demon's loud voice echoed in the vast valley.

When she finished chanting a few prayers similar to those in sacrifices, the black archway that could be seen but not touched actually became slightly more solid.

Glancing at the two, Feng Xian'er flapped her wings and swooped down, her body disappearing into the "door" inch by inch.

"This seems to be the language of the star realm?"

"A language that is common to many worlds, a must-learn for high-level monks in ancient times."

Liu Yu was well-informed and happened to know that the strange language was the "star realm language" that was common to many worlds.

Translated, the few words that Huo Feng had just said meant

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