Immortal Path Evergreen

Chapter 965 Spiritual Incense

This punch was to test the attack power of the Iron Tiger Puppet Beast. Tang Yisheng was well prepared. As soon as his mana moved, he immediately sacrificed the Golden Thunder Mace.

The Golden Thunder Mace turned into a spiritual light and hit the Iron Tiger Puppet Fist fiercely, which actually gave him a feeling of being evenly matched.

"This puppet beast's full-strength attack is equivalent to the power of a Yuanying cultivator, slightly worse than the previous humanoid puppet beast. However, the Iron Tiger Puppet has thick skin and flesh, and its defense ability exceeds that of the humanoid puppet beast."

The cooperation of the two puppet beasts, driven by the best spirit stones, is enough to restrain the Yuanying cultivators. Even in the hands of the Jindan cultivators, they can restrain a Yuanying master.

The previous sixth-level puppet was left to Han Yan, and Zhang Zhixuan was going to leave this puppet beast to Liu Guyan.

Puppet beasts above the sixth level can only exert their greatest power in the hands of Yuanying cultivators.

A sixth-level puppet beast is already a powerful killer for ordinary Yuanying cultivators.

However, for Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan, the top Nascent Soul cultivators in the world of immortal cultivation, the puppet beast of the early sixth stage can be solved in three moves and two styles, and it can't play a big role.

Leaving Tang Yisheng to guard Huohu Mountain, Zhang Zhixuan took the sixth-level puppet beast back to Lingjing Mountain.

He had just teleported back to Lingjing Mountain, and saw Qingchan with a copper lamp on his head and purple clouds under his feet, slowly rising from Lingjing Mountain.

The purple clouds and smoke actually enveloped the area of ​​​​a thousand miles around Lingjing Mountain. At this time, Qingchan actually practiced the great magical spell of Ziyang Xianyun just right.

With Zhang Zhixuan's experience in practicing the spell last time, Qingchan naturally would not rashly pass through the earth's fetal membrane this time. Instead, he slowly restrained his breath and collected the innate purple air into the upper dantian.

Zhang Zhixuan left for a few years and found that the concentration of spiritual energy at the mountain gate had increased a little.

It took three years to refine the puppet beast, and fifteen years had passed since the battle of Dulingfang.

After fifteen years of recuperation and taking the sixth-level elixir for healing, Zhang Zhixuan's vitality has recovered by half, and Qingchan's injuries have stabilized. He can use 30% to 40% of his magic power and exert the strength of a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator.

In the past fifteen years, although the Lun Dao Sect did not send Nascent Soul cultivators to test, a large number of Zifu and Jindan were sent to Nanyazhou. Some of them disguised themselves as casual cultivators and mixed in the vicinity of Nanhuang to inquire about the information of Ziyang Sect.

The Lun Dao Sect is also rich and powerful. More than 200 cultivators have been sent over, among whom Chen Xiaofeng is hiding in Da Zhou and commanding these people in an all-round way.

Although Ziyang Sect has captured many people in recent years, it has also used soul-searching techniques to find out the whereabouts of Chen Xiaofeng.

However, Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan's injuries have not healed, and Liu Lingjun and others did not dare to take the risk and rashly ambush this Nascent Soul expert.

If Chen Xiaofeng is a bait released by the Lun Dao Sect, Wu Daozhen and Wumu Zhenren are hiding behind, and a rash attack may backfire, and Ziyang Sect will also suffer a lot.

They all knew Wu Daozhen's magical powers. It was as easy for him to deal with ordinary Yuanying cultivators as to chop melons and vegetables. He was able to suppress Qingchan. Even if four or five Yuanying cultivators joined forces, they would probably not be his opponent.

Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan's injuries had not healed. Except for Liu Ling, who was able to contain Wu Daozhen, the remaining Yuanying cultivators in the sect would probably not be his opponent if they encountered him.

In recent years, although Ziyang Sect had not closed its mountains, Yuanying cultivators never went out. They were all wandering around the sect's several sacred mountains, so naturally there would be no flaws.

Anyway, Wu Daozhen could only hold on for a few years, and it was unknown whether he could take action now. Ziyang Sect could put down their worries once this person died.

Zhang Zhixuan and Qingchan returned to the cave together and asked, "How many spies have been captured in recent years?"

"In the past few years since you left, four Jindan and three Zifu were captured near Lingjing Mountain. Two of them actually hid their cultivation and mixed into the mortal world. They were caught by Hanyan and his men by chance. Some low-level disciples could not resist the temptation and have fallen into the control of the enemy. I am afraid that a lot of information from the sect has been leaked."

Lingjing Mountain is not far from the original Lushan County. After hundreds of years of development, this place has become very densely populated, and has long surpassed Qingyang Mountain.

Even compared with the Shennv Peak, which has been operated by Xuansu Sect for many years, the prosperity is far beyond.

This is the case with the cultivation world in Nanyazhou. Mortals rely on cultivators for development. If the cultivators have strong magic power and advanced cultivation, they can protect the peace of the area and speed up the development of this place.

Upon hearing that seven spies were captured, Zhang Zhixuan asked curiously, "Have you checked the identities of these people?"

Qingchan nodded and said, "Under the fifth-level God-asking Talisman, we naturally cannot conceal it. Three of the seven spies are from the Lundao Sect, two are from independent cultivators, and the remaining two are one Yunxiao Sect cultivator and the other is a man planted by the demon cultivator."

"The Yunxiao Sect has signed a peace agreement with us. Now the power of both sides has been completely unbalanced. This sect has no reason to continue to provoke us. They are reaching out at this time. Aren't they afraid of the backlash of their luck?"

Qingchan explained, "The eldest son of this Yunxiao Sect man died in the war, and he has a deep grudge against us.

Because we have captured many spies, the Lundao Sect cultivators have rarely come in person in recent years, but choose to hire them. This man volunteered to be a spy near Lingjing Mountain for revenge. In your previous words, it is what you call self-willingness."

Hearing this familiar word, Zhang Zhixuan smiled. When he was in Lingjing Mountain, he occasionally said some words from his previous life to Qingchan, sometimes to coax children, but more often to relieve his worries.

"Do you think we can eliminate these spies hiding near the sect?"

Qing Chan shook his head and said, "As long as they continue to invest their strength, it will probably be difficult. After all, we can't send Yuanying cultivators to patrol villages one by one. Such spies are like catching mice, and we can never catch them all. If there is a Yuanying who is good at the turtle breathing technique hiding nearby, even if you and I take action, it will probably be useless."

Just as the two were talking quietly, seeing the large group of purple clouds in the sky, an old farmer in a village near Taibai Mountain changed his face and immediately returned to his own villa.

This person quietly lit the yellow talisman and lit a stick of sandalwood, and the smoke rose slowly. A moment later, a vague figure appeared in the room.

"What big thing happened today that you actually bothered Junior Brother Gu to light the spiritual incense?"

After losing people in the vicinity of Lingjing Mountain, Lun Dao Sect will naturally sum up its experience and formulate targeted measures to reduce losses.

Most of the cultivators who failed were because the sound transmission talisman made too much noise, which aroused the vigilance of the nearby garrisoned cultivators. There are many teleportation arrays near Lingjing Mountain, which makes it easy to mobilize high-level cultivators. Once suspicion is aroused, Yuanying cultivators often take action.

Especially Han Yan, most of the spies caught in recent years were caught by her personally.

Since the discovery of the first spy, Ziyang Sect has banned sect cultivators from using sound transmission notes to communicate.

Outsiders using sound transmission notes to communicate with the outside world are naturally very conspicuous and easy to be exposed.

The Yuanyang Realm is vast, and the roads are often counted in millions of miles. It may take dozens or hundreds of years for ordinary mortals to pass on the message.

And if a strange cultivator enters the territory of Ziyang Sect, even if he uses the invisibility talisman, the sound of the escape light cutting through the air and his own mana fluctuations can easily alarm nearby masters.

For this reason, in order to facilitate communication, Lundao Sect used treasures such as Tongling Incense.

However, Tongling Incense is a sixth-level spiritual object and cannot be used for regular communication. Therefore, using this method to transmit information is generally very rare and is used to report important intelligence.

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