Immortal Realm’s Smuggling Kingpin

Vol 3 Chapter 20: Birdman Admirer (Part 1)

A few days later, Qi Ren discovered that Du Nengming had lost 100 million high-grade immortal jade in his own ticket number account, which was almost half of Du Nengming's assets! Qi Ren doubted in his heart that he hadn't heard from Luo Qian recently that there was a big business move that would require a large amount of money. He wondered if Du Ningding had done anything with Luo Qian behind his back, but it was someone's housework, and he was not too talkative.

Luo Qian is ignorant of all this, he is thinking about one thing these days: a thousand ghosts and monsters. Luo Qian doesn't know how he did it, but as far as he knows, there is a technique that can achieve this effect: cloning. Before he left the human world, human ears and noses could already be "produced" on mice to provide them to people who need to transplant these organs.

Luo Qian is not clear about the specific technology, but it seems that this technology can be "smuggled." Even if Zhao Xihe didn't understand the advanced things, but based on his understanding of beasts, it shouldn't be a problem to clone a monster similar to the "thousand ghosts and monsters". The rematch of the beauty contest has more than ten days before it starts. Everyone is busy catching the evildoer, with nothing to do, Luo Qian decides to go to the lower bound.

This decision is actually a kind of "escape" choice to a certain extent. Luo Qian didn't want to kill anyone, even if this person might hurt Xie Tang, he is not a love lunatic, and he can do anything in the name of love, even if he is frantic. It's just that he was worried that Zheng Daoguang would persecute himself. That one hundred million high-grade immortal jade would definitely not be that simple. Luo Qian didn't want to know the things behind it. The cloning technology is secret in all countries. If Luo Qian wants to obtain it, he may have to stay there for a while. When Xu Hu's injury is recovered, he will go after the Luo Ren Wang vigorously. Zheng Daoguang is afraid that he dare not act rashly.

Even after the decision had been made, Luo Qian told Du Ning Ying and Xiao Xiangzi that he wanted to visit the Lower Realm, and that these things were hidden from Dongfang Chen for the time being. Xiao Xiangzi didn't care: "Don't worry, there's me and Du Shao here." He slapped Du Nenglong hard, and Du Nenglong was lost in his soul, and he immediately jumped off. Luo Qian frowned, "Sao Du, are you okay?" Du Ning was a little flustered, afraid to look at Luo Qian's eyes, and shook his head repeatedly: "It's okay, it's okay..." Luo Qian nodded without doubting it. "Okay, I'm leaving..."


The gods have their own magical powers, but now that the human world has advanced technology, many of the gods' magical powers are in danger of being exposed.

Luo Qian originally planned to fly from China to the United Kingdom, but this time the fake certificate had a power problem and was almost detained by security personnel at the airport. If it weren’t for Luo Qian’s magical powers, he would have been As a terrorist escorted to a special prison.

Because of this incident, pictures of him were posted everywhere in airports across the country. They were taken from surveillance video. After technical processing, his face was so clear that even a child could recognize him at a glance. Reluctantly, he had no choice but to "manually work" on his own, transporting his own first-order celestial technique to volley, slowly flying across the European continent, preparing to cross the English Channel and turn half of the earth. Leiyun Huobao stayed in the fairy world to take care of the six little guys, and Luo Qian could only work his arms and legs.

The white clouds are long and the breeze is whizzing, Luo Qian burrows through the clouds, and is happy. Look at the European continent from the sky, with red roofs, green fields, snow-capped Alps, and two gray industrial belts on the Rhine. He was proud, passing through a cloud, but was stunned-facing Luo Qian, there was a heavy fighter. The pilot of the fighter suddenly saw a golden light pierced through the white clouds, and shouted: "Oh, myd!" At this time, Luo Qian, with white clouds fluttering behind his back, like two huge wings, with golden light shining on his body, which looked like a legendary god.

The pilot's microphone was directly connected to the ground control tower, and the people on the control tower immediately began to ask questions. The pilot was so shocked and incoherent that he didn't say clearly for a long time. Luo Qian was very anxious, and he didn't care about that much, so he jumped on and dragged the fighter into the cloud...

As a result, another "third contact" incident was born. The pilot was found on a pole a few hundred kilometers away. He was a little confused and the fighter plane was gone.

Because of Luo Qian's whim, he stuffed the fighter into the cabin of the candle dragon boat—the only place that could hold such a big thing. Luo Qian smiled in his heart: Xiao Xiangzi is quite busy now. Since the sniper rifle can be turned into a fairy weapon, why can't a fighter jet? Of course, the two are not a heavyweight, but it doesn't matter. Luo Qian can wait and take his time one part by one.

Landing leisurely on the seashore of the British Isles, Luo Qian thought of numerous secret agents in his mind. This is really Bond's hometown, but he can't remember which street MI6 is on...

Plan A, infiltrate MI6 in England, steal secret computer data, and search for related cloning technology-failed.

If plan A fails, plan B will naturally be launched. But, but Luo Qian doesn't have Plan B, what should I do? He stood on the streets of London, holding an umbrella, cursing the **** London weather in his heart.

There is a library, free access to information on the Internet, and Luo Qian opened a Google search to find medical institutions that provide organ cultivation across the UK. Not to mention, this trick is really good, hit the Enter key, and soon there will be rows of hospital names.

Luo Qian checked one by one, and found the most expensive one-the experience of the lower realm. The most expensive may not be the best, but it may be the best. The cheapest is certainly not the best.

This hospital is located in a small city in southern England. Luo Qian used a public phone to call a taxi and took him there.

The outside of the hospital looks like a sanatorium, with a few low-rise buildings hidden among the green trees. You can get an overview of the entire research institute when you explore it with your senses. On the top floor of the last small building, the most people gathered, it seems that the research institute of the institute is located there.

Putting an invisibility spell on himself, Luo Qian swaggered in. Gods have their own magical powers. Going upstairs in an open manner, following behind several researchers, passing through strict security checks with ease, Luo Qian entered a very modern hall.

All kinds of sophisticated medical equipment filled this wide hall, and the doctors who had gone through the whole body sterilization treatment performed their duties and were busy with their work in an orderly manner. Luo Qian couldn't see any way out, but he saw one thing: a computer. Obviously important information is stored through this computer. A USB flash drive is plugged into the computer with a fingerprint lock on it.

As long as you find what you need, the next thing will be easy. In less than half a day, Luo Qian has already carried a complete set of information, soaring thousands of miles above the English Channel. Before leaving, Luo Qian set a "little fireball" to torch all the research equipment and materials of the institute-he was really unbearable. Human ears grow on mice and human eyes grow on pigs...

Because he was unwilling to be the second hapless pilot and added a "third contact" experience, Luo Qian was cautious on the way back-he had to return to China and find someone to translate these professional skills into Chinese.

Along the way, wherever the clouds are thick, he will fly. The volley is called "the world's number one slow move" in the immortal realm, but it is faster than the rocket when it reaches the lower realm. In the blink of an eye, he was over the European continent. At this moment, Luo Qian felt very upset. If you find yourself being followed, you won't be happy. If you find yourself being blatantly followed by a group of people... then it is not stalking, it is "hunting and killing".

Dignified fairy, how could he be hunted down in the lower realm? Even if Luo Qian was in the fairy world, he was not so miserable. Therefore, he decided to stop and teach the bird-man admirers behind him who do not know the heights of the sky.

This is the most prosperous place in the European continent, where the power of the church is huge. The few people chasing after him are indeed full of holy power, holding sacred objects of light, and wearing blessed armor. Of course, these things are nothing but a bunch of waste for the Luo immortals who have to bargain in front of the Western gods. Copper and rotten iron.

"Your Excellency, do you really think that there is no one in the West? But have you forgotten the agreement two thousand years ago?" said the leading red-robed bishop, speaking fluent Chinese. Luo Qian was taken aback, and said in his heart: I just charged you through the hard work of Level 4 Chinese, we are not embarrassed to kill you.

Luo Qian didn't know the current situation in the East and West of the Lower Realm: it was economical and developed, and the less space and resources that could be provided to cultivators. In order to compete for limited space and resources, the relationship between East and West monks became increasingly tense~www.wuxiaspot. com ~ Eastern monks have always been unconstrained, and the agreement two thousand years ago is even less worth mentioning. In recent years, Eastern cultivators have continued to break into the sphere of influence of the West. In addition to ancient Chinese cultivators, there are cultivators from India, Iran and other countries. Eastern cultivators have varied and varied methods, especially Chinese ancient cultivators. Cultivation, a person who often looks very kind, can bring down a group of bird worshipers with a whip. The face of Western cultivators was greatly damaged.

Today, these people are all high-ranking figures of the Holy See. In order to save face, the Holy See also re-established its image in the eyes of supporters. After planning for several years and putting it for a long time, it finally seized an opportunity and caught Luo Qian." "Unlucky" Eastern cultivator.

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Don't look at these people pretending to be relaxed, in fact, the equipment is already the best of the Holy See. Despite the sacred power attached to it, it is not as good as the golden conch in Luo Qian's out-of-object space that he was going to be a chamber pot - this golden conch was the first time Luo Qian went to the immortal world and picked it up. One didn't know what it was for. One night, urinating urgently, on a whim, he actually used it as a chamber pot, and found that the effect was quite good. Because the object can be large or small, the opening is spacious and very convenient. In addition, the water of urine is injected, and the echo of the conch is as beautiful as a music box!

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