Immortal Road

Text Chapter 15 Night Raid (Part 2)

"I'm afraid the three Taoists are using me to get rid of this person on purpose. Since your goal has been achieved, and this person should be worth a lot of money. Although you are not few in number, your cultivation is one level lower than mine, not to mention that I have four puppets. If we fight to the death, even if I die, I am sure to kill one of you. I think we should just say goodbye." Ishikawa said coldly.

"Brother, forget it!" The female cultivator seemed to have some intention of retreating.

"It's too easy for him to let him go. Hand over the spirit stones on your body, and then hand over the golden book, and you can leave."

"As long as the spirit stones, no problem." Ishikawa laughed and waved his hand. Eight pointed shuttle-shaped objects flew out from Ishikawa's sleeves. This is the most skilled magic weapon refined by Ishikawa, the mother and child shuttle. The mother shuttle can control eight child shuttles.

Ishikawa let the four nearly collapsed puppets block the three people, and he controlled the eight child shuttles to fight with the three people.

For a while, the three people could not gain any advantage.

Ishikawa also saw that the woman didn't seem to want to attack Ishikawa, but just wanted to protect herself. Ishikawa simply transferred the main attack force to one of the fourth-level Qi training cultivators.

The pressure on the two fourth-level Qi training male cultivators increased immediately.

"Junior sister, if you don't fight the enemy with all your strength, don't blame me for not giving you the antidote." A fourth-level Qi training male cursed, passing through the obstruction of four puppets and rushing towards Ishikawa.

He also found that Ishikawa used the mother-and-child shuttle to fight with them at a distance, which consumed very little spiritual power. After half an hour, they would probably be exhausted and defeated without fighting. So fighting with Ishikawa in close combat is the fastest way.

Ishikawa showed a sneer on his face, while controlling the four puppets to firmly surround another fourth-level Qi training male cultivator. He faced him head-on.

"Boy, you are really not afraid of death!" The cultivator shouted, stabbing Ishikawa's chest with a sword, with a vicious smile on his mouth.

To his surprise, Ishikawa didn't dodge at all.

With a "bang" sound, the monk's sword broke into two pieces.

Before the surprise on his face disappeared, his chest was pierced by Ishikawa's black iron sword.

He couldn't understand why the sword didn't cause any harm to Ishikawa.

In fact, this was a plan that Ishikawa had made from the beginning. Ishikawa first tested the power of his flying sword with the mother-and-child shuttle, and felt that it was slightly inferior to the mother-and-child shuttle. The mother-and-child shuttle's full-strength attack could not break the defense of Ishikawa's protective armor, so Ishikawa decided to fight this. As long as this monk was killed, the remaining monk could be easily dealt with.

As for the female cultivator, Ishikawa didn't take it to heart, because she never attacked Ishikawa head-on from beginning to end.

"Ah! Junior Sister Qiu, you attacked me!" The other man hadn't recovered from the death of his companion, and he found that the female cultivator actually attacked him.

The sudden rebellion of the female cultivator surprised and delighted Ishikawa. Ishikawa quickly manipulated the mother-and-child shuttle and four puppets to coordinate with the female cultivator's attack. The two of them were very tacitly coordinated, and in an instant, the male cultivator had no power to resist.

"This senior brother, junior sister Qiu, spare my life. I am willing to leave the storage bag behind. I hope you two will let me live." Seeing that things were not going well, the male cultivator quickly begged for mercy.

"Today, either you die or I die!" The female cultivator seemed to be full of rage.

Ishikawa had a blank expression. Since he had already killed two people, this one was not a big deal.

"You dare to kill me! I am the direct disciple of the elder of the Fire Spirit Sect."

"Puff!" The female cultivator stabbed the male cultivator in the chest with a sword, and Ishikawa's mother-and-child shuttle came in response, piercing the male cultivator's chest with eight large holes.

"Qiu Yun, you..." The male cultivator died before he could finish his last sentence.

Without saying a word, Qiu Yun immediately searched his body, took out a small bottle from the storage bag, and swallowed the pills in it impatiently.

Ishikawa had no ill feelings towards this woman, and finally the two of them joined forces to kill the male cultivator. From their few conversations, Ishikawa felt that the female cultivator must have been coerced by the two.

Ishikawa collected the puppet with only a skeleton left, and then collected the storage bags on the two corpses. Just as he was about to ask Qiu Yun how to deal with the three corpses, he didn't expect Qiu Yun to walk towards him.

Even with a face towel, Ishikawa could notice Qiu Yun's long eyelashes and a pair of big eyes that could speak.

Qiu Yun's breath seemed a little hurried, and her eyes became blurred.

"You go quickly, I'll deal with this." Qiu Yun gritted her teeth and said a few words abruptly.

"What's wrong with you?" Ishikawa noticed that Qiu Yun's skin color slowly emerged a pink, and she also exuded a fragrant smell.

Before Ishikawa could react, Qiu Yun had already started to remove her face towel, then her top, and then her skirt. After a while, a woman who shocked Ishikawa appeared in front of him.

Qiu Yun looked about 16 or 17 years old, but her body had almost developed. Her white jade body made Ishikawa breathe quickly.

Ishikawa, but the smell from Qiu Yun made Ishikawa unable to move at all.

"Aphrodisiac!" This thought immediately popped up in Ishikawa's mind, and this was definitely a very effective drug. Maybe it was made by an alchemist in the Qi training stage, otherwise it would not have such a strong effect just by smell. Qiu Yun must have been looking for some medicine just now, but she mistook this drug for an antidote.

Ishikawa quickly circulated the spiritual power in his dantian to resist the onset of the drug, but what made Ishikawa depressed was that in the fight just now, Ishikawa had exhausted almost all of his spiritual power. Now he could only barely keep his mind clear, and he didn't even have the strength to turn around and leave.

Qiu Yun, who had swallowed the drug directly, seemed to be unconscious. Now she had no sense of shame and hugged Ishikawa gently and took off his clothes one by one.

Although Ishikawa was only thirteen years old, he had been walking in the mountains for many years and was like a teenager of fifteen or sixteen years old. In Shijia Village, there were many people who got married at this age. He knew a little about the affairs of men and women, but this was the first time he was so close to a woman.


When Ishikawa woke up, Qiu Yun had already put on her clothes and looked at Ishikawa coldly. The three bodies on the ground had disappeared. I guess Qiu Yun had just dealt with them.

Ishikawa immediately broke out in a cold sweat. If this woman had bad intentions, Ishikawa would have been beheaded long ago.

"Are you awake?" Qiu Yun asked coldly.

Ishikawa nodded while tidying up his clothes.

"Today's incident should be treated as if it never happened. You have never seen me, and I have never seen you. As for the three of them, we have never seen each other either." Qiu Yun looked at Ishikawa with a lot of resentment.

Ishikawa could not help but smile bitterly. Although it seemed that Ishikawa had taken advantage of this incident, in fact, Ishikawa had suffered a great loss. He had experienced such an inexplicable incident.

Ishikawa looked at the sky, which was already slightly bright. In another hour, the mortals who delivered the food would go up the mountain. If they hurried at full speed, they should be able to make it back.

After counting, the two of them had actually been lingering here for an hour.

"Then, Junior Sister, I'll go first. See you later..." Ishikawa bowed his hands, but he didn't say "see you later" because Qiu Yun said that what happened today should be treated as if it had never happened.

Ishikawa had an inexplicable feeling in his heart, and he wanted to say a lot to Qiu Yun, but he couldn't. Qiu Yun's cold attitude made Ishikawa not open his mouth after all. He turned his head and quickly rushed towards the direction of Shuilingmen.

After Ishikawa left, the coldness on Qiu Yun's face immediately disappeared, revealing a trace of resentment. Until Ishikawa's back disappeared from her sight, she sighed softly and turned away.


Ishikawa hurried and finally returned to Shuilingmen when it was slightly light.

Back to his room, Ishikawa carefully checked and found that there was no change. The letter he left was still there, and there was no sign of being moved, which was enough to prove that no one had come in.

Ishikawa quickly burned the letter to avoid any future troubles.

After doing all this, Ishikawa immediately sat in meditation and breathed, and he didn't even have time to open the storage bag he had just obtained. The fight had consumed a lot of Ishikawa's spiritual power. Where did Ishikawa come from? Ishikawa almost used up all his spiritual power. Now his whole body seemed to be falling apart.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Before Ishikawa had even completed a cycle of circulation, there was a fierce knock on the door outside the room.

Ishikawa was startled, and his face immediately became uncertain. Although Ishikawa was not accepted by the people in the weapon refining workshop, he was at least an ordinary deacon. Ordinary disciples would never dare to knock on the door like this.

Then there were Fatty Hong and Cui San who dared to do this, but getting up so early was not their style. Could it be that Elder Yun summoned him? Ishikawa opened the door with a puzzled look on his face.

What surprised Ishikawa was actually a strange inner disciple, with the cultivation level of the fourth level of the Qi training period. And next to him was an old acquaintance of Ishikawa, Huang Shulang.

"Brother Hua, he is Ishikawa." Huang Shulang said with a flattering smile. It seems that the status of the visitor is not low.

"You are Shichuan, from Shijia Village?" asked the cultivator surnamed Hua in a cold voice.

"Yes, I wonder what you want from me?" Shichuan was neither humble nor arrogant.

"How dare you, an outer disciple, not even calling an inner disciple "brother", do you want to rebel?" Huang Shulang was like a mad dog, as long as the cultivator surnamed Hua gave an order, he would rush over.

"Brother?" Shichuan sneered, "We outer disciples fetch water and chop wood every day, refine weapons and make treasures, all to serve you inner disciples, and we don't even have the most basic formulas for cultivating immortals, calling you "brother" is too much of a compliment to ourselves."


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