Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1018 Ikari Yuantang’s proposal

Ikari Yuantang placed the POSS, looked at Lin Youde, and asked.

"Lieutenant Colonel Lin Youde, may I ask about the purpose of your coming here this time?"

Lin Youde replied on the spot: "Of course, no problem."

"This time, I led the special operations force "Londo Bell" of the Human Revolutionary Unity to come here to eliminate all human enemies entrenched in the old Neon Islands. "

"The first task of our team is to regain the lost territory of the Neon Islands, which has been occupied for many years."

"Although our human innovation unity is large, no piece of territory is redundant."

"Any territory taken away by the enemy will be regained by us sooner or later."

"And today is the day to complete this mission of human revolutionary integration as a military force."

"Secondly, we will rescue all our own people who are trapped in the Third New Tokyo City, and we will eliminate any enemies who stand in their way."

"Whether it is the apostles or the army of the Free Federation, anyone who blocks us from completing these two goals will be defeated by us."

"In addition, I have been promoted from colonel to colonel."

Ikari Yuantang twitched his eyebrows and his voice rose slightly.

"Oh? Does the unity have such strength now?"

Lin Youde smiled and said: "You should have discovered the defeat of Thunder Angel and Water Angel in the Third New Tokyo City, right?"

"Isn't seeing this enough to give you enough confidence in our actions?"

After Ikari Yuantang was silent for a while, he sighed: "Not to mention your ridiculously huge battleship and its main gun, which is so powerful that it can destroy Thunder Angel with one shot."

"Just because you are able to bring the Demon Robot and the Getter Robot here, I can roughly guess that the United Alliance may have mastered its own super-type robot manufacturing capabilities."

"Not to mention that you also possess the strange power called the BGM field. With the blessing of this power, your combat effectiveness will probably be even stronger."

"And except for this huge flying dragon, it seems that you have not sent out any aircraft that can inspire the field of BGM."

"I am very happy to witness your plan to wipe out the apostles and regain the lost territory, and I think it is highly feasible."

"As the supreme commander of the NERV base, I am honored to express my gratitude to your army on behalf of all the citizens of Third New Tokyo City for your rescue."

"We, the citizens of New Tokyo City, want to return to the unified land day and night and live a normal life."

"But for the apostle, I hope your army can hand over the final blow, which is the destruction of the N2 core, to our EVA."

Lin Youde's eyebrows twitched: "Oh? What should I say?"

Ikari Yuantang explained: "After your army left, we here also conducted some research on matters in the BGM field based on the information you left before."

"So we feel that since the black box body has the characteristics to stimulate this unique ability in the BGM field."

"Then the EVAs we have here should probably have similar capabilities. After all, these EVAs are all special bodies released from the black boxes."

"And what we discovered together with several EVA black boxes was a document called the Dead Sea Document, which is similar to a prophecy."

"Although the things in that prophecy are completely unrelated to our situation, they are completely inconsistent with it."

"But some of the things recorded above seem to be useful for reference."

"According to the records in that prophecy, the EVA released from the black box seems incomplete."

"If EVA wants to become a complete body, it needs the core of the apostle, the N2 mechanism."

"So, our researchers here speculate that if EVA wants to use the BGM field and become a complete body, does it need to let EVA obtain the N2 mechanism according to the prophecy?"

"Because according to the prophecy recorded in the Dead Sea Script, EVA seems to have the ability to use the N2 mechanism owned by the defeated apostle for its own use."

"The specific method of using it for personal use is not mentioned in the Dead Sea Documents."

"Therefore, we want to try to let EVA carry out the final blow and see if we can make something in the N2 mechanism be absorbed by EVA."

"After all, we haven't figured out which part of the N2 mechanism is needed by EVA. Because before today, we were not able to defeat any apostle by relying on EVA."

"And the N2 mechanism is something like a heart when the apostles are active. How to get such a big thing into EVA's body is also a problem."

After hearing what Ikari Yuantang said, Lin Youde's face showed a look of surprise.

"I see, is there such a thing?"

On the surface, he pretended to be surprised, but in his heart, Lin Youde's thoughts were racing.

The Dead Sea Documents are what are left behind by the aliens who created mankind in the original book "EVA".

That thing seems to record EVA and the apostles, and it seems to have some kind of ability to summon the apostles to come.

For the specific situation, Lin Youde has not studied the detailed settings and is not sure about some details.

But the things recorded in the Dead Sea Documents are definitely things from the last era, when Nanbu Kyousuke and others were active.

After many parallel worlds merged and were destroyed together.

The records in the so-called Dead Sea Documents no longer have much significance for this era.

This is probably one of the reasons why Ikari Yuantang regards the Dead Sea Document as a prophetic book that is of little use and can only be used for reference.

After all, he has a harmonious family now, and his wife and children are all here. There is no need to pursue anything that will make all humans on the planet turn into orange juice and their consciousnesses will become one human being.

Ikari Yuantang, who is still considered a normal person now and has a wife and children to care about, is not a lunatic. Naturally, he would not want to carry out the so-called human completion plan.

Therefore, Lin Youde believes that what Yingyuantang said now should be credible.

In fact, regardless of whether it is the animation, theater version, or movie version, EVA Unit 1 killed the Water Angel in a berserk state at the beginning and ate its N2 mechanism.

Having worked on the original work, Lin Youde doesn't think that he can turn the world around just by giving EVA an N2 mechanism.

And now in EVA are his Ikari Yuantang's son, daughter, future daughter-in-law and many other people who need to be cherished.

Unless he was crazy, he would sacrifice his son and daughter while his wife was still alive.

Therefore, Lin Youde felt that Qingyuantang's proposal might be feasible.

In addition, the black box EVA does not require external energy and can move infinitely like a perpetual motion machine. It also completely cuts off the ability of EVA to run wild when it runs out of power.

The deified EVA Unit 1 appeared after reaching the extreme state of violence.

Since there is currently no way to make EVA Unit 1 run away without power, Lin Youde thinks that he can try Ikari Yuantang's proposal.

Anyway, the last blow of Water Angel was already completed by EVA Unit 1.

It doesn't hurt to let a few other EVAs try it again.

Even if all the EVA goes wild, it won't be a big problem.

That's awesome, let's combine the Dragon Tiger King and SRX and beat them up.

On my side, there is now a real god sitting here.

With this in mind, Lin Youde replied: "I understand, after the apostle is defeated, I will let EVA do the final touch-up."

"But Commander Ikari Yuantang, are you sure that just letting EVA kill the apostle will be enough?"

"Are you sure you didn't let EVA eat the apostle's N2 mechanism?"

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