Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1032 Meeting the mother-in-law

Yes, just to meet my mother-in-law.

When the entire Aquamarine Star was exposed due to the Feilong Kai, it was the time when it entered the field of vision of countries around the world and caused all kinds of commotion and attention.

Lin Youde was not at the Lin Research Institute, not even in City B, but at the door of Lei Mengmeng's house.

Lin Youde was very worried about his mother-in-law, whom he had never met.

Nothing else, just because she is the mother-in-law of three wives.

Normally, no one can understand this kind of thing.

But Lin Youde happened to encounter a special situation that he would not encounter under ordinary circumstances.

Looking at Lei Mengmeng and Alfemi who were dressed quite casually, and Lei Meng who was dressed quite formally.

Lin Youde swallowed secretly: 'I hope my mother-in-law won't get angry soon. ’

Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng have already told their parents about the parallel world.

Therefore, Lin Youde's father-in-law, Lei Senchuan, and his mother-in-law, who had never met before, already knew each other.

Although Lei Senchuan had met him several times before, he had not been in contact with Lin Youde since he learned about the parallel world.

So Lin Youde didn't know what his father-in-law's situation was now. Even the mother-in-law's current attitude was also in a state of confusion.

Lin Youde had never dared to come to see them because he was not clear about their attitudes.

But now that the Neon Islands have been successfully recovered, the affairs of the Lin Institute have come to an end for the time being.

Everything that should be busy is done, and it is time to face these things.

And after nearly two months passed, Lin Youde felt that even if the father-in-law and mother-in-law were angry, their anger level should not be as high as it was at the beginning.

Therefore, he took advantage of the time before the start of the "True Super Robot Contest" to come to visit, which solved a period of worries that needed to be entangled.

In Lin Youde's uneasy mood, the door of the small villa was opened. Lei Senchuan stood at the inner door of the villa, looking at Lin Youde, Lei Mengmeng, Alufemi, and Lei Meng.

He found that his father was staring at Lin Youde with a dark face. Lei Mengmeng also stood up immediately, put her hands on her hips and said.

"Dad! Didn't you agree not to look down on us?"

Lei Senchuan glanced helplessly at Lei Mengmeng, who was trying to undermine him. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Alfemi running up to him and stretching out her hands to him.

"Dad, give me a hug!"

Looking at Alufimina's little face that looked exactly like Lei Mengmeng's when she was a child, Lei Senchuan, who originally wanted to say a few words, softened on the spot. He picked up Alufemi and spun him around twice before sighing.

"It's been so many years since I hugged Mengmeng. It's really nostalgic."

"I was so cute when I was little, but I don't know when my cuteness disappeared."

"It's all caused by certain people."

Lin Youde sweated on his forehead after hearing this and did not dare to reply.

Lei Mengmeng rolled her eyes after hearing this: "I have always been cute, but you can't find it, dad."

"Also, Dad, how long are you going to block the door? I finally made it home, and you just let me get shut out, right?"

Lei Senchuan put down Alufemi, glared at Lin Youde, then opened the door helplessly and said.

"come in."

Lei Mengmeng snatched Alufemi from Lei Senchuan's hand: "Let's go, let me show you what's going on at home now."

"Compared with when I was a child, there is a huge gap in my family now."

Alufemi asked curiously: "Really? Really?"

Lei Mengmeng held Alufemi's hand and smiled: "Of course, let's go, I will take you to see it."

Lei Mengmeng and Alufemi entered first. Upon seeing this, Lei Meng came to Lei Senchuan and shouted.


Lei Senchuan looked at Lei Meng, who had turned purple hair and was not much more mature than Lei Mengmeng, but could still see the outline of Lei Mengmeng's face. He patted her shoulder and sighed.

"It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back."

"Being alive is better than anything else."

"You are my daughter, no matter which world you come from, this will never change."

"From now on, this is still your home, come in."

Raymond's eyes were a little red, and he hummed and followed in.

Lin Youde cautiously wanted to follow, but when he passed Lei Senchuan, he froze.

Because even if he didn't use the new human telepathy, he could still detect his father-in-law's eyes that were as sharp as knives, which made him break into a cold sweat.


When he heard Lin Youde calling him dad, Lei Senchuan didn't refute anything. He just glared at Lin Youde and said in a deep voice.

"I know it's not your fault, but as a father, I can't handle anything rationally."

"This may be a very selfish way of expressing anger, but that's the kind of person I am, and I never thought that others would understand."

"I will not pursue things in the past. I have already responded to the big girl's world."

"I'm not interested in taking one thing and holding it accountable twice."

"Big girl, you have indeed worked hard, but you are just unlucky. I can also understand that sometimes, things are so helpless."

"So, this matter is over. But, I want to warn you, I hope this kind of thing happens only once."

Lei Senchuan stared at Lin Youde seriously and said solemnly.

"Don't always think about sacrificing yourself to save others."

"Girl is my daughter, and you are also your parents' son."

"Just as I don't want to lose my girl, your parents feel the same way."

"So, don't just think of yourself as the savior all day long."

"No one person can carry a world on his own."

“Even if it’s those Internet cool articles that young people like very much, it’s impossible for the protagonists of those cool articles to make it to the end by themselves.”

Lei Senchuan's warning made Lin Youde silent for a while before he responded.

"Yeah, I know, Dad."

Lei Senchuan snorted and returned.

"I can't discipline the you who is gone. But you are still here, so you have to obey me."

"Big girl is following you now, so don't give me any more messy things to think about."

"I don't care if you do anything else. But I don't allow you to make my three daughters widows. Especially the eldest girl, I don't allow her to be a widow for the second time. So, you understand?"

Lin Youde nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Understand, understand, I will live well."

Lei Senchuan hummed and patted Lin Youde on the back.

"Okay, let's go in."

Following Lei Senchuan into the lobby on the first floor of the villa, Lin Youde saw a beautiful middle-aged woman holding Alufemi, with Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng sitting on the left and right.

When she noticed Lin Youde and Lei Senchuan coming in, the middle-aged beautiful woman raised her head and looked at Lin Youde with complicated eyes.

Lei Senchuan introduced: "Yuko, this is the brat that the girls like."

The beautiful middle-aged woman looked at Lin Youde and whispered: "This is the first time we meet. I am Yuko Mizutani. My daughters are under your care."

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