Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1036 Temptation and Conspiracy

Lin Youde couldn't understand how many super-type machines were summoned in one go.

You must know that although the Holy Spirit System of the Shadow Mirror Force can achieve short-distance space transmission, there will be no attrition.

But after all, this is the hinterland of human innovation and integration, and Emperor Ying Long and the Four Sacred Beasts are still alive.

Under such circumstances, with so many super-type machines sent over, are the Free Federation really not worried that Emperor Ying Long will turn his back and keep all these machines?

Through the introduction of Albero Esther, the captain of the Wolf Howling Force, Lin Youde already knew the world structure before the BGM field. Emperor Yinglong is the only one who is strong.

Even now that there is a BGM field, if you want to compete with Ying Long Huang with only a few super series machines, it will obviously not be shown.

After all, even if the BGM field is opened, Demon God Caesar SKL and his like cannot compete with Ying Long Emperor.

If you want to arm-wrestle with Ying Long Emperor, you must at least bring out the genuine Demon God Caesar.

Otherwise, even Ying Longhuang, who does not have a BGM field, can still defeat Demon God Caesar SKL.

Ying Long Huang's combat power with full firepower is no joke.

It was precisely because of knowing this that Lin Youde was quite puzzled.

Unable to figure it out, Lin Youde asked Lei Senchuan this question.

In response, Lei Senchuan also nodded slightly and responded.

"Well, according to Lao Zhou, the aircraft belonging to the Free Federation that appear on the battlefield can basically expand into the BGM field, and they are all super-type aircraft."

"It is precisely because of this that they were blocked and were unable to wipe out the remnants of the four major families."

"As for why the other party dispatched so many aircraft at once, I have also discussed it with other colleagues."

"Before I came back, my colleagues in the staff came up with a guess."

"It's possible that the other party deliberately sent a sub-top machine to test it."

Lin Youde was stunned for a moment: "Testing?"

Lei Senchuan nodded heavily: "Yes, it's just a test."

"The Dragon King, as the anchor of our unification, has been feared by the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance for many years."

"But after the Dragon King used the Thunder Domain before, both the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance began to spy, wanting to find out what the Dragon King's current status is."

"In their eyes, even the current unity still relies on the protection of the Dragon Emperor to survive to this day, right?"

"If the other party has this idea, they will naturally test it after the Dragon King uses the thunder field with a huge range."

"As long as they find that the Dragon King is not in good condition, they will probably take action."

"After all, the war between our three countries has never ended. Although there have been no large-scale wars in recent years, the conflicts have been limited to small-scale frictions."

"But those two barbarian countries are constantly trying to unite us, so we cannot let down our guard."

"Because of the previous Dimensional Beast War, the national power of the three major countries has been consumed at different levels."

"As the most powerful of the three major countries and the country with the largest number of military-industrial enterprises, the Free Federation must have a huge inventory."

"We have been integrated with the Free Federation in terms of mobile weapons, and have always lagged behind the Free Federation. So even if the Dragon King released the Thunder Domain, most of the facilities in the interior were preserved."

"But the consumption on the border is much higher than that of the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance."

Lin Youde raised his eyebrows: "Our casualties are more than those of the other two countries?"

Lei Senchuan rolled his eyes angrily: "Ah, yes, just listen seriously."

When Lin Youde saw Lei Senchuan's reaction, he still didn't understand why. This was because the war had neglected the situation and was creating a confusing formation to show the enemy's weakness.

Unlike the other two countries, the Dimensional Beast war general on the unified side was killed by Lin Youde immediately, and the Dimensional Beast general was also beheaded and eradicated by Lin Youde later.

Without these two commanders, the unified dimensional beasts are leaderless and fighting on their own.

Coupled with the help of Du Jianlong, Liu Longma, Wang Kai and other civilians, the casualties were definitely higher than those of the other two enemies.

The simplest truth is that long after the battle on the Unified side ended, the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance are still fighting a war of attrition against the Dimensional Beasts.

This time difference determines that the loss of integration cannot be too great.

I believe the Silla Alliance and the Free Federation also understand this.

It's just that the long-term strength and Westerners' unique arrogance and prejudice make those in the Free Federation think that their national strength is still stronger than that of unity.

That’s why you’re getting ready to take action again, right?

"In other words, the group of people who rescued the four major families is not actually the real purpose of the Free Federation."

"What they really want to test is the Dragon King's current background?"

Lin Youde's question made Lei Senchuan nodded slightly and responded.

"Yes, we estimate that the Free Federation's rescue of the remnants of the four major families is probably just incidental. Testing the Dragon Emperor's authenticity is the most important thing."

"After all, they have Demon God Caesar and True Geta whose combat effectiveness is only one step behind the Dragon King."

"As long as the Dragon King is dissatisfied and dares to take action, it is estimated that Demon God Caesar and Zhen Geta will take action, right?"

"This change in the "True Super Robot Contest" is also for this purpose. "

In this regard, Lin Youde remained silent.

He also learned from Albero Esther that the previous Super Robot Competition was completely closed, and only the top leaders of the three major countries could witness and participate in the super-standard event.

This kind of competition between countries, which was originally only held at the top level of the three major countries, is now open to the public.

With such an abrupt change, even a three-year-old child would not believe it if there was nothing wrong with the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance.

Lin Youde was not sure what the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance were planning before.

Now hearing what Lei Senchuan said, Lin Youde felt that this might be another trick by the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance to test the status of Emperor Yinglong.

After all, Emperor Ying Long has participated in this kind of super-standard event every time before, and this time will probably be no exception.

Now Ying Longhuang's condition is obviously not good, but just how bad it is, even Lin Youde is not sure.

In the eyes of people from the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance, as long as Yinglong Emperor's condition is bad enough, he can rely on his special power in the BGM field. Emperor Ying Long, who could not be beaten before, may be defeated head-on this time.

The other party probably made the event public and broadcast it live for this purpose.

As long as Emperor Yinglong is defeated in the live broadcast, it will definitely severely damage the morale of mankind's reform and unity.

‘If this is the case, then the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance have really made a good plan. ’

‘But it’s a pity that I won’t let you get what you want in this competition. ’

‘Whether you are the Demon God Caesar or the True Geta, I will defeat you all this time. ’

Lin Youde now has another reason to win the championship...

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