Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1038 Are you calling me?

Of course, decisions are decisions, and Lin Youde did not get excited and devote himself to charity or anything just because his memories were brought back and he felt melancholy.

Lin Youde just wanted to make up for some regrets in his previous life and try his best to help the people he could see who needed help.

Lin Youde has not forgotten that his real duty now is to gather more power to fight against the demon ZERO and other unknown enemies.

If these enemies are not dealt with, the people of this world will only have a future of destruction.

Lin Youde is still clear about the priority and the priority.

Therefore, Lin Youde just sighed secretly in his heart and warned himself to make up for some regrets in his previous life when he had time, and to do meaningful charity work.

And considering the accumulation of reputation, he and Lin Youde are currently unifying the public image. These things, even if they are just for show, are necessary.

However, Lin Youde did not want to do these things personally.

Now that he is a powerful man, he can just tell others to do these things.

It just so happens that there is a group of people in the institute who are suitable for doing this kind of thing.

The singers in the Diva Project have accumulated popularity. Starting from charity is also a good choice.

By investing a certain amount of money in this area, you can not only gain a good reputation, but also make your singers famous, and you can actually help some people in need.

Such a thing that killed three birds with one stone, Lin Youde felt that it was just in line with his expectations.

‘Then say hello to Lux and Liu Mei and let Lin Mingmei and the others develop in this area. ’

‘A young girl like Lin Mingmei would not refuse such a caring and socially responsible project. ’

While Lin Youde was secretly running the train in his heart, Lin Youde did not forget to respond to Xiangguang's words.

"It seems that you have been through a lot."

"So, how did you find me here?"

"Also, when did you first hear that call?"

Faced with Lin Youde's inquiry, Xiangguang replied without hesitation.

"After all, I am also a boy. Solving my own affairs as much as possible is what a boy should do."

"I don't want my mother to continue to work and run around for me, so I have to find a way on my own."

“I don’t know if it’s because I had this thought in my mind, but the voice that had been calling me intermittently finally answered me one day.”

Lin Youde was slightly surprised: "Did the voice that called you respond to you?"

Xiangguang nodded heavily: "Yes, that's right."

"That was when I was dreaming that night when I made up my mind. I saw and heard the voice calling me in my dream."

"Although I was dreaming at the time, I asked it without thinking, asking where it was. I wanted to find it to solve this problem that had been calling me."

“The voice that called me, heard my words, and pointed the way for me.”

"Although after thinking about it, I can't remember clearly a lot of what that voice said."

"But it said, let me go all the way north."

"I followed its guidance, slipped out of my house, and rode my bicycle all the way north."

"Then, the further north we went, the more obvious the calling voice became. This made me sure that what it said in the dream was true."

"After that, I searched all the way. After searching for a long time, I was sure that the voice calling me was here."

While Lin Youde listened to Xiangguang's words, he looked at the tablet that Lux handed him.

On it, there are records about some recent events in Xiangguang.

No matter it was that Xiangguang's mother was running around anxiously because Xiangguang ran away from home, posting missing persons notices everywhere.

During this week, Xiangguang kept a detailed record of everything he did in various places in the north of city B.

Looking at these things, Lin Youde couldn't help but speak with a slightly admonishing tone.

"Although you are very brave to do this, it is also dangerous for you to act recklessly."

"Do you know that your mother is very worried about you when you run around like this and will look for you anxiously?"

After hearing Lin Youde's admonishment, Xiangguang lowered his head with some remorse.

"Of course I know this."

"But I really don't want to see my mother go around asking for money to treat me."

"From the day the city was shrouded in white fog, from the moment I heard that call, my mother has been worried about me every day."

"So, I have to resolve this matter as soon as possible. Only in this way can my mother return to the way she used to be, where she didn't have to worry too much about me."

Xiangguang's words made Lin Youde nod secretly in his heart and commented: 'He is worthy of being the protagonist of an orthodox super robot animation, with very upright views. Mobility is also very strong. ’

‘The pilot who can pilot the brave Leitin must be a decent protagonist of this standard. ’

Lin Youde complained a little in his heart, and returned to Xiangguang in a very serious manner.

"On your mother's side, I will help you inform her that she doesn't need to worry about you anymore."

"But after that, you have to go back and apologize to your mother properly, you know?"

Hsing Guang nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yes, I will."

After hesitating for a moment, Xiangguang asked: "Um, Mr. Lin Youde, that voice calling me should be here with you, right?"

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "It should be no different."

According to Hibiki, he first heard the call on the day of the native species incident.

After all, City B was shrouded in white mist, and it only happened once since the city was established.

In addition, according to Lux's investigation, Laiting did have some reactions when it came to the native species incident.

Lin Youde also knew that Laiting's driver was named Xiangguang, so the relationship between this could naturally be further determined.

So, with Xiangguang's expectant expression, Lin Youde stood up and said.

"I know roughly what happened to you."

"I'm basically sure who the existence that calls you is."

"Let's go, now go see the existence that has been calling you."

Xiangguang stood up quickly and expected: "Okay, Mr. Lin Youde."

Under the leadership of Lin Youde, Xiangguang was like a curious baby, looking around and following Lin Youde to Warehouse No. 2.

As the hatch opened, the Brave Laitin parked in Warehouse No. 2, the unique 40-meter-long body of the super robot, was revealed in front of Hibiki for the first time.

Witnessing the sound of Leiting's huge body was shocking.

"so big……"

However, before he could finish his words, he, Lin Youde, and the other entourage saw Laiting, who had been motionless and not even started, suddenly turned his head and looked at Xiangguang.

At that moment, Xiangguang heard the familiar call again.

'You are finally here, light...'

Xiangguang looked at the brave Laiting blankly and murmured: "Are you the one calling me..."

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