Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1041 Warning and Admonition

"A chess piece?"

Lin Youde glanced at Kallen who was next to Lelouch. Kallen glanced at Lelouch with a complicated expression and turned her face away unconsciously.

Seeing this, Lin Youde shrugged and replied.

"I can try to help you get it. As long as you are not a minor, it shouldn't be too difficult to be qualified to enter the machine battle."

"After all, we have a harmonious relationship with the United Federation of Islands. If we send you a few authentication codes for landing aircraft, it won't be a big problem."

"But let me say something ugly first. Lelouch, you should also know that the United Islands is currently not qualified to access "Machine War"."

"If you want to get a BGM field that can cover any aircraft, then you can only ask the pilot to collect the BGM field before going back."

Lelouch's expression remained unchanged: "Of course I know this, so during this period, we will stay here temporarily."

Lin Youde was slightly curious: "It has been nearly two months since you left the Principality of Lixent, right?"

"Is it really okay to continue to stay here and not go back?"

Lelouch smiled coldly: "The Principality of Rixent is located in the corner of the United Islands and is not in direct contact with Britannia."

"Therefore, even if it is for the sake of the Union of Islands, the Union of Islands will not let the Brittanian army approach the Principality of Rixent easily."

"In addition, the Principality of Rixent is currently guarded by Demos. Demos is the only machine in the Principality of Rixent that can inspire the field of BGM."

"As long as Deimos is here, the Britannian army will not be an opponent."

"Besides, I said hello to Cornelia when I came out. She will help take care of her, so there is no need to worry."

Hearing this, Lin Youde suddenly felt that although Lelouch's current combat situation was even more bleak than in the original work, there were no chess pieces to use.

But in terms of domestic affairs, he seems to be much more relaxed than in the original work.

After all, in the original work, he almost fought against the entire Britannia on his own.

But now, Cornelia and Clovis are aware of his existence and will take special care of him.

Therefore, in terms of domestic and diplomatic situations, Lelouch is much easier now than in the original work.

This is also the capital that he can freely use now.

In the original work, Lelouch did not have such capital and was in a difficult situation. He dared to leave the base area for more than two months without returning.

‘This is probably the so-called gain and loss, right? ’

Lin Youde sighed a little in his heart and then responded.

"Since you know it yourself, I won't say anything more."

"Just in time, the "True Super Robot Competition" will be held between the three major countries. "

"By then, the top super robots from the three major countries should all participate."

"You can follow along and watch this game, so you can have a clear understanding of what the current top level of Aqua Blue Star's combat power is."

Lelouch raised his eyebrows slightly: "Oh? And this? Well, I am also very curious about the level of super robots currently controlled by the three major countries."

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "Well, let's leave it like this for now. I'll help you apply later. Remember to tell me how many places you need."

"As for how to obtain the BGM field in "Machine War", there are currently detailed strategies on the Internet, you can check it yourself."

Lelouch replied: "I've seen that kind of thing before."

"The current strategies on the Internet only have the most elementary and intermediate methods to obtain them."

"There is no further advanced BGM field at all. In the title-level BGM field, you need to obtain a title first, and the conditions are more stringent."

"Youde, do you have any inside information?"

Lin Youde spread his hands: "You've got the wrong person here. No one in our research institute is studying the BGM field in "Machine War"."

"I am the only one who owns the BGM field in "Machine War"."

"And what I have is a title-level BGM field. I use it naturally after I get the title first."

"So, you can only figure it out on your own in this regard. I can't help you."

The corner of Lelouch's mouth twitched slightly, and he complained secretly: 'I forgot about the problem of Lin Youde's excessive wealth. ’

‘There are a lot of black box bodies in the entire research institute. You can just tap the BGM field in the black box and use it. There is no need to obtain it from “Machine War” at all. ’

‘Because there is an exclusive BGM field for the black box body that can be used, and there is no need to obtain the BGM field from “Mech War” to use. ’

‘Looking at the entire Aqua Blue Star, Lin Youde alone can be so luxurious, right? ’

'Damn it, if I had so many cards, I wouldn't need to be so slow. I would have pulled that curly-haired bastard off his throne long ago. ’

Feeling the resentment conveyed by Lelouch and the resentful look in Lelouch's eyes, Lin Youde could know what he was thinking even if he couldn't read his mind.

In this regard, Lin Youde can only say that this is my primitive accumulation and you cannot envy it.

"Oh~! Good job, Hikari, look at what other weapons Laitin has. Hit those targets a few times to see how accurate and powerful they are."

Outside, Ni Xingxing, Li Te, Robert and others were shouting excitedly, which made Lin Youde take a look and said to Lelouch.

"Then let's do this for now. It's almost time for me to prepare for the "True Super Robot Contest". "

"I'm going to go ahead and won't entertain you. You can just do what you want."

"Oh, by the way, remember not to use your abilities indiscriminately with me. I trust you and that's why I let you stay here and make friends with you."

"Don't do anything that betrays my trust. Trust is hard to build, but easy to destroy."

"You should understand what I mean, right?"

Faced with Lin Youde's warning, Lelouch was startled and suddenly looked at C.C.

C.C shrugged with an innocent expression: "I didn't tell him this. He has his own intelligence channels and may know more than me."

"But your GEASS is useless to him, that's for sure. His new human level is unprecedentedly high, and there are some unconventional humans in this research institute."

"So, you'd better do what he said, it will be better for you."

Kallen looked back and forth between Lin Youde and Lelouch with a confused look on her face: "What are you talking about?"

Lin Youde saw this and suggested to Lelouch: "I think you should tell someone like Kallen about GEASS who is close to you and whom you can trust a little bit."

"I don't know if C.C has told you that your father, Charles D. Brittania, is also a GEASS holder."

"Your ability is not unique, but is held by many people. It's just that each GEASS's ability is different, unique in type, and cannot be repeated."

"So, I advise you to be prepared to be used by others to instigate rebellion."

"After all, your GEASS is very dangerous to ordinary people."

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