Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1043 Competition Location (Happy Children’s Day!)

Dear friends, happy Children’s Day~!

—Text below—

After hearing Gilliam's words, Lin Youde didn't have much emotion, and his reaction was quite dull.

"Is it finally confirmed?"

"So, what are the specific regulations?"

"How many representative teams will each of the three major countries participate in?"

"The time has been set, and you come to me. These things have been set, right?"

Gilliam nodded slightly and responded: "Yes, these things have been decided."

"Originally, Li Xingke came to contact you about these matters, but recently, because the power of the four major families has completely disappeared in the unified country, he has a lot of things over there and has no time."

"So I took the initiative to ask Ying to come and contact you."

"And because we contacted each other last time, the superiors also felt that I was a suitable candidate, so they sent me here."

"So far, except for you, no one knows that I am an existence from the other side of the world. I hope you will continue to hide this."

Lin Youde responded on the spot: "No problem, I don't want to be exposed to the fact that there are insiders in the intelligence department."

Kiliam smiled: "It's best if you can understand. Although there is some age difference between you and me, you are essentially the same person. I can trust you."

"Then, let's get down to business and talk about the "True Super Robot Contest." "

"The competition will be held on May 25th, and the venue will be the Neon Islands."

Lin Youde was stunned for a moment: "Huh? The event is held at the Neon Islands? Why there? Didn't they just come back from the fight?"

Kiliam replied: "Yes, it is precisely because we have just regained the lost territory that the location was determined there."

"The specific regulations of the competition have not been finalized before. It is because of the issue of the venue that the three major countries have been arguing."

"After all, among the participants this time, there will be the strongest machines from each country participating."

"Gathering the strongest machines from the three major countries together, even if they don't fight, no country can rest assured."

"Once it breaks out, it will definitely be a devastating blow."

"In addition, none of the three major countries can trust the other, so choosing no man's land is the best choice."

"The newly conquered Neon Islands are a very good location."

"First of all, except for the people in the Third New Tokyo City, there are currently no other people living in the Old Neon Islands. It is a complete no-man's land."

"Secondly, the Neon Islands are territory belonging to our country, and they have been living outside before. After finally recovering them, it is a good claim to take this opportunity to announce to the world that this homeland has been regained by us."

"So after you conquered the old Neon Islands, this matter was brought up by us. What Zhao Zheng wants is probably to use the general trend to force the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance to recognize that the Neon Islands are once again owned by our country."

"And the Neon Islands are very close to the mainland of our country. If something happens, the inland base can provide quick support."

"On the contrary, it will probably be more difficult for the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance to do something because they are too far apart."

"In short, the above has considered a lot and wants to maximize the use of your regaining the lost ground to build momentum."

"According to what Li Xingke said when I came here, Zhao Zheng seems to want to continue to promote you to a higher military rank to prepare for your trip to the universe."

"There is news from the intelligence department that the Silla Alliance's Caesar, also known as Nadeshiko A, has been repaired and is scheduled to depart for Mars in the second half of this year."

"Maybe your schedules may collide, so the promotion of military rank can be regarded as a kind of insurance."

"The first level of official rank kills people. In diplomatic situations, the level of military rank will also have some other effects."

Gilliam's words made Lin Youde fall into deep thought.

"I generally understand what Zhao Zheng means. I don't have any objections to his decision. After all, politics is not what I am good at. He has his own considerations, so it is naturally the best."

"But, Kiliam, I'm curious, where was this peak showdown between the three major countries held?"

"Why is this debate taking so long? It has been a month since we said we would hold a competition before and it has been officially confirmed now. Isn't it too long?"

Kiliam replied: "The previous non-public competitions were held on a special colonial satellite in the universe."

"That colonial satellite was specially built for competitions of this level, and was heavily guarded in order to keep it secret. It is usually jointly patrolled by the space armies of various countries, and no one is allowed to participate except in competitions."

"Originally, in this competition, we would also use the colonial satellite to compete."

"But this particular satellite had an accident two years ago, causing the main building to be completely destroyed and rendered unusable."

"The colonial satellite is already expensive to build and cannot be repaired but can only be rebuilt."

“And when it comes to reconstruction, it’s natural that there’s an issue of money.”

"The leaders of the three major countries are arguing over who will pay."

"We, the United Federation and the Free Federation, have been asking the Silla Alliance to pay for it, but the Silla Alliance is completely unwilling and wants the three major countries to share equally. Until now, there is no conclusion, so naturally the reconstruction has not been completed."

Lin Youde was a little confused: "Why is this happening? Why do we and the Free Federation unanimously ask the Silla Alliance to pay for it? Does the damage of the satellite have anything to do with the Silla Alliance?"

Gilliam's expression was a little strange: "You say it doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter. After all, it was not a human-controllable accident."

"But if you say it has nothing to do with it, that matter was indeed caused by the Silla Alliance."

In Lin Youde's confused expression, Kiliam asked: "Do you remember the Kado who drove the Gundam GP02?"

Lin Youde nodded: "Of course I remember this. After all, that was the guy who used a nuclear bomb for the first time in the game... Wait a minute, you mean?"

In Lin Youde's surprised expression, Kiliam shrugged and said, "Yes, the meteorite that destroyed the Silla Alliance Space Base happened to be near the competition venue."

"The meteorite that suddenly appeared penetrated the playing field on the spot, and then smashed through part of the Silla Alliance Space Fortress base."

"This is one of the reasons why this matter attracted so much attention in the first place, because those who are truly informed know how much this accident cost the three major countries."

Lin Youde nodded: "So that's what happened."

Kiliam shrugged: "Anyway, that's what happened."

"Zhao Zheng set the competition venue at the Neon Islands, in addition to preventing the Silla Alliance and the Free Federation from doing any disgusting tricks near the competition venue."

"I personally think that he still wants to use this incident to attract people and the world's attention to the Neon Islands, and to contribute to the reconstruction and revitalization of the Neon Islands."

When Lin Youde heard this, he couldn't help but sigh: "After all, he is the one in charge, he has so many things to think about. He must be quite tired at ordinary times..."

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