Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 105 Let Nanayi fall in love with Lin Youde?

Lin Youde's words made Kasbal look equally sad.

"Tell me, if Nanay were to kill me once in the game, would she be discouraged?"

Lin Youde rubbed his eyebrows: "I don't think it's realistic."

"If she can let go of her hatred by just killing you once in the game, you won't have the mission you have now."

"And Char, don't forget, there was another person in Nanay's body in the game before."

Kasbal was stunned for a moment, and his expression became serious: "You mean, the real "dead spirit of the Zabi family" is haunting Nanay? "

"Nanayi encountered the same experience as us before?"

Lin Youde drank tea: "Probably, otherwise there is really no way to explain why her body allows us to sense the existence of two people."

"And now through your mission, we also know that she also has an independent title like us, right?"

Kaspar nodded: "Indeed, Nanay is a new human being like us, and she also has a title. This explanation is indeed the most reasonable."

"Wait a minute, if that's the case. Can we think differently?"

Lin Youde's eyebrows twitched: "Change your thinking? How?"

Casbar pondered: "We can't make Nanay let go of her hatred for me now, but we may be able to use the characteristics of our new humans to talk directly to the "dead man of the Zabi family". "

"If we can make the "Dead Man of the Zabi Family" give up Nanai, can we also make Nanai lose her title to achieve the mission requirements? "

"In fact, didn't you do it before? Use the new Gundam to stop Nanay and the "Zabi family undead". "

Lin Youde's mouth twitched: "That's not all my fault. In fact, something similar to before happened on my side at that time."

"It was another being possessing me that stopped Haman."

“I may not be able to do it again on my own.”

"And so far, our contact with those beings has been passive. We are not sure how to take the initiative to talk to them, right?"

Casbal was stunned for a moment: ‘Haman? Does it mean "the ghosts of the Zabi family"? Could it be that Nanay, like me, also changed her name because of her title? ’

After muttering in his mind, Kaspar responded: "But the problem is, we have no other way now, right?"

As he said this, Casbar suddenly rolled his eyes and looked Lin Youde up and down, making Lin Youde, who was drinking tea, feel uncomfortable for a while.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Amuro, do you think that if Nanay falls in love with you, will she not have time to seek revenge from me and give up her hatred?"


Kasbar's words directly insulted Lin Youde who was drinking tea on the spot.

Kaspar was no doubt a new human being. He evaded the water spray attack with a flexible dodge.

But the attack of sharp and murderous eyes that followed made Kasbal lean back slightly and cast a sidelong glance at Lei Mengmeng with lingering fear. He looked back at Lin Youde who kept patting his chest to slow down his breathing.

After a while, Lin Youde came to his senses and stared at Casbar.

"What's your bad idea? Let Nanay fall in love with me? Are you pushing me into a pit of fire?"

Kaspar tried hard not to look at Lei Mengmeng, and ignored Lei Mengmeng's murderous eyes.

"How can it be a fire pit? Nanai is very beautiful and cute."

"I still have photos here of when I took photos with Nanay. Look."

Pull out the photo, turn the virtual screen, and show it to Lin Youde.

Lin Youde took a look, nodded slightly, and responded: "It's indeed cute, but..."

Lin Youde secretly glanced at Lei Mengmeng, who was staring at Casbar with a fierce look in his eyes. Lin Youde pretended to be calm and shook his head.

"This is not realistic, let alone whether Nanayi may fall in love with me."

"No one can guarantee that she will give up her hatred because of this kind of thing."

"And this is your business now and has nothing to do with me."

"What if she doesn't hate you but hates me because of this matter, wouldn't I be wronged?"

"Compared to this, I think your previous proposal is more feasible."

Glancing at Lei Mengmeng, whose eyes were slightly softer, Lin Youde breathed a sigh of relief.

After hearing this, Casbar nodded slightly.

"That's true, but I think both of them can give it a try. After all, don't you have a saying in your union that you can't hang eggs on a tree?"

Lin Youde's face was full of dark lines: "It's "You can't put all your eggs in one basket." "

Casbar nodded repeatedly: "Yes, that's it. In short, that's what I mean. Amuro, if you can help me complete this task, I will do my best to thank you."

Lin Youde did not respond.

Kaspar didn't know that Lin Youde also had a mission to stop Nanay and Haman.

So even if Casbar doesn't pay him, Lin Youde will do it.

But now that people are willing to pay, then the reward must be carefully discussed.

Glancing at Lei Mengmeng who had a fierce look next to him, Lin Youde replied: "Okay, let me think about it. After all, this matter..."

He winked at Casbar. Casbar followed Lin Youde's eyes, glanced at Lei Mengmeng, and responded understandingly.

"Of course, we are good friends now. I am always waiting for your answer."


Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng withdrew from the private area, leaving Casbar sitting alone in the courtyard drinking tea. After a long time, he let out a deep sigh.


Lin Youde's Gnaku.

"Youde, how do you plan to deal with this matter? Could it be that you really plan to go with that woman as the guy said..."

Before Lei Mengmeng finished speaking, Lin Youde's head shook like a rattle.

"No, no, I don't have that thought."

"I don't have a clue at the moment. I can only follow what Casbar said at the beginning and try to communicate with Haman to see if I can get her to give up Nanay Miguel."

As he said this, Lin Youde suddenly said to Lei Mengmeng.

"By the way, Mengmeng, how much do you know about the Daken family?"

"Although I don't know how to complete this task at the moment. But we have to negotiate the lowest price with him first."

"Now that he has taken the initiative to ask us for help, we have to blackmail him severely."

Lei Mengmeng nodded and responded: "That's true, but I don't know much about the Daken family. I'll ask Li Te to check it out later and see what good things I can get from him."

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