Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1046 Candidates for Team Gundam

Faced with Lin Youde's inquiry, Kiliam replied.

"Well, according to Li Xingke, DC plans to launch a coup at some point after the competition."

"Gulan Sen will be parked at the headquarters of the DC Army as a deterrent to deter certain people in the Silla Alliance."

"Many people in the Silla Alliance now know that the DC army is about to launch a coup. It is impossible for everyone to take no action."

"It's just that no one dares to act rashly in the face of Gu Lansen's absolute suppression."

"By the way, according to the information I got from Bai Hechou himself in other parallel worlds, the Gulanson in Bai Hechou's hands was built by him and Dr. Bean on his own, and it is not a black box machine."

Lin Youde was stunned for a moment: "That is to say..."

Gilliam nodded slightly: "If the black box Gulanson exists, it must be somewhere now and has not been discovered or activated yet."

"But even if it's not Black Box Gulansen, now Bai Hechou has obtained his exclusive BGM field from "Machine War"."

"At this level alone, Bai Hechou and Gu Lansen still have absolute suppressive power."

"At this stage, if you have nothing to do, don't try to tease that guy Bai Hechou, or he will fall over."

Lin Youde rolled his eyes after hearing this: "Why should I provoke Bai Hechou when I have nothing to do? I'm not Masaki, and I have no obsession with Bai Hechou."

Gilliam smiled: "Speaking of Masaki, he should be from the surface world at this time."

"I just don't know where he and Sebastian are now."

Lin Youde shrugged: "Don't talk about this kind of thing. If we meet him one day, let him leave his contact information."

"It's unrealistic to go out of your way to find him. It depends on luck."

Kiliam smiled and said, "That's right."

Lin Youde asked: "Are there any other machines in the Silla Alliance worth noting?"

Gilliam shook his head: "I'm not sure about the rest. The Silla Alliance is currently in chaos, and there isn't much information available."

"But I think there is a high possibility that the Earth God of the Silla Alliance will participate in the war, and maybe I, Duan Kong, Nova will also participate."

"As for whether the BGM field of these two airframes is the exclusive BGM field of the black box itself, or whether it is the mass-produced version obtained from "Machine War", it is unknown."

Lin Youde pondered: "As far as the current situation is concerned, the one we need to be particularly careful about is the Free Federation, right?"

Kiliam responded: "Yes, as a veteran power, the Free Federation has basically come out on top in the previous competitions."

"They have too many Pillar God-level black box machines. Whether it is the two Zhenge Towers or the original Demon God Caesar, they are all standard Zhenguo-level machines."

"The Black Box Demon Z and Demon Caesar SKL are Pillar God-level machines."

"Just by virtue of absolute suppression in quantity and quality, the previous Human Innovation Union and the Silla Alliance cannot compare."

"The Human Revolutionary Union has the only emperor-level Yinglonghuang, but it does not have a country-level machine. It only has four pillar-level four holy beasts. There is a gap in strength."

"The Silla Alliance has the country-level Earth God and a large number of Pillar God-level Black Box Grungast series, Varsion, and Varsioni. Among the Pillar God-level ones, they have the largest number."

"So in terms of overall strength, the Free Federation has always been the strongest."

"However, this is only temporary."

Kiliam looked at Lin Youde with a smile. Lin Youde smiled and said without answering.

"It seems that this competition will not be as easy as expected. I have to make some preparations."

Kiliam smiled and asked, "Can I help you with anything?"

Lin Youde asked back: "Can you take your original undead soul to participate in the competition in person?"

Kiliam waved his hands repeatedly: "Then forget it."

Lin Youde rolled his eyes: "Isn't that okay?"

Kiliam stood up: "Then I won't disturb you anymore. I look forward to your success report on May 25th."

"I accept your good words."

Lin Youde responded and sent Kiliam away.

After Gilliam left, Lin Youde did not immediately call Niels Nielsen and Caroline Yajima. Instead, he called Lux. After a long time, he opened the "Machine War" game warehouse and entered with Lux. "Machine War".

Returning to his personal library, Lin Youde took a look at the communication messages from Nanayi and Sakura and found that neither of them had anything important to do with him, and the messages were sent some time ago. Lin Youde and Lux ​​returned to the dungeon world together.

The two first went to visit the Orb leader, who is now Lin Youde's nominal father in this world, Uzmi.

Since Lux had already taken the time to return here, she and Uzmi had a conversation about "Machine War" and this world, as well as the world where Lin Youde lives.

So when Uzmi knew the truth, he didn't ask Lin Youde why it took him so long to come back. Instead, he asked about Lin Youde's current situation with concern, and focused on what happened to Lin Youde when he came back this time.

After all, after knowing about the other world, Uzmi also understood that Lin Youde had more important things to be busy with in the other world. It's nothing serious, he usually won't come back during non-holidays, festivals and the like.

Lin Youde's special visit now must be for something.

In this regard, Lin Youde did not hide it and informed him about the "True Super Robot Competition".

Hearing this, Uzumi groaned and said: "In other words, when you come back this time, you hope to bring three ace pilots and use the follower's ring to take them to the competition, right?"

Lin Youde admitted: "Yes, this is an opportunity for the aces of our world to see the power of mobile weapons in other worlds."

"People in this world cannot be trapped in the solar system forever. Sooner or later, they will have to leave the solar system and go to the universe."

"I think it's a good opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity to communicate."

Uzmi did not object, but asked: "Then do you have any candidates?"

Lin Youde thought about it: "My original intention was to bring Aslan and Zhen Feiniao there. They are the strongest pilots in the world besides me, and there is no doubt about their strength."

"But this time the Gundam team needs three people, and I haven't decided who to choose for the last person."

Lux suggested: "How about Yitzhak? He is currently driving the Freedom Gundam that you have flown before. The strength is also guaranteed. Relying on the firepower of the Freedom Gundam, he should be able to cover Aslan and Shin."

Lin Youde was a little confused about this: "Yitzhak's strength is pretty good, but with his character, I'm just afraid that if he goes to Aqua Blue Star, everyone will know about "Machine War" and the world of Aqua Blue Star." .”

Lux opened her mouth and sighed helplessly: "Izhak does have a big mouth..."

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