Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1052 Changes in Talent Column

Lin Youde would naturally not object to Lei Mengmeng's request.

"Then what kind of machine are we flying?"

"I'm planning to fly the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee), what about you?"

Since getting the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee), Lin Youde has only flown it once.

And that time I left the show midway.

If he hadn't fought against the Unicorn Gundam with the NT-D system turned on, Lin Youde might not even know how powerful the Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam) was.

In fact, Lin Youde now doesn't quite know where the performance limit of Hi-ν Gundam (Manatee Gundam) is.

Lin Youde knew the information on paper.

But Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) has a very special NT-B system.

As a mental power burst system modified from the NT-D system, specially prepared for new humans.

Coupled with the whole-body psychic induction skeleton and the activated NT-B system, Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) has super performance that far exceeds theoretical values.

So Lin Youde has finally reached the intermediate channel where he can use Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) with great difficulty. Of course, he has to have a good time.

When Lei Mengmeng heard this, her expression was a little subtle: "Isn't this... too bullying?"

"Although in theory, the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) is a real-type machine. But the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) with the NT-B system turned on is actually a super-type machine."

"And Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) is famous all over the world because of you."

"Is it okay to just drive out like this?"

Lin Youde waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, I don't use the NT-B system."

Seeing that Lin Youde insisted on using the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee), Lei Mengmeng did not persuade her further, but opened her own Gnaku list, feeling worried.

"Then what kind of machine is better for me to use? I don't seem to have any machine to use."

Lin Youde heard this and took a look behind Lei Mengmeng.

—Personal Panel—

Name: Lei Mengmeng

Nickname: Please call me Mr. Meng

Talents: Genius, Adjuster, Native Species

Rank: Second Lieutenant

Gnaku: 12

Possessing mobile units: Maxus, Maxus II, Ranger II, Super Gundam, Z Gundam

Others: slightly


Looking at Lei Mengmeng, this Gnaku, the corners of Lin Youde's mouth twitched slightly.

"Is your body too small?"

"Obviously, the rank of second lieutenant can already have 12 gnakus, but you only have so few."

With that said, Lin Youde opened his Gnaku.

—Personal Panel—

Name: Lin Youde

Nickname: Amuro Ray

Nickname: Kira Yamato

Nickname: Setsuna·F·Qingying

Talents: Strong luck, new human L10+5, perfect adjuster, SEED·D, purebred changer (unawakened), native species

Rank: Second Lieutenant

Gnaku: 12

Possible units: Perfect Gundam, Gundam MKII, Gundam ZZ Full Armor, ν Gundam HWS Type, Hi-ν Gundam, Air Combat Strike Gundam, Strike Eclipse Gundam (only), Freedom Gundam (exclusively for legendary heroes) machine), Freedom Gundam Meteor Equipment, Destiny Freedom Gundam, Strike Freedom Gundam, Exia Gundam


Lei Mengmeng looked at Lin Youde's 11 Gundams in total. The Gundams, all of which were identical, puffed up their cheeks and pulled hard on the flesh of Lin Youde's cheeks.

"Do you think everyone is as perverted as you?"

“My inventory level is the normal level for zero-Krypton players who don’t spend money.”

Lin Youde gently patted Lei Mengmeng's little hand and begged for mercy: "Yes, yes, it's my fault. Anyway...Hey, wait a minute, isn't our talent wrong?"

"Huh? What's not... eh, it's true." Lei Mengmeng, who didn't care much at first, glanced at the talent bar and suddenly her eyes widened.

"Native species?"

Lei Mengmeng looked at her own talent column, and then looked at Lin Youde's talent column. The expression on his face gradually became astonished.


Lin Youde guessed after thinking for a while.

"Is it related to the fact that we were controlled by native species before?"

"According to Alufimi, we were fused by native species when we were children, and we were lucky enough to survive."

"It seems that it was controlled by the original species before because of the fusion of the original species."

Lei Mengmeng reacted quickly: "Are you saying that the native gene hidden in our bodies has been officially activated because of what happened before?"

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "It is possible. In fact, after being controlled by the native species last time, I feel that my mental recovery speed has become faster and my body has become a lot stronger."

"Before, I thought it was the result of using too much SEED and my body was strengthened."

"Now it seems that part of the reason is that the genes of the native species were activated, which led to a significant improvement in my body's various abilities."

"Mengmeng, what about you?"

Lei Mengmeng frowned slightly: "After you said that, I also feel that I have been very energetic recently. I am obviously very busy and don't sleep much, but I don't feel tired or tired at all."

"I was wondering before, thinking it was the result of my recent poor sleep quality."

"Now it seems that the phenomenon may actually be caused by the activation of native species genes... Hey, wait a minute."

Halfway through her words, Lei Mengmeng's eyes widened.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Youde looked at Lei Mengmeng in confusion. Lei Mengmeng moved away his personal panel and pointed at Lin Youde's personal panel.

"Youde, why has your new human level been upgraded again? And it's still level 2?"

Hearing this, Lin Youde took a closer look and suddenly discovered that his new human level had changed from LV10+3 to new human LV10+5 at some point.

"I'll go, really, when did it happen?"

Lei Mengmeng also looked at Lin Youde with confusion: "Is this also the result of the activation of the native species gene?"

Lin Youde frowned and shook his head slightly: "I think... probably not."

At this time, Lin Youde suddenly remembered that he was controlled by the original species before, and then was awakened by Amuro, Char, Camus, Jiedo, and even Phoenix Lita.

At first, Lin Youde had no time to think too much because he was busy chasing Lei Mengmeng.

After that, too many things happened, and the matter was forgotten.

Now that I think about it, the sudden increase in my new human level may have something to do with that time.

Because a long time ago, Lin Youde had doubts about his new human level.

Why is my new human level not directly LV13, but LV10+3?

Does this +3 have any special meaning?

Reminiscent of the fact that every time I got +1 before, it seemed that I had completed someone's task and was recognized.

Camus, Amuro, and Jeddo, there are three people in total, which happens to be +3 levels.

Such a coincidence, Lin Youde had to doubt it.

Now seeing this changed number, Lin Youde further confirmed that his original guess might be correct.

The LV10 in the front is your true new human level, and the + in the back is the gift given to you by others.

In the original species incident, Amuro, Char, Camus, Jeto, and Fenix ​​Lita happened to be 5 people.

At first, the five people relied on spiritual power to awaken themselves. Now, my new human level has an extra +5 suffix, which should be the result of receiving gifts from the five people.

After learning about this, Lin Youde was not happy, but rather worried.

‘This kind of gift won’t have any bad influence on Amuro, Rita and the others, right? ’

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