Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1071 The gloomy true bird

Chapter 1071 The gloomy true bird

In the end, Lin Youde did not choose to change his vest.

It's not that Lin Youde can't change to other vests.

As long as you have money, you can change your nickname.

Anyway, naming cards are not expensive in the mall. Although the three initially given by Lin Youde have been used up. But buying a new one is easy for Lin Youde now.

The real reason that made Lin Youde give up changing his vest was a more realistic reason.

That is... he doesn't have a matching machine to use.

There are a lot of aircraft in Lin Youde's hangar, and he has exposed them before. There are more than a dozen aircraft, which can be said to be a rich quantity.

But because of Lin Youde's personal reasons, these machines are very well-known in the game.

No matter which one is taken out, people will notice it.

In addition, Lin Youde's New Human talent is unparalleled in the world, unless special systems such as the biological sensing system and the New Human mental sensing framework are not used.

Otherwise, once it is used, others will definitely see Lin Youde's abnormality.

Lin Youde could deliberately control it, but it would definitely be unpleasant to play like that.

Therefore, UC series bodies are basically unable to adapt to vests.

There are many popular and modified versions of C.E-series mechas now. Even the three mechas of Freedom Gundam, Justice Gundam, and Divine Will Gundam have been opened from the treasure chests of certain copies.

Therefore, as long as a C.E-series machine does not activate special machines like the Strike Freedom Gundam, the probability of being recognized is not very high.

But Lin Youde, a C.E series machine, had already tasted enough in exclusive copies before.

Moreover, the mid-level channel is in a high-power confrontation environment. Unless the C.E series machine is used as a large machine, it really does not have much advantage in this regard.

After weighing this, Lin Youde finally gave up on opening a new vest.

As a "Super Robot Wars" player and time traveler, Lin Youde still has some persistence of his own.

Even if you want to use a vest, you must have a matching machine body.

Otherwise, the vest is really lonely.

Therefore, Lin Youde did not choose to develop a new vest in the end, but continued to use the current nickname and body to play with Lei Mengmeng.

Although this may attract some people's attention, as long as Lin Youde stays on the mid-level channel long enough, other people's enthusiasm will gradually subside. Get the game back to normal.

As the middle-aged mule father said before, many players have discussed giving Lin Youde a healthy and reasonable gaming environment.

This is the gratitude of gamers to Lin Youde.

Thanks to this, Lin Youde met some enthusiastic fans asking for autographs in the first 4 or 5 games.

In the subsequent games, only after the battle was over and before the settlement, some surviving players came to Lin Youde for autographs.

This situation made Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng's gaming experience skyrocket.

However, after knowing the nature of the intermediate channel, Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng did not stay too much in the game.

After all, the mid-level channel is about real game entertainment. The probability of discovering new bodies is almost non-existent, and the value of exploration is greatly reduced.

In addition, in reality, there are some things that require two people to deal with.

This caused the two of them to reduce the frequency of entering the game after playing the game for three days and start to deal with real-life matters.

There are not many things to do in reality, because to participate in the "True Super Robot Competition" to be held later, many preparations need to be confirmed by Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng.

After a brief moment of relaxation, the two began to get busy again.

Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng are not the only ones busy in the Lin Research Institute, there are others.

For example, Shin Asuka, who just arrived in this world not long ago, is now like a follower, following Setsuko Obara and listening to Setsuko Obara's teachings.

"That's pretty much it for our research institute. You are not part of the patrol force, so you just need to write down the threshold time and other precautions."

Zhen Asuka said gratefully: "Okay, Sister Setsuko."

"By the way, Sister Setsuko, won't you participate in the upcoming "True Super Robot Contest"? "

Setsuko Obara brought Shin Asuka to the cafeteria to eat and sit down, chatting while eating.

"Well, I won't participate. That kind of competition requires special machines and special techniques."

"My body is just an ordinary mass-produced machine, and my technology can only be regarded as barely passing."

"Therefore, I have no hope and dare not go to a competition of this level."

"You really need to work harder, although I'm not sure what your relationship is with the director."

"But since the director has asked you to compete in the "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" anime with the same name as the real Asuka exclusive machine, the Destiny Gundam, you must work harder and not embarrass the director."

"Although the director is the idol of many young people in our integration, there are also many people who are unhappy with him."

"If you don't perform well, it's likely to have some negative impact on the director."

When Setsuko Obara mentioned the anime "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED", Shin Asuka's cheeks twitched slightly.

Having been in this world for so long, Zhen Feiniao has some understanding of some things in this world.

But at the beginning, he really didn't know that there was another world animation in this world.

After doing popular science in Setsuko Obara, he realized that the original designer of this animation was Lin Youde.

In other words, this animation is a work adapted by Lin Youde based on the world where Zhen Asuka lives.

The reason for the change is that the content in this animation is obviously different from everything that Shin Asuka has experienced personally.

The most obvious ones are that in the animation, former P.L.A.N.T. Speaker Sigurd Klein and former ZAFT Defense Committee Chairman Padric Sala both died in the first part, during the First World War.

But in the world of Zhen Asuka, these two bosses are living well. He also visited with the current PLANT Speaker Durandal.

And there is no Aslan and Cagalli's child, Apollo Sara, in the animation.

Such a huge difference, what else could it be but an adaptation?

It turns out that Asuka doesn't care about this.

But after Setsuko Obara knew the name of Shin Asuka and the machine she would pilot later. Setsuko Obara instigated Shin Asuka to watch two seasons of the "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" animation produced by Wang Animation Company, a subsidiary of the Wang Foundation.

After seeing himself being wiped out by the United Earth in the second season of the anime, Shin Asuka's expression turned green on the spot.

Fortunately, Setsuko Obara didn't seem to really think of him as the real Asuka in the animation, otherwise the real Asuka would have felt that his identity was about to be exposed.

In addition to these, as well as his various disappointing performances in the second season of the animation, Shin Asuka was extremely depressed.

‘Don’t let me meet the scriptwriter of the second season animation, otherwise I will definitely beat him to death! ’

‘I have no enmity with him, why would he arrange this for me? ’

‘My father, my mother, my sister, my girlfriend, how big my hatred must be to arrange this for me? ’

After watching the second season animation of "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED", Shin Asuka became depressed on the spot...

Thanks to "Balumongk of the Sky" for the reward of 20,000 starting coins.

Thanks to "Book Friend 20210301106518778586" for the reward of 1,500 starting coins. The author will work hard to update it!

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