Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1076 Hexagonal Warrior

Amid Luo's admiring expression, Lakshatta spoke slowly.

"In fact, we have already conducted similar tests before when we dismantled the special Freedom Gundam Kai for the director and remanufactured it."

"The test machine is equipped with a Tesla drive and can drive almost anything."

"But after deploying the light wheel propulsion wing on this basis, the only people in the entire institute who can control it are the director, deputy director, and director Raymond."

"The others can only sit in the machine body to achieve pure acceleration. The only ones who can perform precise operations and fight during the acceleration sprint are the director, deputy director, and director Raymond."

"And at this level of ultra-high speed, if you add the meteor thruster, the ultra-high speed generated by the entire body will be difficult for even a frame equipped with VPS technology to withstand."

"In order to solve the problem of frame bearing, we specially added related materials of New Super Alloy X for reinforcement."

"But after the body problem was solved, the G-force load was too high. Even the deputy director and director Raymond could barely control it in the simulator. In reality, they couldn't withstand that kind of acceleration."

"To perfectly withstand that kind of acceleration, you need at least the physical strength of a martial artist, and a senior martial arts master."

"But the way those martial artists operate the machine is very different from our current operating style."

"Currently, there is only one person who can perfectly withstand its acceleration, has a suitable operating style, and can bring out the best performance of the machine."

"And Luo, you were hired by the director, so the teacher may have mistakenly thought that you were a substitute found for her by the director."

Listening to Lakshata's explanation, Luo's cheeks twitched crazily.

‘What kind of physique does the director have? He can actually withstand the G-force generated by these three overlapping accelerations. ’

‘Is he really still from Earth? Well, according to the information, it seems that he is no longer a pure earthling, but has some elements of native species. ’

'But even so, his physical strength is ridiculous. ’

Although he was complaining wildly in his heart, Luo was still very restrained on the surface.

"I'm sorry that I failed to live up to your expectations. Although my body is stronger than the average person, I am still an ordinary person."

"To equip the body with a Tesla drive is already the limit of what I can control."

"And in order to complement each other in the subsequent team battles, I can't completely rush to the front to fight."

"The one responsible for the forward thrust is the real Destiny Gundam R. The Destiny Gundam R with its light wheel propulsion wings can quickly close the distance and is more suitable for serving as a forward guard."

"The Infinite Justice Gundam is a mid-range and high-speed machine that can barely act as a center forward."

"In this case, although I am also very good at close combat, considering complementary issues, I must at least maintain mid-range support capabilities."

"So going too fast is not necessarily a good thing for me."

"The specially designed Gundam Heretic Red Dragon is prepared for this."

"The compressed beam cannons in the two King's Swords of Gundam Heretic Red Dragon are prepared for this."

Marian Radom suddenly interjected.

"That is to say, Lakshata's energy crystallization technology has not been mastered. If you really mastered that technology, why would you still need to operate so much?"

"Directly unfold the light wheel propulsion wings, and then use the crystallized light wings to rush over and cut. No matter what kind of body it is, it can be divided into two and cut cleanly."

"Even in theory, as long as the Micro Max power furnace output is enough, the light wings can be expanded to a length of several kilometers."

"Once those wings are spread out, it's like a battlefield harvester. It doesn't matter what kind of machine it is, just rush over and be done with it."

Marianne Radom's words made Lakshatta extremely helpless.

"Teacher, how can energy crystallization technology be so easy to master? Didn't you just throw it to me because you thought it was troublesome?"

Marian Radom said in a persuasive way: "I like you, I want to train you well, and put a little pressure on you."

"How can you young people grow without pressure?"

"Shatta, you need to know..."

Seeing Marianne Radom enter the teacher's preaching mode, Luo also quickly ran away.

During his stay in the institute, he also showed great respect for the preaching model of Marian Radom, who was born in the academy.

‘But, that’s right. If the light wing of the light wheel propulsion wing can be crystallized, it would be a good attack method. ’

‘Use the Light Wing directly as a sword, and the King’s Sword of the Heretic Red Dragon is really unnecessary. ’

'It's a pity that this technology has not been completed yet, otherwise the pressure on my side would be much easier. ’

When he came to the training room and saw Fleet still training in the simulation warehouse, Luo felt a lot of pressure.

"You're still training? Isn't this kid working too hard?"

"If he is not too young, why do I think it is more appropriate for the director to send him to play than me?"

While he was talking to himself, a calm male voice came over.

"If it's a team effort, Fleet's AGE Gundam Type 2 is indeed more suitable than you."

Luo turned his head and saw a man with a Chinese character walking over.

Luo looked at the man suspiciously: "Who are you?"

The man with a Chinese character came over and stretched out his hand: "Hello, I am a virtuous friend. My name is Kang Dingbang."

Luo shook hands and responded: "I am Luo Jure, Mr. Kang Dingbang, do you know this child well?"

Kang Dingbang glanced at Fleet in the training cabin and sighed.

"That's right. This kid works hard. He also has a poor background, so I occasionally take care of him and help with training."

Luo looked at Kang Dingbang in confusion: "Training?"

Kang Dingbang chuckled and said: "I almost forgot to mention that I am the special coach Youde specially invited to give Shinji EVA special training."

"At the same time, I am also the driver of the Great Demon God."

"In the World Series, there will probably be more super-type machines like Mazinger Z."

"EVA can't fly, so Youde specially invited me to come over and give Shinji special training."

"Youde still has great expectations for Shinji."

Luo nodded slightly and asked: "Mr. Dingbang, how do you know me? What do you mean by what you just said?"

Kang Dingbang explained: "I learned about your information from Youde Nayou."

"Our Photon Force Research Institute is responsible for your Heretic Gundam Red Dragon this time, so I still have some understanding of your body."

"That's why I say that. That kid is more suitable to participate in this competition than you are."

"Unlike your Heretic Gundam Red Dragon, which is only good at close combat, it can only handle both long-range and long-range combat."

"That kid can easily control whether it's the Freedom Gundam, the Justice Gundam, or the Destiny Gundam."

"Let me show you this child's training information. It will definitely shock you."

"This kid is simply a hexagonal warrior who can't find a weakness."

Luo looked at the Fleet training materials displayed by Kang Dingbang and was dumbfounded.

"Three types of machines, three styles, complete control? That's ridiculous, is this possible?"

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