Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1079 Fleet’s Persuasion

Lin Youde did not fully answer Fleet's question, but gave an ambiguous reply.

"That's right, I know some things about EVA through some channels."

"In addition to the BGM field that ordinary black box bodies have, EVA also has some special abilities."

"Only when those abilities are activated, EVA is truly awakened and possesses power far beyond your imagination."

"But the current EVA has not successfully awakened. Not many people know about this."

"Fleet, after you hear this, keep these things in your stomach and don't tell anyone else."

"I don't want to put pressure on Shinji and the others. The current world situation is quite stable, and it's not time to go desperate."

"So, some things are better left to their own devices."

Lin Youde's answer made Fleet nodded in understanding.

"What does Brother Director mean, that EVA can be the same as Gu Tie, transforming from Gu Tie into the Ancient Iron Titan?"

"Or evolve into a pure white knight like the white knight?"

"It's just because the specific method hasn't been figured out yet, so the director brother doesn't plan to tell Shinji and the others and let them continue at the current pace to explore the performance of EVA?"

Lin Youde crossed his arms, nodded slightly and said, "That's it. There's nothing wrong with your understanding."

"But compared to the ancient iron giant, EVA is more similar to the pure white knight."

"EVA is a very special biological weapon, not a robot in the conventional sense."

"Once this kind of biological weapon is stimulated by external forces, it is possible for it to go crazy independently."

"I call that mode a rampage. It is an irrational special combat state that is independent of the pilot's control and relies entirely on the body's autonomous consciousness to fight."

"In this state, EVA can explode into combat effectiveness far beyond normal, but the price is losing its mind and may do something irreversible."

"The reason why I arranged for EVA to participate in the World Series was also based on this consideration."

A glimmer of light flashed in Fleet's eyes, he hit his palm and realized.

"The director is planning to use the special protection rules of the world-class event "True Super Robot Contest" to let Shinji test it out. "

"Let's see if we can use the situation where the pilot is in danger to force out the state called rampage, so as to achieve true awakening?"

"Because the competition is the same as the Olympic Games, with the intervention of "Plane War", the safety of the pilots can be guaranteed."

"When the pilot's life is in danger, he will be teleported directly. And the black box body has the ability to save the black box and repair it quickly even if it is completely destroyed."

"As long as we make good use of the characteristics of these two, we can conduct experiments without risk, force EVA to go berserk, and explore the way to truly awaken?"

Lin Youde patted Fleet's little head approvingly: "Yes, if you can think of this, it seems that Fleet is really smart."

Fleet was a little happy after receiving praise from Lin Youde. But soon, his expression returned to calm.

"If this is the case, then it would indeed be more meaningful for Shinji to drive EVA to participate in the competition than for Mr. Dingbang to participate in the Great Demon."

"But Brother Director, since EVA is uncontrollable after going berserk, and even you don't know how to truly awaken."

"Do we really need to force Shinji and EVA to go berserk and truly awaken at this time?"

"Now we are on the cusp of the storm. It will be good once EVA wakes up in front of people all over the world."

"But if it's not awakening, but a completely uncontrollable rampage, will we be criticized?"

"After all, EVA teamed up with the Dragon King and the Tiger King."

"After the dragon-tiger fusion, the Dragon-Tiger King and the Tiger-Dragon King will definitely be able to stop EVA. I have no doubt about this."

"But it takes time for the dragon and tiger to merge. If EVA goes berserk before the dragon and tiger merge, loses their mind and launches an attack on the Dragon King and Tiger King, and is exposed to the people of the world, then things don't look good."

"The Dragon King and Tiger King have a special status in our integration. Once they are attacked by friendly forces, even if they can be explained afterwards, public opinion will be very bad, right?"

"And isn't the combination of dragon and tiger a special secret that needs to be kept secret in the early stage as a means of winning?"

"This special method is not exposed as a means to win, but to prevent friendly forces from going berserk. Isn't it too cost-effective?"

Fleet's words made Lin Youde sigh softly.

"From a long-term perspective, this sacrifice is actually worthwhile."

"After EVA truly awakens, its power is terrifying."

"If we can obtain this power sooner, it will definitely be beneficial to us."

"But in the short term, it is definitely not cost-effective. After all, it is an indisputable fact that I have received too much attention because of the native species incident."

"Anything more troublesome at this juncture will definitely make us more passive."

"After all, other people may not dare to attack me as bluntly as before because of the native species. They are afraid that I will take refuge in the native species and directly overturn the table."

"But we all know that I would not choose this way. After all, I still want to be a human being."

"At this juncture, whether to choose the Great Demon God or EVA to participate in the battle has become a very confusing point."

After hearing Lin Youde's words, Fleet realized for the first time that his brother, the director, who was omnipotent in his eyes, also had troubles.

Ever since his parents were slaughtered by dimensional beasts, Fleet has always been taken care of by Lin Youde.

Now that Lin Youde is troubled, Fleet also wants to do his part to help Lin Youde relieve his troubles and stress.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Fleet spoke.

"Well, Brother Director, I think it might be better if we choose Mr. Dingbang and the Great Demon God to participate in the battle."

Fleet's words made Lin Youde sigh and asked curiously.

"Why do you think so? Can you tell me why?"

Fleet nodded slightly and stated nervously.

"First of all, Mr. Dingbang has rich combat experience. The Great Demon is a super-type demon-like machine with high defense and strong attack power, and is suitable for all terrains. It has the minimum guarantee for the "True Super Robot Competition" where the combat environment is unknown. The lower limit is high. "

"Secondly, although Shinji is much older than me, I remember that he is actually not yet 18 years old. Like me, if he is allowed to play, there is a risk of being attacked based on his age."

"Moreover, we currently have a number of powerful machines such as the Dragon Tiger King, Soul Seat, SRX, Ancient Iron Titan, and Pure White Knight, which are enough to protect ourselves. Even if the sky falls, there will still be a Dragon King who can protect us. In a short time There should be no need to worry about high-end combat capabilities.”

"Taking this into consideration, I feel that I am currently striving for ranking, getting more rewards from "Machine War", and making the most intuitive improvement. It is more intuitive, safer, and has the lowest risk than forcing EVA to fully awaken."

"Finally, I still have a little selfishness."

"Mr. Dingbang is like my fighting teacher. I hope he can perform in the World Series instead of helping us behind the scenes."

"After all, Mr. Dingbang also has his own dreams to realize."

Hearing this, Lin Youde pondered and said: "Is it the dream of a combat expert... That's right... This also needs to be considered..."

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