Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1093 The End of W Series

"So, you have roughly figured out all the machines that the Free Federation will participate in this time?"

Listening to the conversation between Raymond and Lamia, Lei Mengmeng had a curious expression on her face.

Raymond responded while waving his hands.

"How is it possible? The gap between the two worlds is too great, and some things are uncertain."

"The activation conditions of the black box body and the conditions for the liberation of the BGM field are very different."

"A pilot who can activate the black box body may not necessarily be able to activate the BGM field."

"Because of this, a lot of experience from my other world may not be applicable here."

"So for now, I will only use some of them for comparison."

"The BGM field has brought too many changes, so you'd better not have high expectations."

Lei Mengmeng rolled her eyes: "Isn't that just saying it in vain?"

Raymond waved his hand again: "That's not the case."

"Although it's impossible to apply them all, but by corresponding with some parts, you may be able to make a rough guess."

"After all, this is the dormitory for contestants, except for some special personnel who are pilots, maintenance personnel, and technical personnel."

"The appearance of most of the black box machine pilots who only appear in my world here should be a sign of some kind."

"After all, the prerequisite for activating the BGM field is to activate the body first."

Lei Mengmeng curled her lips: "So, apart from those you just mentioned, is there anyone else who can be identified?"

Lamia replied: "The personnel currently identified by the Free Federation are roughly these."

"From the direction of the Silla Alliance, Valcyon's pilot has been confirmed, and Bian Zoldak has arrived."

"Valsione and her pilot, Luni Zoldak, have also been confirmed. However..."

Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng looked at each other at the same time: "But what?"*2

Lamia frowned slightly: "A green-haired young man who does not exist in the data appeared next to Luni Zoldak."

"This green-haired young man is accompanied by two cats, one black and one white. Luni Zoldak appears to be very close to him, and he seems to be a couple!?"

Raymond's eyes widened: "What? Couple?"

Lei Mengmeng asked in confusion: "What, is there any problem?"

Raymond muttered: "The problem is big."

"In my part of the world, Luni Zoldak has always been single."

"And the DC army in my world has not yet been established in the early days. It still maintains the prototype of the EOTI organization."

"Bian Zoldak has also always adhered to his duty and did not initiate a coup."

"During the brief period of peace in my world for more than ten years, Bian Zoldak has been worrying about Luni Zoldak's marriage."

"Bian Zoldak chose a husband for a woman, but he caused a lot of trouble. It's not a big deal."

"Luni Zoldak, who was single in her 30s in my world, actually found a boyfriend in this world?"

"Is the sun rising in the west?"

"You know, Luni Zoldak is famous for being indifferent to men."

"Could it be said that there are slight differences between the two sides of Luni Zoldak in some places?"

Lei Mengmeng patiently listened to Raymond's gossip, but her eyes couldn't help but look at Lamia.

Lamia looked around and quickly continued reporting.

"It is confirmed that Meriando Peacecraft, who is driving the Nova, has appeared during the Olympic demonstration competition."

"Members of Leon's team during the Olympic exhibition games, Philena, Slay, and Abbys also all appeared."

"Irum from the Tesla Research Institute has also confirmed it."

"In addition, it is confirmed that Wodan Ymir Megaas has appeared. W15's mission failed, Raymond is in trouble."

Raymond's face darkened, and he curled his lips slightly displeased.

"It's something that was expected. When W15 lost contact, I had already thought of this possibility."

"After all, this guy is someone who lives and dies with the Earth God. It is probably very possible that he can activate the BGM field."

"W15 is an artificial human made by me based on Zeng Jia's information."

"Although Zeng Jia can pilot the Earth God and has good physical combat capabilities. However, the Earth God is a national-level black-box machine, and the defense must be extremely tight."

"Once surrounded, not even the W15 can escape."

"That is to say, that guy Windru is determined to steal the Earth God out and make such a small-probability attempt."

"Otherwise I wouldn't have sent W15 to die."

Lamia was silent in response to Raymond's words.

Lei Mengmeng continued to be a curious baby and asked questions.

"Zeng Jia can also drive the Earth God? Is it true?"

"Did the Shadow Mirror Force send people to the Silla Alliance to steal the Earth God?"

"How many cyborgs have you made?"

Faced with Lei Mengmeng's curious questions, Lei Meng calmly answered.

"It's true. After the death of Zeng Jia in my world, the Shadow Mirror Force accidentally recovered the black box of the Earth God that was destroyed by King Gu Tie."

"Using some of the data of the dead Zengjia, I made a W15 that was considered a clone of Zengjia and asked him to drive the Earth God."

"W15 successfully activated the Earth God and fought against the native species."

"But after a collision with Youde later, the Earth God was defeated again."

"That time, the black box of the Earth God was snatched away, leaving only one core center of W15 that was not damaged."

"Unlike Lamia and Ozidna. The W-series androids in W16 and W17, that is, the androids before Ozidna and Lamia, are all robots in the traditional sense."

"Because of this, W15 was lucky enough to survive."

"I originally thought he could live a little longer in this world, but he didn't expect to be sent to die by that guy Windru, and he didn't disobey the order."

"W15 is not the child I expected."

Lamia: "..."

Lei Mengmeng's face showed surprise: "So that's it, because Zengjia's clone can drive the Earth God, so Zengjia's true body must also be able to drive the Earth God."

"Doesn't that mean that if we find a way to get the Earth God over, the Earth God can be used directly by Zeng Jia?"

Raymond nodded slightly: "Theoretically, this is true, but as the Silla Alliance's national-level machine, how can the Earth God be so easy to obtain?"

"There is really a way. Windru has already taken action. Do you still need to wait for us?"

Lei Mengmeng's face was full of pity: "That's right... what a pity."

Lemon finally sighed: "As for how many artificial humans I have made, I no longer remember."

"But in the W series, there are only 17 in total, ending with Lamia, who is no different from a real human being."

"Lamia is no different from a real human being, so I will no longer continue to manufacture the W series."

"Because Lamia is what I expected, the final form of the W series."

"A person who is no different from a real human being. He can cry, laugh, think for himself, make his own judgments, fall in love, get married, and have children."

"With works like this, this life is enough."

Saying that, Raymond sighed in his heart: 'This is also the real expectation of Raymond. There are only 17 W series, and it can only go up to 17. ’

Lamia looked at Raymond and whispered with complicated emotions: "Grandma Raymond..."

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