Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1095 They are all old acquaintances

When Kasbal was suddenly approached by Philio and Ymir, Lin Youde was chatting with Nanay in a lively manner.

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they were at about the same level, so they talked about a wide range of topics.

From things around Sakura, to national politics, body updates, driving skills, hobbies, etc., they talked about almost everything.

In this way, the two of them chatted for a while until the sky gradually approached dusk, and Lin Youde had to say goodbye to Nanayi.

After seeing off Nanayi who was reluctant to leave, Lin Youde had just returned to the dormitory building when he saw Lei Mengmeng, Raymond and Lamia waiting for him at the door.

Before the three of them could speak, there was a rapid beeping sound, which made Lin Youde take out the temporary communicator in confusion.

This communicator is currently a dedicated communicator within the scope of the competition. It is provided by Machine Warfare. Participants and maintenance personnel from the three major countries all have one.

Since "Machine War" is encrypted, people from all over the world are assured of not being eavesdropped, so almost everyone carries it with them.

The spectators who came to watch the game also had a simple version.

At this moment, the temporary communicator suddenly sent a message, and Lin Youde, Lei Mengmeng and others were also puzzled.

"Who's looking for you?"

"This is...Major Zhou Benkai?"

Looking at the profile picture displayed on the screen, Lin Youde was stunned for a moment.

He couldn't remember when he added Zhou Benkai's address book to this temporary communicator.

Suddenly approached by Zhou Benkai, Lin Youde was also confused.

"What does Major Zhou Benkai want to do with you?"

Faced with Lei Mengmeng's inquiry, Lin Youde was naturally unable to answer.

"I don't know, let's take a look first."

Opening the communication, Zhou Benkai's image appeared on the screen.

"Colonel Lin Youde, where are you now?"

"Major Zhou Benkai, I'm currently at the south entrance of the dormitory building. What's wrong?"

Zhou Benkai on the screen nodded slightly and returned.

"The regulations for the first round of the competition have come out. I think it is almost time to gather all the participants for a round of combat meetings."

"After all, this is a team competition representing the country. It is impossible to compete individually like the previous Olympic exhibition competitions."

"We have to discuss countermeasures a little bit."

Lin Youde did not refuse Zhou Benkai's proposal.

"No problem, when will the meeting be held?"

Zhou Benkai: "I have sent messages to all representatives of the participating teams."

"If you have no problem, then meet in the combat conference room of our dormitory building No. 1 in half an hour."

Lin Youde glanced at Lei Mengmeng, Lei Meng, and Lamia. After the three of them nodded and said it was okay, Lin Youde also replied.

"Okay, I'll see you in 30 minutes."

Zhou Benkai: "Okay."

After closing the communication, Lin Youde asked Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng to notify other teams to prepare for a meeting.

30 minutes later, Human Innovation Integration, Dormitory Building No. 1, Combat Conference Room.

Lin Youde came here with five teams of people.

As soon as he entered, Zhou Benkai greeted him.

"Youde, it's been a long time no see."

"Major Kai, long time no see. The last time I saw you was probably 2 years ago."

Zhou Benkai sighed: "Yes, who would have thought that you, who was a student two years ago, would now be promoted to a higher position than me."

Lin Youde said modestly: "It's just a fluke. It's just good luck."

As he spoke, Lin Youde saw Zeng Jia, Kiliam and another middle-aged man behind Zhou Benkai.

Zhou Benkai turned around and introduced Lin Youde.

"Zeng Jia won't talk about it. I borrowed him from you specially to support the appearance. You know him better than me."

Zeng Jia nodded slightly: "Long time no see."

Lin Youde smiled and said, "How about it? Are you living well here with Major Kai?"

Zeng Jia had a straight face, but his eyes were very soft: "The major took good care of me. I heard about the research institute. I'm sorry that I couldn't rush back as soon as possible."

Lin Youde waved his hand: "It's okay, it's all over anyway. And Major Kai also needs you here, I can understand."

After letting Lin Youde and Zeng Jia exchange brief greetings, Zhou Benkai continued to introduce.

"This is the captain of our special combat skills training team, Lieutenant Colonel Kawaii Rao."

The middle-aged soldier, Kawaii Rao, took two steps forward and stretched out his hand.

"This is the first time we meet. I am Kawaii Rao. I have heard about the name of Colonel for a long time. When I meet you today, I am sure that a hero is born in a young boy."

"If we can integrate young people like Colonel Lin Youde, we old guys can retire with peace of mind."

Lin Youde shook hands and responded: "Everywhere, we rely on pillars of the country like Lieutenant Colonel and Major Kai to protect the country's tranquility. Young talents like us can study and conduct research in peace of mind."

"Without your dedication, we young people would never have a chance to get ahead."

"And the Lieutenant Colonel is now in his prime. Isn't it too early to talk about retirement now?"

The corners of Kawei Rao's mouth raised slightly: "Since the colonel has said so, then I, an old man, will continue to work for a few more years."

With that said, Kawaii Rao took a step back and raised his hand: "Okay, standing at the door and talking is not our style. Let's all come in first."

Behind Lin Youde, Lei Mengmeng, Lei Meng, Du Jianlong, Aslan and others also entered separately and sat in the middle and back rows of the conference room.

At this time, Lin Youde discovered that there were several acquaintances in the front row seats of the conference room.

"Serena? Why are you here?"

Lin Youde was greatly surprised when he looked at Serena, who was wearing a red tights that showed off her graceful curves.

Serena sat on her seat and waved to Lin Youde.

"Of course I'll continue to make extra money."

"In the last Olympic exhibition match, my performance did not satisfy my employer, so I was fired."

"Fortunately, I have a good relationship with Caroline because of you."

"This time, I am the pilot of the new machine jointly launched by the Yajima Foundation and Mao Shi Electronics Co., Ltd."

"You have to take more care of me in this competition."

Lin Youde responded repeatedly: "It's easy to talk about."

At the same time, Li Te, who was holding Nan Ye's hand, also looked at the man beside Serena in astonishment.


"Long time no see, Li Te."

Yong Xi smiled and greeted Li Te, who was quite surprised.

"Are you also a contestant in this competition?"

Yongxi nodded slightly: "Yes, I am in charge of Shi Dong Heavy Industries' machine this time, and Serena's team."

"This is another teammate of our team..."

Before Yongxi finished speaking, Ni Xingxing pointed at the white-haired young man next to Yongxi in surprise and exclaimed.

"Ah~! It's you, Vol Anik!!!"

The white-haired young man, Vol Annick looked at Ni Xingxing doubtfully: "Who are you?"

Ni Xingxing's veins popped out on his forehead: "Asshole, have you actually forgotten me?"

"We met at the National Robot Competition 2 years ago!"

After Wal Annick thought for a moment, he spread his hands and said.

"I'm sorry, I've lost so many people that I can't even remember them."

"But I never expected that my defeated general would be able to come to a place like this."

Wall Anik: ┑( ̄Д ̄)┍

Ni Xingxing: (—_— # )

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