Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1108 An episode in the audience

Listening to the cheers from his own audience, Lin Youde raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a smile.

"This is a classic example of shooting yourself in the foot."

"Although the NT-D system is very powerful for pilots below the ace level, it is certainly very powerful when used well."

"But on the contrary, it may also cause unnecessary losses to oneself."

"The NT-D system is a very sharp double-edged sword. It can hurt the enemy as well as yourself."

"Obviously, people in the Silla Alliance don't quite understand this principle."

"If you are too eager for quick success and quick gain, you will often get this result."

Lei Mengmeng looked sideways and chuckled: "That's why Amuro and the others specially developed the NT-B system, which has no drawbacks, to replace the NT-D system."

Lin Youde nodded slightly and responded: "That's right, only a small number of new humans can control NT-D."

"Furthermore, a body equipped with a telepathy frame and NT-D system can be regarded as a special body with its own will in a sense."

"Only a very small number of people can control such a machine. Most people don't have this kind of mentality."

"Not to mention that new humans still have various drawbacks. Those who can grow up and still meet the requirements are even rarer."

Lei Mengmeng hammered her palm and said suddenly: "Speaking of which, my dad seems to have told me that the superiors have stopped acquiring talents for new humans."

Raymond continued without surprise: "It's because people who have acquired new human talents are very prone to irritability, depression, depression, mania and other extremely intense emotions, which lead to very instability, right?"

Lei Mengmeng nodded and responded: "As expected of the other me, I know so much."

"Yes, new human talent acquirers in peaceful environments such as urban areas and rural areas are relatively stable."

"Except for the first few months after they acquire the talent of a new human being, because the new human being can sense the emotions of others, they will have more or less uncomfortable symptoms."

"Because Youde is the first recipient of new human talent, and I found him as soon as he obtained it, so I reported all the characteristics."

"The superiors have foreseen this kind of thing and taken measures to deal with it."

"Special psychiatric and psychological departments have been set up in hospitals in major cities to deal with these people, and announcements have been made online."

"Using this opportunity, the superiors will also record most of the new human talent holders in the country who are above level 4."

"As for the new human talent holders who are level 3 and below who cannot sense other people's emotions, there is no complete statistics."

Nan Ye, who was sitting in the back row, looked at Li Te curiously: "Do these things have anything to do with what Sister Mengmeng said before?"

Before Li Te could reply, Lei Mengmeng coughed lightly and turned around to explain.

"Yeah, of course it does matter."

"What I just mentioned are new human talent holders in cities and other areas."

"Although there are many people in the city, the emotions are also full of everything."

"But the living environment of people in the city is more or less peaceful, and there are not many negative emotions."

"But the new human talent holders in the army are not so happy."

"First of all, the worst new humans who can be recruited and formed into the army are those who are level 4 and can use new human telepathy."

"The stronger the psychic ability, the more painful it will be for new humans who are near battlefields where people have died."

"The negative emotions gathered by those who have just died will torture these new humans, causing them to have violent mood swings and various conditions."

"So far, Lita is the only one who can use the new human's telepathy ability as easily as Youde."

"Those who can completely restrain their new human telepathy and not be affected by it must undergo long-term training."

"This is still after Youde summarizes the methods on how to restrain his psychic abilities and reports the results."

"Those foreign new human holders who do not have these experience summaries will be even worse."

Li Te responded promptly: "This is why the lady just said that the superiors stopped this matter."

"The talent of new humans is also a double-edged sword for the military."

"Although the new humans have spatial awareness, they are extremely useful in battles in the universe."

"But the battlefield is where the most people die most frequently, and the negative emotions are the most intense."

"And if the new humans want to fight with all their strength, they must let go of their own new human telepathy. Once released, negative emotions may torture the new human talent holders crazy."

"On the other hand, not letting go of the new human telepathy will require a certain amount of energy to restrain it, which will affect combat effectiveness."

"Under such circumstances, even if the new humans have the ability to perceive space, they will be temporarily abandoned by the superiors."

"Other areas are fine. It seems that all the new humans in the military have been called back for special training."

Nanye showed the original expression: "No wonder the director said that it is difficult for new humans to grow up. It turns out that the situation is so complicated."

As he said that, Nanye suddenly looked at Lemeng: "Sister Lemeng, does this kind of situation also happen in your world?"

Raymond crossed his arms and responded: "Yes, this kind of thing is a big trend in a sense. So the two sides are basically the same."

"It's just that the integration situation over there is much worse than here, so officially stopping the new human talent holders from being incorporated into the army will only happen in the next three years in this world."

Wang Kai, who was on the other side of Li Te, heard this and couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that the integration on the other side is really in trouble."

Liu Longma curled his lips and said: "It seems much better here..."

Du Jianlong looked at God Hayato in confusion, God Hayato shrugged, and Tomoe Musashi murmured in a low voice.

"Ryoma still hasn't let go of the fact that we died too early in the other world."

Du Jianlong's expression was a little subtle: "There is really nothing we can do about it. Death is not the problem. Death that is too painful is the problem."

Kang Dingbang glanced at Du Jianlong and muttered to himself: 'The Stegosaurus on the other side of the world seemed to have died directly on the HLD base, without ever meeting Sayaka again. ’

'It seems that Stegosaurus is also very concerned about this matter...'

Listening to the discussions of the people around him, Zhou Benkai looked at Kawei Rao with a subtle expression, and Kawei Rao waved his hand.

Lin Youde heard all the discussions behind him, but he didn't say much.

For him, these things are no longer the first thing he needs to pay attention to.

For Lin Youde, it was enough that he had summarized and reported the new human telepathy convergence method and it could help some people.

He has more important things to focus on now.

Alufemi in Lin Youde's arms raised her head and asked Lin Youde.

"Did we win this battle?"

"Now the only thing left across the street is the red roasted chicken."

The corners of Lei Mengmeng's mouth twitched slightly: "Big, big roast chicken?"

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