Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1125 Complete Abuse

Lin Youde was not surprised by the defeat of White Wolf Wall Annick.

As I said before, Count Flash's technology has reached its peak. It is a truly super ace pilot level BOSS.

Although Bai Lang has the potential to become an ace pilot, he has not grown up after all.

There is not much difference in the performance of the aircraft, but there is a big gap in technology. It is not surprising that they were beaten.

Such an obvious gap remains the same even after the BGM field is activated.

Yes, the battle between White Wolf and Earl Flash activated the BGM field, and that’s why the fight was like this.

Just when Lin Youde was distracted, two off-brand BGM songs that Lin Youde had never heard were played on the speakers in the auditorium.

Obviously, these two BGMs are not songs from the "Mobile Suit Gundam AGE" and "Mobile Suit Gundam W" series. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Lin Youde not to have any impression.

It was because he had no impression that Lin Youde could always be distracted and think about his own things. So much so that the real showdown between White Wolf and Earl Flash was ignored.

But even without looking, Lin Youde could guess the process.

It must be that White Wolf has been unable to defeat Earl Flash, so in a hurry, he first activated the BGM field to increase himself, hoping to defeat the opponent.

Then the Count Flash opened the BGM field and beat him.

I was no match before I entered the BGM field, and I will no longer be my rival after I started it.

As long as the BGM level difference between the two sides is no more than 2 levels, the outcome will not have any impact.

Compared to Bai Lang's defeat, Lin Youde was more concerned about the movements of his other two old acquaintances.

Lin Youde had been distracted before and didn't pay attention. Only now did Lin Youde have time to check on Serena and Yongxi.

It is different from Yongxi simply because she knew him through the "Super Robot Wars" series in his previous life.

Serena is Lin Youde's old friend, and it is necessary to pay more attention to her.

Well, it was definitely not because Lin Youde paid special attention to Serena because she had a good figure.

In fact, the girls around Lin Youde are now in better shape than the other, and Lin Youde doesn't care much about these things anymore.

Yes, it is like that.

After calming down, Lin Youde looked at Serena's situation and found that her situation didn't seem to be good either.

The machine Serena pilots is a special robot, Valkyrie, jointly developed by Mao Electronics Corporation and the Yajima Foundation.

This imitation of the Bow Angel uses a medium and close range combat style that is similar to the Bow Angel, but has some differences.

I don’t know if it’s because of Serena’s fighting style, or if Valkyrie was originally designed like this.

Today's Valkyrie is basically wielding two beam swords in Serena's hands, swinging them around, cutting out streaks of light and shadow, which looks extremely gorgeous.

However, an attack of this level is not very effective against the Leon series, which is known for its mobility.

In fact, the Hurricane Leon driven by Letty has nothing to do with Valkyrie, and dodges flexibly with high mobility.

Only the melee sword style Leon driven by Noin will fight with Valkyrie using lightsabers and physical swords.

Thanks to the artillery type of the Ultra Soldier III piloted by Yugi, it was able to protect Serena a lot. Otherwise, I'm afraid Serena would have been shot down under the attack of the two.

Lin Youde was a little surprised when he saw Valkyrie cutting off the beams from Hurricane Leon with his sword one after another, and using his beam sword to block the sword that Storm Leon struck at the Ultimate Soldier III.

‘The sword cuts the beam with such precision! ? Serena's skills are getting better and better! ? ’

‘Severena can do things like cutting beams of light with a lightsaber! ? That's not right. ’

It's not that Lin Youde looks down on Serena, it's really that only by actually doing it personally can you understand how difficult it is to cut the beam with a sword.

The kind of light beam that is simply directed at oneself is okay, but the difficulty of blocking the light beam for others is not overriding.

In particular, this battlefield is not the kind of cosmic space where light beams are not distorted, but an environment in the atmosphere that is affected by gravity.

In the atmosphere, the beam emitted by the beam rifle will be affected by gravity, magnetic field, etc., resulting in a slight deviation in the trajectory.

Despite this, Serena could still block Hurricane Leon's beam with her beam sword.

Once or twice is fine. This time, Lin Youde had to wonder if Serena had hired a substitute.

This was not just a random thought, but Lin Youde knew that Serena's Valkyrie actually had a highly intelligent AI robot that could fight on her behalf.

‘Is it the latest model of AI robot manufactured by Niels? ’

Ever since Lin Youde came into contact with the Yajima Consortium, the Yajima Consortium has been researching artificial intelligence.

When Lin Youde brought Luo and Xiaoba out of the SEED world and communicated with the Yajima Consortium. The Yajima Consortium’s artificial intelligence will only become stronger.

It is not impossible for artificial intelligence that can only assist humans to drive robots at first, through various updates and iterations, to allow drivers to assist driving robots.

At least based on Lin Youde's technical understanding of Serena, Serena, a purely natural person without any special skills or bloodline, would not be able to achieve such a high-precision strategy.

Unless she has become an ace pilot, or even a super ace pilot.

But is such a thing possible?

Serena, who was only an elite pilot two years ago, suddenly became an ace pilot, and it was still possible for her to become an ace pilot. It is absolutely impossible to become a super ace pilot.

Don't underestimate the barrier between elite pilots and ace pilots.

Without special skills and bloodline, it is absolutely impossible to break through the barriers here without more than ten years of hard work and several breakthroughs in life and death.

The conditions for promotion to an ace pilot are so stringent that it would be easy to describe it as one in a million.

Therefore, Lin Youde believes that Serena's Valkyrie's ability to cut beams of light with her sword should be the result of high-speed calculations by artificial intelligence.

Lin Youde has seen very clearly from the two seasons of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" how much artificial intelligence's high-speed calculations can assist combat.

With the help of a quantum computer, an elite technician can compete with an ace pilot at his peak.

This is a huge improvement with the help of AI computing.

Serena's current situation is obviously in a similar state.



A huge explosion occurred as a large beam cannon destroyed the two beam cannons behind the Ultra Soldier III.

Lin Youde understood that there was no suspense about the outcome of this battle.

Following the White Wolf's defeat, Earl Flash drove Dorukis back to help.

Facing a two-on-three situation, and there is a real super ace pilot flying a super-fast machine like Dorukis on the opposite side.

The United Industrial Research and Development Team had no chance of winning.

After a three-minute silence in the Human Revolution Unity auditorium, the Valkyrie and Ultra Soldier III of the United Industrial Research and Development Team were finally shot down one after another by Dorukis' precise bombardment.

This almost brutal battle is finally over...

It's just that unlike the cheers from the Silla Alliance auditorium, the atmosphere in the Human Innovation and Integration auditorium is a bit low-pressure...

However, Lin Youde didn't take it seriously. He touched Alufemi's little head and said relaxedly.

"It doesn't matter, isn't it just a loss? Anyway, we have scored 2 points and are ahead in the score."

"It will be great to see how the SRX team performs from now on~!"

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