Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1132 After the sneak attack

Hamtaro's roar echoed in the ears of the audience along with the sound.

Since it is a three-party melee, the audiences in all the auditoriums of the three major countries, as well as those watching on the TV sets, can also hear it simultaneously at the same time.

Therefore, at this moment Hamtaro does not know that he has completed the achievement of roaring at one person in front of people all over the world.

Likewise, Shapiro Kizzi accomplished the feat of being yelled at in front of people all over the planet.

The two parties involved did not know these things.

The two parties involved were communicating sincerely at this moment.

"Don't scream so loud, Lieutenant Ham Aika."

"Don't forget, I currently have the highest military rank, so I have to respect my superiors."

"You don't have the composure of a Free Federation soldier at all. It's such an embarrassment to the Free Federation soldiers!"

Shapiro Kizzi's almost leisurely rake made Hamtaro speechless.

Zhen Feiniao, who was lucky enough to survive, looked at the World Seizer above Duan Kongwo in disbelief, and was shocked.

"How can people be so shameless!? Are these soldiers of the Free Federation?"

In the cockpit of the broken Dorukis not far away, Meliando's handsome face was also clouded at the moment.

"It's okay to launch a sneak attack. After the sneak attack, you are still so arrogant and shameless."

"Is this why Dr. Bean is completely disappointed with the Silla Alliance and the Free Federation?"

"Indeed, if the Silla Alliance and the Free Federation are full of scum like this that doesn't even have the most basic sense of honor and shame, then there is really no need to have any expectations."

"I always feel like I understand Dr. Bean's painstaking efforts."

While Meliando was talking to himself, Shapirokitz didn't give him and Shin Asuka much room to breathe.

A blue beam of light roared out from the forehead of the World Seizer, directly hitting the broken Destiny Gundam R and Dorukis.

Zhen Asuka and Meliando immediately controlled the machine to move sideways and avoided the sneak attack light.

Zhen Feiniao said angrily: "Come again!?"

Shapiro Kitz sarcastically said with a haughty tone.

"What do you mean, come back? The battle has never been interrupted."

"To be distracted by the enemy in battle, the soldiers of the Human Revolutionary Unity really don't look like soldiers at all."

As he said that, various blue beams of light from the blue crystal on the World Seizer's body roared towards Destiny Gundam R and Dorukis as if they were free of charge. The two machines were forced to dodge frequently.

"What the hell..."

Although Zhen Asuka is not a soldier of human innovation and integration, but a soldier of the ZAFT army of another world.

But facing the humiliation of Shapiro Kitz still made his lungs explode.

With his anger level so high, even in the SEED burst state, Zhen Asuka couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. Controlling the Destiny Gundam R, he rushed towards Shapiro's World Seizer.

"Die to me!!!"


The gun in Destiny Gundam R's palm roared out. The World Seizer blocked with his elbow, blocking Destiny Gundam R's arm, and then made a side collision, knocking the broken Destiny Gundam R away.

"Ha, after all, he is a barbarian of human innovation and integration. He can only use brute force."

"It's a waste to give you a good machine like the Destiny Gundam."

"If you use this, I can end this battle without any injuries."

"If it falls into your hands, it will be a waste after all."

Shapiro Kizzi's taunts made Zhen Asuka, who was already furious, even more intolerable.

"Trash like you is not worthy of piloting a GUNDAM!!!"

The broken Destiny Gundam R only has half of the nimbus propulsion wing left, and its balance is seriously damaged. But still, under the explosion of Zhen Asuka, it showed an astonishing speed that was not inferior to the previous damage-free state.

Looking at the half-light wing, the machine body tilted obviously, but the speed was still astonishing and the attack was rapid and fierce.

Merian Dudu could not help but praise the similarly broken Dorukis.

"What a superb piece of driving skill."

"Since ancient times, no matter how calm a warrior is, once he is carried away by anger and loses his composure, his combat effectiveness will fluctuate due to an unbalanced mentality, and he will be defeated by the enemy."

"The pilot of this Destiny Gundam can actually increase his combat effectiveness without decreasing when he is extremely angry, and his operational accuracy and combat rhythm have been greatly improved."

"If I hadn't known that the ability called SEED in the anime didn't exist, I would have doubted whether he had exploded with SEED like in the animation, a special ability that can force people to calm down and improve their reaction ability. "

After praising him, Meriando showed a slightly regretful expression.

"Whether it is the previous Infinite Justice Gundam or the pilot of this Destiny Gundam, they are both very good fighters and the opponents I look forward to."

"It's a pity that we can't have a hearty battle because of the interference of the Free Federation. It's really a pity."

"And from this situation, I'm afraid there's nothing more I can do to save it."

"In that case..."

Meliando's eyes narrowed, and Dorukis began to move again.

The large particle cannon in his hand fired again, aiming straight at the huge Duan Kongga.

Faced with this attack, Duan Kong and I did not move, but remained motionless.

Just when the large particle cannon was about to hit Duan Kongwo, a reddish machine with a slight yellow embellishment and holding two large shields appeared in front of Duan Kongwo.

Two shields were raised in front of him, and a blue barrier appeared on the spot, blocking the large particle cannon tightly, preventing any beam particles from breaking through to Duan Kongwo behind him.

Such a scene was also seen by everyone on the battlefield and outside the battlefield.

Many people outside the venue were confused and did not know the origin of this machine holding a giant shield. I was just amazed that Dorukis's shot was completely blocked by it.

Only some knowledgeable people read out the name of this machine.

"Giant shield."*N

Hamtaro, who was in the Fighting General Unit No. 1, looked at the unit with a complicated expression and sighed.

"Although I don't believe in those feudal superstitions, even the major said that this machine has an ominous aura."

"But even so, the people above still sent this machine out."

"It seems that the people above are very persistent in this competition."

Compared to Hamtaro's relaxed expression, Meliando's expression was much more serious.

"Is it a giant shield? Although this machine is not difficult for the super-type Grunggast series, it is not difficult to break through."

"The bulkiness caused by its weight and extremely low maneuverability makes it very easy to target."

"But at present, I, Dorukis, do not have the mobility to break through its protection, and I don't think I will continue to stand by and watch that Duankong."

"Under such circumstances, I have basically no hope of dealing with Duan Kong."

"The only thing I can do now is..."

Turning his eyes to the No. 1 Warrior Type Unit, Merian straightened his expression, opened the public channel, and said.

"Take the move, Hamtaro. Even if you are destined to be shot down, I will take you away before you are shot down and add another point to the motherland!"

Hamtaro looked at Dorukis in surprise and complained.

"It's enough to make a sneak attack. Anyway, we are the first, so I won't say anything if you reciprocate."

"But you still chose this most upright way. Do you want to duel with me?"

"Sure enough, among the nobles in the Silla Alliance, there are also people who believe in the Bushido."

"If that's the case, then it's not okay if you don't respond."

Turning on the public channel, Hamtaro shouted: "You will be shot down first."

"Leave this Dorukis to me. This is a one-on-one battle between men. Please don't intervene."

"If I fail, just shoot it down for me."

"Then, Ham Aika, the fierce general type unit No. 1, attack!"

The corners of Meliando's mouth raised slightly: "You are very confident, the ace of the Free Federation. But it is just confidence, but it cannot bring you victory."

"Meliando Peacecraft, Dorukis, come out!"

The two robots charged at high speed with beam sabers in hand and collided.

Hamtaro: "No, the Shogun Style will bring me victory!"

Meliando: "How can you taste the wine of victory so easily!? Fall down, Hamtaro!"

Hamtaro: "Don't even think about it!!!"

The two machines once again erupted at ultra-high speeds that were far beyond what the machines could bear.

Arcs flashed everywhere on the two machines, and it was clear at just one glance that the current state of the two machines could not sustain this state for long.

It won't take long for the two machines to be overloaded and explode.

But even so, the two men did not slack off in their operations, with precision and speed.

Seeing such a scene, Shinobu Fujiwara in the cockpit suddenly had veins on his forehead, clenched his fists, and listened to Shapiro Kizzi's reprimand.

"What are you doing, Second Lieutenant Shinobu Fujiwara? Attack me quickly and knock down that Dorukis."

"The points must be obtained by our Beastmaster team!"

No matter how much Shapiro Kitz cursed, Fujiwara Shinobu remained unmoved.

On the contrary, in the giant shield beside me, a young man wearing a purple turban curiously opened the communicator and asked.

"Are we really just watching a show here?"

Shinobi Fujiwara curled his lips and said sarcastically: "If you want to fuck you, I won't."

"I just fired one shot and it was already my limit."

"Am I still a man if I intervene in a duel between men? Yu!"

Hearing this, Shinguji Yu also nodded subconsciously.

"Of course not..."

"What are you talking about, Warrant Officer Yu Shinmiyaji!?"

Shapiro Kizzi's words shocked Shinguji Yu and he quickly shrank his neck.

"No, no, no, I didn't say anything. I was just responsible for the tasks I was responsible for."

"Yes, my mission is to drive the giant shield to protect me, Duan Kong. I can't handle the rest, so I won't get involved."

Yu Shinguji's words made Shapiro Kizzi furious, and at the same time made Shinobu Fujiwara put his head in his hands and lean against the cockpit.

"That's it. Duan Kong, I had some problems with the cooling system due to the previous salvo of all guns. I'll check it first."

"Captain, if you have time, you'd better shoot down the Gundam of the Human Revolutionary Integration first, and then teach us a lesson."

"As an ace pilot, you shouldn't be able to defeat the opponent, right!?"

Shapiro Kitz heard this and angrily said: "How dare you question me as the captain!?"

Sharo Keisei, who was also in Duankong Ga, also helped: "Shinobu, talk to the captain and be careful. You are just a team member, so pay attention to your superiority and inferiority."

"Tch." Fujiwara Shinobu turned his head with disdain.

The other pilots in Duan Kong Wo looked at each other, shrugged, and did not interrupt.

Only Shapiro Kizzi said angrily: "Okay, I'll take care of this Gundam first, and then I'll take care of you!"

The communication was shut down, and the giant shield and I stayed in mid-air, motionless.

Not far away, four aircraft were flying up and down, fighting together.

In the battlefield, everyone was either focused on fighting or their minds were racing and thinking about random things because of what happened before.

But off the field, most people had the same idea.

After the initial surprise and annoyance, they all began to support the teams of their respective countries.

But this is not absolute. At least in some of the contestants' rest areas, many people had objections to Shapiro's actions just now.

In the rest room of the Silla Alliance, Kaspar watched the scene of Shapiro and Hamtaro fighting each other after Duan Kong I succeeded in the sneak attack, and his teeth bared.

(Youde, now I probably understand why Dr. Bean rebelled.)

Lin Youde crossed his arms and hugged Alufemi, and replied with a calm expression.

(Oh? What did you understand?)

Kasbar: (Being with people like this every day, many people in the Silla Alliance must have fallen along with them, right?)

(Does Dr. Bean become completely disappointed with the Silla Alliance because he has seen this kind of thing too many times?)

Lin Youde thought for a moment and replied: (It’s hard to say.)

To be honest, Lin Youde thinks the possibility is not zero.

It’s not like Lin Youde didn’t recognize the person who made such nonsense on the screen.

Although I have never watched the TV anime of the original work "Super Beast Machine God Dankuuga".

But as someone who has played many versions of "Super Robot Wars", Lin Youde also has a certain understanding of the general plot of this animation.

Shapiro Kizzi, the original TV villain, has a BOSS-like existence.

The whole person is a typical narcissist + elitism.

Believing that one is inherently better than others, that one should be superior to others and that one should dominate others.

But his strength is not very good, and his vision is not very good. In the end, he defected to aliens, became a villain, and was beaten to death by the protagonist group.

Lin Youde only had this impression of this villain who was relatively famous and had a relatively high appearance rate.

Compared with other villains in super-type animations, Shapiro Kizzi himself is not very powerful. He is just narcissistic and a bitch.

He is a typical type with high vision but low hand. He fights pretty well, but he is not comparable to classic masked man super villains like Char.

He himself can be regarded as a villain with no merits except being annoying and without any charisma.

But for such a villain who is hated by everyone, perhaps he is not the worst among today's Silla Alliance and Free Federation armies.

After all, Shapiro Kizzi is just narcissistic and annoying, but he still has some strength. He can only be called poor, not terrible.

And there are probably quite a lot of rotten people in the Silla Alliance and Free Federation armies today.

As for why, it’s not convenient to go into details here, everyone knows it.

So Lin Youde was really not sure whether Bian Zoldak in this world was aroused by some people's bad feelings.


PS: If I need to go out for something, I won’t divide it into chapters and just post it together. The subsequent plot is accelerating, but there are some things that cannot be omitted, and it will be a bit strange if they are omitted.

Therefore, the author will save some manuscripts as soon as possible, look for opportunities to explode, and finish the plot where the protagonist does not participate in the war as soon as possible.

It’s just that I’m in a bit of a bad situation lately, so I’m not sure whether I can get what I want...

When will things get better? Alas...

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