Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1141 Open up

Shinobu Fujiwara's words completely angered the three members of the SRX team.

Before the start of the game, Wall Annick, the white wolf of our joint industrial research and development team, made some comments about related households.

Not to mention Ni Xingxing, who has the most fiery personality, even the good-tempered Gu Lincai and Ladis are a little angry.

It was just that at that time, because everyone was still one of their own and needed to speak to the outside world in unison, Gu Lincai and Ladis calmly endured it.

But now he is looked down upon by an outsider, even a hostile enemy. Such public taunting and persuasion to surrender in front of people all over the world.

How could the three members of the SRX team endure this?

Not to mention Ni Xingxing, whose anger level has been rising steadily for a long time, even Gu Lincai and Ladis have reached the point where their anger level is at full level and is about to explode.

Yes, they are calmer and more mature than Ni Xingxing, and they don't take face-related matters very seriously.

But Fujiwara Shinobu's public attempt to persuade them to surrender not only wiped the faces of their SRX team, but also the faces of the Human Innovation Consolidation, the Lin Research Institute, and Lin Youde.

In this kind of world competition, persuade the enemy to surrender.

This is one of the highest levels of humiliation.

What could be more humiliating to a competitor, or even a warrior, than to look down on you completely, use a tone of pity to make you surrender, and make you look good?

For the three current SRX team members, no more.

This was the highest level of humiliation, and the three of them couldn't bear it anymore.

Also intolerable is Jiechesara.

Seeing that his lover was shot down and his teammates were still dawdling, looking like they were not doing their best, the formation of Sharo also completely exploded.

"Since you are unwilling to take action, then don't blame me."


With Fujiwara Shinobu's puzzled and stunned expression, Sara Yusei pushed the joystick to the maximum.

Shikibu Masato exclaimed: "Maximum energy output? Yucheng, what are you doing? This energy furnace will explode."

Jiechengsha Luo snorted coldly: "Who makes you refuse to take action? I just want to help you one step. The energy output has been turned to the maximum."

"Now, Fujiwara, you can either fire or wait for me to explode."

"Whether you win or lose, it's up to you."

As a result, Fujiwara Shinobu, who was still suppressing his laughter, became furious on the spot: "Sara, you guy..."

Sima Liang said anxiously: "Ren, fire quickly, there is no time!"

Looking at the rapidly rising energy meter, Shinobu Fujiwara clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction and turned on the public channel to shout.

"It seems you don't plan to surrender? There's nothing you can do about it. At least I'll send you on your way manually."

"You fought brilliantly, but I'm sorry, we will win this battle."

"The maximum output of the air-breaking cannon..."

Then, audiences around the world saw me put away the Duan Kong sword, raise my hands flat in front of me, and assume a very familiar posture.

Anyone who watched the Olympic exhibition games two years ago can't help but exclaim.

"That's Nova's move!"

I saw Duan Kong's fists shrinking and turning into two muzzles.

The two air-break cannons on the shoulders were pressed down, the two beam cannons on the waist were raised, and the laser muzzles on the chest began to accumulate energy.

Seeing this situation, Lin Youde's eyelids jumped and he thought to himself.

‘Can my hands become cannon muzzles? no? Isn't that Nova's exclusive move? ’ (Note 1)

‘Why is this Duan Kong me different from the one I remember? Could it be that this Duan Kong Me is a modified version like the Ancient Iron Titan? ’

‘But why did the form of Duan Kong Me undergo a magical transformation? What will happen to the Ultimate Duan Kong Me after that? ’

Before Lin Youde could think about it, I pointed the muzzle directly ahead of the sky on the screen, and Shinobu Fujiwara shouted.

"yadeyaluzei (look at me)... air-breaking cannon FORMATION!!!"

All the muzzles erupted, and the super-huge sea of ​​composite beams, so large that it could be described as a tsunami, almost obscured the entire screen.

The entire scene was obscured by colorful beams of light, and nothing could be seen.

This situation almost made the viewers of Human Innovation and Unity despair.

However, under such circumstances, a loud shout sounded from the speaker.

"Stop looking down on people. Isn't it just a cannon? Let me pierce it for you."

"Watch the moves...Heaven~World~Thinking~~~Broken~~~Sword!!!"

As Ni Xingxing shouted loudly, a flash of green light flashed through the tsunami of colorful beams.

In an instant, Fujiwara Shinobu's exclamation rang out from the speakers.

Then the tsunami of colorful beams stopped abruptly...

Before the audience could figure out what was going on, they saw the screen pull back quickly.

I have interrupted the bombardment of the air cannon FORMATION, and moved sideways with a rather embarrassed body. The body was tilted at 90 degrees and floating in mid-air.

Behind me, the huge shield with a big hole in my chest stopped in mid-air. After a flash of electric arc... it exploded...

"What's going on?"*N

Amid the confusion of countless people, the camera once again pulled back to the right.

Then, the audience saw R-1, R-2 enhanced type, and R-3 enhanced type floating in mid-air almost in a straight line, covered with a green light mask and linked together by a green light beam.

Seeing this scene, everyone still didn't understand what happened.

Only the staff of the Lin Research Institute in the viewing area for the Human Innovation Integration contestants understood what was happening.

As everyone watched with a smile, the picture on the screen began to play back quickly.

Then, everyone saw clearly what happened.

It turns out that due to Duan Kong’s operation of forming a saros, I had no choice but to use the Duan Kong Cannon FORMATION.

Something also happened with the SRX team.

Since the voice within the team needs to be kept confidential, there is no voice on the screen, only the screen.

In the screen, the three units of the SRX team were flying together, seemingly planning to arrange themselves in a vertical 1-shape.

However, before the three airframes could fly into position, I opened fire in the air.

Unable to do so, R-1 rushed to the front first, blocking the enhanced version of R-2 in the middle, and deployed a green telekinetic barrier.

The R-3 enhanced type at the bottom also flew behind the R-2 enhanced type, bursting out with green light, forming a green circular mask around it.

Almost as soon as the three airframes flew into position, the air-breaking cannon FORMATION came over.

In front of the huge beam tsunami, the green telekinetic barrier in front of R-1 instantly appeared numerous cracks, looking like it was about to collapse.

But at this time, the green spherical mask on the rearmost R-3 enhanced type shot out a green beam, which was linked to the R-2 enhanced type, causing a green spherical mask to appear around it.

After the mask appeared, a green beam was emitted and linked to R-1. The green ball mask also appeared on R-1.

With the blessing of the green light mask, the telekinetic barrier that was originally full of cracks was instantly repaired. There are only 3 or 4 cracks left, and it can no longer be repaired.

It seemed that he saw that the telekinetic barrier could not be repaired anymore, and knew that it would be very dangerous to continue to carry it on. R-1 immediately raised his fists, and green light erupted from R-1's cockpit, turning R-1 inside the green light cover almost into dark green.

However, the green light was quickly sucked into R-1's fists, and was smashed hard by R-1. They gathered together, condensed into a green sword, and shot forward.

As soon as the green sword flew out, it tore a hole in the tsunami of colorful beams, making everyone's eyelids jump wildly.

However, although the green sword was powerful, it was very difficult to move forward in front of the tsunami of colorful beams.

At this moment, four telekinetic assault shields behind the enhanced R-3 suddenly flew out, came behind the green sword, spread out in a cross shape, and rotated.

As the four assault shields continued to rotate, the green beams were linked together in a circular shape, turning into a green disc that stayed directly behind the green sword.

The R-2 enhanced version, which had been silent all this time, suddenly opened fire with heavy metal particle cannons on its shoulders, hitting the green discs turned into four assault shields, instantly turning the green discs into pure gold.

At this time, R-1 pushed forward hard with both fists, and Ni Xingxing's voice also sounded.

"Stop looking down on people. Isn't it just a cannon? Let me pierce it for you."

"Watch the moves...Heaven~World~Thinking~~~Broken~~~Sword!!!"

R-1's eyes flashed with light, and an astonishing beam of light erupted from his fists again, hitting the golden disc.

As the green beam was blasted out, the golden disc was suddenly dyed green and burst into dazzling light.

Under the burst of light, the green sword seemed to gain propulsion, and finally stopped stopping, and began to rush straight ahead towards me...

The colorful beam of light that was like a tsunami was torn open in front of the green sword...

Just when the green sword was about to tear a hole in front of the tsunami of colorful beams and hit me in the air.

Duan Kong and I seemed to be predicting the unknown, and suddenly made an urgent dodge, and escaped at the critical moment.

It's just that I avoided Duan Kong, but the giant shield behind him was not so lucky.

Caught off guard, the giant shield was pierced by the green sword without even taking a defensive stance...

At this point, the playback screen ends.

As the giant shield exploded, the entire stadium, and even the people watching the game from all over the world, fell silent.

No one could figure out how the SRX team managed to achieve such an amazing scene.

He resisted Duan Kongme's beam tsunami, and almost killed me in one blow.

Are these three machines really real?

Everyone has a big question mark on their foreheads.

But after a brief silence, the Human Revolutionary Unity side burst into cheers.

Because they saw hope of winning.

The SRX team has a killer move that can kill me in one blow.

This is enough to make everyone cheer and jump for joy...


"One more shot, kill me, Duan Kong, Team SRX!!"

"Reviving the glory of the real system depends entirely on you, Team SRX!!!"


Note 1·PS: Normally, my hands cannot turn into cannon muzzles when I'm in the air. Changing my hands into muzzles is a trick I can use to break my Nova. Magical changes have been made here for some reasons.

The specific reason why this happened will be explained in the subsequent plot.

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