Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1148 Huge Gap

【The battle is over! 】

With the explosion of Sokuaga and the subtitles given by "Machine War", the first round of the True Super Robot Competition ended.

The scene gradually faded, but the audience cheered and applauded more intensely than before.

"We win, we win!"

"We actually won three games without relying on the Dragon King and the Four Sacred Beasts. It's like a dream."

"Yeah, we weren't so happy in previous years."

"Eh? Brother, are you insiders? Wasn't it like this in previous years?"

"We can be considered half of the logistics staff. In previous years, except for the Four Sacred Beasts and the Dragon King, we kept losing wildly. It was very frustrating."

"That's right, so today I saw our team win three games in a row, and also defeated the Free Federation's super hybrid robot, which made me feel even more relieved. It's so inspiring!"

"So that's it? In the past, our team always lost more and won less in such competitions, just like the Olympics?"

"That's right, so many of our logistics staff, internal staff, and many younger generations of soldiers and test pilots all admire Lin Youde. Without him, how would we be able to relieve our anger like this."

"Yes, all this is thanks to Mr. Lin Youde. Without him, there would be no BGM field and no integrated robot like SRX."

"Who would have thought that the real system actually has a fusion robot, or a fusion robot of this level."

"The real type defeated the super type, and it was a crushing game. Who would believe it if I told you this."

"Yeah~! SRX is so powerful."

"Crushing, this is exactly crushing, and it is in all aspects."

"That's right, SRX is too strong. It's not at the same level as a robot like Duan Kong."

"Shoot the "Zuan Kong Cannon FORMation" from the front, blast the "Zuan Kong Light Fang Sword" with one punch, and finally kill him instantly with one sword. This is so... so cool! ! ! "

"The SRX team is great, SRX is invincible!"

"SRX is invincible, Dr. Lin Youde is invincible, unity will win!"

The auditorium of the Human Innovation Alliance was filled with people, and everyone's enthusiasm and passion were completely released as SRX absolutely crushed the power.

Unfortunately, the first round of fighting has ended, and there are no other battles today.

The audience couldn't be more excited.

But it was precisely because there were no subsequent games or battles today that all the spectators gathered together in twos and threes, discussing the content of today's game and unwilling to leave for a long time.

"Machine War" seems to have discovered the enthusiasm of the audience of the United Human Revolution, and actually started to play back the key scenes of the previous battles on the screen.

The same operation was also carried out in the auditoriums of the Free Federation and the Silla Alliance.

However, compared to the enthusiasm of the audience on the Human Innovation Alliance side, the reaction of the audience in the Free Federation and Silla Alliance was not very great.

Not to mention that the super hybrid robot Duan Kong, who had just been given high hopes, was blasted from the front, causing the auditorium to become as quiet as the Free Federation Square in a library.

Let’s just say that the Silla League’s audience had already wandered away and started to leave the venue one after another.

But there is nothing we can do about it. The Silla Alliance is currently the only one at the bottom among the three major countries.

As the country that lost the worst in the first round, the audience of the Silla League was in a bad mood.

What was equally bad was Shinobu Fujiwara and others who had just been defeated and teleported back to the contestants' rest area.

Looking at Shinobu Fujiwara and others who were teleported back, Shapiro Kizzi was the first to attack.

"Fujiwara, look what are you doing?"

"Our Beast King team has been completely humiliated by you."

"Driving a super-type fusion robot, you actually lost so miserably."

"How are you going to shoulder this responsibility?"

Faced with Shapiro Kitz’s accusation, Fujiwara Shinobu turned his face away and did not respond.

Masato Shikibu stepped forward and defended: "Captain, we have really tried our best. You should have seen the scene just now. It is impossible to cope with it. That SRX is much better than Duan Kong."

Sima Liang also helped: "Yes, the performance gap is too big. Being crushed in all directions is not the same level at all. It will be the same for anyone."

Sara Yusei didn't speak, but she glanced at Shinobu Fujiwara, but she didn't accuse him.

Yu Shinguji, who came back first, glanced at Hamtaro, who had just had a fight with Shapiro Kizzi.

Hamtaro ignored it, crossed his arms, and sat aside. Nagisa Sakura handed him the tea and asked in a low voice.

"Brother Ham, is the gap between SRX and Duan Kong me really that big?"

Hamtaro took the tea cup from his adopted sister, took a sip, and then returned with a louder voice on purpose.

"There is a clear gap between SRX and Duan Kongwo."

"Although the performance of the three separate SRX bodies is barely at the level of third-generation machines. But after being combined, the performance span is very huge."

"Using the real generation analogy, if we say that I am a second-generation machine in the normal state, and after stimulating "feralization", I am a 2.5-generation machine, which is barely close to a third-generation machine. Then SRX is a proper 4th generation machine... No, it should be said to be a 4.5th generation machine. "

"The performance difference between the two is not even a little bit."

Hamtaro's words made Shapiro Kizzi's expression freeze.

Hu Suo also took the opportunity to deliberately make an exclamation expression.

"Wow, is the difference so big?"

Rachel on the side drank the black tea brought by Julia and responded leisurely.

"Yes, the performance of both is so huge."

"Also, tell me something you may not have noticed."

"Since the SRX team started to unite, Duan Kong's BGM field has been suppressed to the point where I can barely hear the sound."

Yu Shinguji hammered his palm, and said with a sudden look on his face: "Yes, it seems that I just started to combine from SRX, and you can no longer hear the sound of the BGM field of Duan Kong."

"After the combination, SRX's new BGM field started playing, and I never heard the sound of my BGM field at all."

Rachel said slowly.

"Yes, Duan Kong, my BGM field has been completely suppressed."

"Although both are combined robots, they are also black box bodies."

"But SRX, which has an independent BGM field when combined, is undoubtedly more special."

"Even if it's all in the field of black box BGM, it seems there are high and low levels."

"After the integration of SRX is completed, the special BGM field that completely covers the BGM of Kuangwa is obviously one of the reasons why the gap between the two is so huge."

"It is completely crushed in the field of BGM, and the performance of the aircraft is naturally impossible to compare."

"Of course, there is certainly a factor in this that SRX's own strength exceeds that of Duan Kongme."

"In short, the defeat just now was not a crime of war."

Rachel teased amid Shapiro Kizzi's dark expression.

"Besides, that was the team that Lin Youde was personally responsible for forming. That SRX is obviously one of the trump cards of human innovation and integration."

"That exaggerated performance is probably what enabled the human innovation and integration to defeat the leader of the dimensional beasts before."

Thanks to "Balumongk of the Sky" for the reward of 10,000 starting coins.

Thanks to "Ziyan" for the reward of 1,500 starting coins.

Thanks to "PAUL2" for the reward of 500 starting coins.

Thanks to "Book Friends 20221105154714451" and "Newbie Bookworm Finch Leo" for the reward of 100 starting coins.

The author will work hard to update it!

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