Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1167 Confrontation

Silla League score: 4+0.5

As the score table displayed in "Machine War", the Silla Alliance jumped from the last place to the first place, and the audience of the Silla Alliance began to cheer.

The audience of the Free Federation looked disgusted, which was of course related to the fact that their Special Forces Team 3 was completely tortured.

However, before the audience on both sides could react much, a burst of white light flashed on the screen.

Three machines, two small, one large, appeared in the white light.

At the same time, a line of subtitles appeared in the eyes of the audience.

"New Challengers-Human Innovation and Integration·Special Combat Techniques Training Team"

As the subtitles finished appearing, two Undead IIs, one green and one blue, and one Grungast Zero appeared in everyone's eyes.

Seeing this scene, the cheers in the Silla Alliance auditorium paused, while the Free Federation auditorium was full of discussions.

In the Free Federation contestants' lounge, Ryuko Kamiya, who had already reached the door, looked surprised.

"What's going on? Are the people from the Human Innovation and Integration so tough?"

Kamiya Akiya looked at Ishimaru Hiroya with a little surprise: "Are the usual human innovation and integration so radical?"

Ishimaru Hiroshi also shook his head: "No, according to previous years' records, they always delay whenever they can and never take the initiative to attack."

"But this may also be related to this year's lineup change."

"The leader over there is suspected to be Dr. Lin Youde. It is not incomprehensible for young people to be leaders, and they are full of energy and enthusiasm."

"The most important thing is that they now have such strong capital."

Akira Kamiya looked at the three machines of the special combat skills training team on the screen and nodded slightly.

"That's true. Those two Undead are probably prototypes. Needless to say, Gurunghast Zero is a regular on the field."

"And in terms of performance, Type Zero is obviously better than Type One, Type Two, and Type Three."

"But the shortcomings of the Zero's lack of armaments are also well known."

"I just don't know how the Human Innovation and Integration team will handle it."

With that said, Akira Kamiya waved to his adopted daughter: "Okay, let's come back and continue watching the show."

"Since the Human Revolutionary Unity team is so impatient, wait until they finish the game before you play again. Anyway, there is a chance for you to play, so don't be anxious."

Kamiya Ryuko heard this, although he looked unhappy, but he still returned to the lounge obediently and looked at the big screen.

In that highly anticipated arena.

The three machines of Zeng Jia, Zhou Benkai, and Kawei Rao have just appeared.

Grunggast Zero raised his ship-cutting sword and pointed at Grunghast Three.

Zeng Jia directly opened the public channel and shouted.

"Wu Ming, do you still remember me?"

Since Zenga initiated visual communication, his image also appeared on the audience's big screen.

Murata Wuming in Grungast Three Shiki saw Zeng Jia's image, and also connected the visual communication, so that his bearded image appeared in front of everyone.

Especially the huge scar from forehead to cheek on the left side of his face adds to his fierceness.

After opening the visual communication on the public channel, Cuntai Wuming said in a cold tone.

"I was wondering who was driving the Zero. It turned out to be you, Zeng Jia, a young boy like you."

"What, are you coming to catch up with me?"

Zeng Jia glared at Murata Wu Ming: "Wu Ming, I just want to ask you, are you still practicing the "way of killing"? ? "

Murata Wuming's face was expressionless: "Obvious question, rather, do you also want to oppose my way of the sword?"

Zenga said nothing, Grungast Zero held the sword with both hands and assumed a fighting stance.

Village Tai Wuming touched the scar on his face, and his face gradually turned ferocious: "It seems that you are just like that old guy Li Qiu, a die-hard guy who refuses to change his ways."

"Okay, let me, my senior brother, test how much your little junior brother has learned from that old guy!"

The Grungast Zero thruster roared, and with a huge roar, the entire machine body rushed out like a cannonball.

Zeng Jia said angrily: "Beheading you is enough!"

Village Tai·Wu Ming: "You are not ashamed to speak loudly!"

The propellers of Grunghast III also roared, and it rushed straight towards Grunghast Zero.

Zenga: "Ohhhhh!!!"

Murata·Wu Ming: "Drink!!!"

Clang~~~! ! ! ! ! !

The zero-type ship-cutting sword and the three-type liquid ship-cutting sword collided in the air, making a huge roar.

Huge air waves centered on the two machines and rushed in all directions...

The huge air wave caused the other four machines to raise their hands to block the dust and cover the camera before they could move.

Fortunately, this wave of air comes and goes quickly.

In less than a moment, the air wave dissipated.

The four people at the scene and countless spectators outside the scene saw two huge 40-meter-high robots holding ship-cutting knives, cutting together and competing for strength.

The flames propelling behind them continued to spurt out, and the two machines refused to give way, causing countless sparks to fly from the blades of the two ship-cutting knives.

The nameless Murata snorted coldly: "Zeng Jia, is this all you can do? It seems that you are not strong enough to kill me!"

Before Zengjia could reply, Grungast Three-Style's liquid ship-cutting sword suddenly tilted slightly, causing the Zero-type ship-cutting sword to slide out from the side of the liquid ship-cutting sword.

The moment the liquid ship-cutting sword slipped out, Grungast Sanshi raised his left fist. A jet flying fist was aimed at Type Zero and shot out.


In Zenga's exclamation, Grunghast Zero raised his right arm to block in a hurry.


A huge roar sounded.

The 40-meter-tall Grungast Zero was pushed back five or six meters by the jet flying fist before it stopped.

"Get away!"

Zenga roared angrily, waved his arm, and let Gurungast Zero sweep away the jet flying fist of the third form.

But as soon as the jet flying fist was swept away, Murata Wuming's violent shouts rang out.


As soon as Zeng Jia looked up, he saw Gurungast Sanshi holding the liquid ship-cutting knife in his hand and slashing Huashan with one move.

The opponent's charged slash is absolutely powerful.

But Zeng Jia did not flinch when faced with this sword.

Zeng Jia: "Zero type·Ship-cutting sword·Cut against the wind!!!"

Several small propellers on the back of the Zero Ship-Slashing Knife were all opened, and flames burst out, allowing the Zero-Ship-Slashing Knife to attack from the bottom up with ferocious propulsion.

boom! ! !

A huge roar broke out again.

The two ship-cutting knives met again, and a huge air wave was set off again.

Gurungast Three-Style struck Huashan with a condescending strike, but Gurunghast Zero-Type successfully caught it.

Such a battle situation made Village Tai Wuming couldn't help but admire: "It's not bad, much better than those little trash before."

The faces of the Free Federation audience turned dark.

Zeng Jia, who was at the scene, asked with a gloomy face: "During the sword competition, you actually used such a little trick."

"Wu Ming, this is what you call a "killing sword"! ? "

"If you don't even use a sword, how can you call it kendo?"

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