Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1169 Duel between Senior Brothers

Rely on real-type machines to fight against super-type machines and gain a certain upper hand from the beginning.

Even if there is suppression in the BGM field, the strength of the special combat skills training team can be seen.

However, no matter how exciting they played here, they couldn't attract the attention of any audience at all.

Because the screens in the auditorium of the three major countries were now occupied by the figures of two Gurunghasts.

I don't know if "Machine War" thinks that the battle between Zhou Benkai and Kawei Rao and Irum and Miyamoto Kotaro is not interesting.

I still feel that Grunggast·Zero Type VS Grunggast·Three Types, the battle between brothers from the same discipline is more exciting.

In short, the showdown between two Undead IIs and two Grunggasts could not be seen on the screens in the seating area of ​​the contestants from the three major countries, including the audience.

On the screen, Grunggast Zero and Grunggast Three each took turns wielding their ship-cutting knives. They were fighting with great vigor and momentum, making audiences from all over the world stare intently and become nervous.

The audience is afraid that due to an oversight, they will miss a crucial sword move and miss the most exciting moment.

The audience outside the venue was nervous, and Zeng Jia and Murata Muming inside the venue were also concentrating on it, maximizing their body's performance to the limit.

The clashing sounds of ship-cutting swords and ship-cutting swords shook the hearts of the audience.

The battle between two giant robots also represents the beliefs of Zenga and Murata Muming.

However, it can be said that the skills of the fellow disciples are comparable, but it is because of their early relationship that they are too familiar with each other's sword moves.

Zeng Jia and Murata Wuming fought for more than ten rounds, with no outcome in sight.

Seeing that he had been unable to take down Murata Wuming, Zeng Jia understood that the opponent's strength was probably greater than his own.

Because Lin Youde had told him earlier. Grunghast Zero is a specially designed machine. In terms of overall performance and body output, it absolutely crushes Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3.

Since the Zero's largest weapon is the ship-cutting sword, the power output of the Zero's arms is the highest among the four models.

But even so, after adapting to Murata Muming's various attack methods of flying fists, chest rays, and eye rays, he began to fight purely with the ship-cutting sword. But he has been unable to win over the opponent, and even took advantage.

Such a situation made Zengjia realize that after so many years, his senior brother who had betrayed his master had become slightly better than him in swordsmanship.

Zeng Jia happily admitted and accepted this in his heart.

‘Killing so many people, grinding for so many years. If he couldn't match me in kendo skills, Teacher Li Qiu wouldn't have been so sad back then. ’

After admitting in his heart that the other party was stronger than himself, Zeng Jia also began to look for a way to win.

‘Since we are technically weaker than the opponent, we should learn from each other’s strengths to offset our weaknesses. ’

‘The performance of Type Zero is better than Type Three, which is my advantage. ’

‘With the strength of weapons, in peacetime there may be suspicions of defeat without force. But today, it doesn't matter. These evil spirits must be killed! ’

With the tone set in his mind, Zenga controlled Grunggast Zero and swept away Grunghast Three with one sword, then retreated slightly and opened some distance.

Murata Wuming has been on the battlefield for a long time, and his sense of the battle situation is quite keen and sharp. He discovered Zeng Jia's intention immediately.

But he didn't stop him because he also knew that he couldn't defeat this junior brother. So he also needs to readjust.

Of course, bad breath is inevitable.

Ever since, as soon as they pulled away, Cuntai Wuming mocked.

"What's wrong, Zeng Jia, where has the momentum gone to kill me?"

"Is this what that old guy Li Qiu taught you?"

"Such a weak and powerless sword cannot defeat me..."

Before Village Tai Wuming finished speaking, he was stopped by Zeng Jia.

"Shut up!!!"

Village Tai Wuming was stunned for a moment, then sneered. Just as he was about to speak, he heard an exciting BGM suddenly blasting in the sky.

[BGM: 悪をbreakerつ剣-Hanaoka Takuya]

At the same time, Zeng Jia's loud shouts also sounded.

"Then listen to me!"

"My name is Zenga, Zenga Zongbolt, and I am the sword that cuts off evil!"

As the BGM exploded, the entire sky suddenly turned into a red dusk.

A sunset appeared behind Grungast Zero.

In the setting sun, a half-length silhouette of Zeng Jia appeared with his eyes closed.

Murata Muming: "What is this? Is it an effect in the BGM field? I haven't heard of such an effect in the BGM field."

Seeing this sudden abnormality, Murata Wuming was surprised, but he reacted very quickly and immediately activated the BGM field he obtained from "Machine War".

It's just that the BGM field he opened was suppressed by Zeng Jia's BGM field, and no sound could be heard.

At this time, the sound of high rivers exploded in the sky along with the BGM field.

"Today the evil spirits are in power, and I must act on behalf of heaven."

"Ignorance, suffer death!!!"

Grungast Zero stamped his foot on the ground, and the ground shattered. The entire depression disappeared first, causing the spectators outside the venue to take a breath.

However, before anyone could react, the thrusters behind Grunggast Zero erupted, with huge flames that were comparable to a rocket taking off, pushing Gurunghast Zero completely out of the sunken ground. , shooting straight into the sky.

Murata Wuming and Gurungast Sanshi looked up together and saw the half-length silhouette of Zengjia in the setting sun and slowly opened their eyes.

The moment the phantom opened its eyes, the huge Grungast Zero raised its Zero Ship-cutting Sword high, fell from the sky, and struck at Grungast Three-Style.

Seeing this scene, Cuntai Wuming suddenly reacted.

"No, I was overwhelmed by the opponent's momentum. Damn Li Qiu, is this the trump card you taught Zeng Jia?"

After cursing at an alarming speed on the public channel, Murata Muming controlled Gurungast Sanshi to wield the liquid ship-cutting sword and began to receive attacks from the bottom up.

Village Tai·Wu Ming: "Zeng Jia..."

Murata Wuming seemed to want to say something, but Zeng Jia didn't give him a chance at all.

The huge roar, which was matched with the sound in the BGM field on the spot, covered up its sound. All the spectators in the entire stadium, even those in front of the TV, could only hear Zeng Jia's roar.

"Ship-cutting sword·Wind and furious waves!!!"

On the audience's screen, the picture freezes instantly.

"Ship-cutting sword!"

"A furious storm!!"

Two lines of Chinese characters were displayed across the screen. After a second's pause, the ship-cutting knife fell.

In an instant, a huge roar covered everything...

The screen zoomed up rapidly, and a mushroom cloud comparable to a small-yield nuclear bomb rose from the battlefield on the spot.

At the same time, because the picture was zoomed up, the audience could clearly see that the two Undead IIs, Grunggast Type 1 and Grunggast Type 2 were blown far away on the spot due to the rise of a huge mushroom cloud...

On the way, Irum's exclamation sounded on the public channel.

"That's nonsense, wow..."

Irum's exclamations gradually faded away, and everyone's nerves became tense.

No one knows what the result will be if this sword is struck, and everyone is waiting anxiously.

A moment later, accompanied by heavy roars, a huge black robot dragged a huge ship-cutting knife out of the mushroom cloud...

What sounded at the same time was Zeng Jia's steady voice.

"My ship-cutting sword can never cut anything without stopping."

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