Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1173 Three Machines of the Silla Alliance

In the surprised expression of Ryuko Kamiya, the three machines of the Silla Alliance slowly appeared in the white light.

The one standing in the C position among the three machines is one of the most famous machines in the Silla Alliance, the Guardian of the Earth, the God of the Earth.

As soon as the Earth God appeared, the eyes of the entire audience, including Ryuko Kamiya in the Free Federation Lounge, and Lin Youde and others in the Human Innovation and Unification Lounge, were firmly fixed on it.

The shadow of the famous human tree, the Earth God is the currently known super-type body of the country, and its strength is beyond doubt.

Therefore, as soon as it appeared on the stage, it set off the whole audience, making the audience in the auditorium and in front of the TV scream in surprise.

Free Federation · Auditorium.

"Isn't it, Earth God!?"

"Is that the Earth God of the Silla Alliance?"

"Why did the Silla Alliance send out the Earth God at this time? Isn't that their trump card?"

"I don't know. Could it be that the people from the Silla Alliance are getting impatient?"

"That's not true. Isn't their score number one now?"

"What are those guys from the Silla Alliance planning?"

Silla Alliance Auditorium.

"The God of the Earth, the God of the Earth!"

"The Earth God takes action, this battle is settled."

"Yes, as long as the Earth God appears, there is no enemy that cannot be defeated."

"Quickly kill the machines of human innovation and integration, and sweep across the field, Earth God!"

"Earth God! Earth God!! Earth God!!!"

Human Innovation Integration Auditorium.

"Hey, what kind of machine is that? It looks so domineering."

"I checked, and it seems to be one of the strongest machines in the Silla Alliance, the Earth God."

"The strongest machine, the Earth God!?"

"Yes, it seems that during the previous invasion of dimensional beasts, this machine was exposed and swept away the dimensional beasts in the Silla Alliance. This is what a friend of mine who studied abroad in the Silla Alliance told me."

"I also checked. It is said on the Internet that this Earth God, according to the latest combat power rating, seems to be at the Zhenguo level. By the way, our country's Four Sacred Beasts, according to this standard, are at the Pillar God level, which is better than the Zhenguo level. It’s one level lower.”

"What? Doesn't that mean that this thing is stronger than the four holy beasts? What should we do?"

Listening to the chaotic discussions of the audience around him, Ziyun Tongye looked at Kabutoshirou and asked, "Is it true, Shirou? Is this Earth God stronger than the Four Sacred Beasts?"

Before Kabutoshiro could speak, Ziyun Tongye's father, A. Zelda Xion, was the first to reply.

"That's right, Tong Ye. The Earth God's combat power is stronger than the four holy beasts. Unless the four holy beasts gather together, they will definitely lose against the Earth God."

Seeing Ziyun Tongye's surprised expression, A. Zelda Xion said calmly without changing her face: "This is not an exaggeration on my part, nor is it an attempt to embolden others' ambitions and undermine my own prestige."

"This is a solid record in previous competitions."

"No matter which one of the Four Holy Beasts is absent, three of the Four Holy Beasts will not be able to win against the Earth God."

"Only when the four holy beasts gather together can they possibly compete."

"In a single battle, the Earth God can easily defeat the Four Sacred Beasts."

"But this is also related to the fact that the four holy beasts are good at not charging head-on."

"In terms of defending national territory, the Four Sacred Beasts are far from being comparable to the Earth God."

"But when it comes to charging head-on, the Four Sacred Beasts are no match for the Earth God."

Hearing this, Ziyun Tongye was shocked, and Kabuto Shirou also replied with a subtle expression at this time.

"Well, it's just like what uncle said. If the four holy beasts face off against the Earth God alone, they will not be opponents. Brother Youde also said this."

"The Earth God is a special machine in the Grungast series, and it is also the culmination of this series."

"If Grunghast Zero is the starting point of the Grunghast series, then Earth God is similar to the end of the Grunggast series."

Kabutoshiro's speech deeply shocked Ziyun Tongye, making Ziyun Tongye exclaim in surprise.

"What? The Earth God is a machine from the Grungast series?"

Ziyun Tongye took a closer look, and his expression gradually became subtle: "Indeed, if you look carefully, this Earth God is indeed very similar to the Grungast series. But who is stronger, this machine or the Zero?"

A. Zelda Xion replied: "The Earth God must be stronger. Without the BGM field, the Earth God is a standard national-level machine."

"The Type Zero is just a slightly powerful special machine that can barely reach the pillar god level, which is the threshold of the holy beast level."

"The gap between the two is not that big."

Ziyun Tongye couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard this: "Then aren't we destined to lose?"

Human Innovation Integration Lounge.

Seeing the appearance of the Earth God, Lei Mengmeng and others were surprised.

Du Jianlong's eyes widened even more: "Good guy, are you going to go directly to the national-level machine at this time? Are the people in the Silla Alliance losing their minds?"

Liu Longma complained: "Could it be that the Zengjia and Type Zero wins were too overwhelming, so that the guys from the Silla Alliance wanted to prove for the Grungast series and regain the situation, so the Earth God Appearing?"

God Hayato touched his chin and thought: "This possibility cannot be ruled out. After all, the people in the Silla Alliance are famous for their good reputation."

Tomoe Musashi echoed: "Yes, according to what Youde told us before, the Earth God is also a Gurunghast series. Use this machine to regain ground for Gurunghast, and earn some money for the Silla Alliance by the way." It’s not impossible to save face.”

Kang Dingbang glanced at the three members of the Geta team speechlessly: "Is now the time to talk about this?"

Wang Kai also looked at Lin Youde with some worry: "Youde, do you think Zeng Jia and the others have a chance of winning?"

Looking at the Earth God, Lin Youde also frowned slightly: "I can't say, there is a big performance gap between the Zero and the Earth God. But Zeng Jia is driving the Zero now."

"Zeng Jia's Zero Type cannot be judged by common sense. Its strength is far beyond ordinary people's understanding."

"If the pilot in Earth God cannot trigger the black box BGM field, then the chances of winning are probably very high."

"But if Earth God's black box BGM field is triggered, then everything will be hard to say. And..."

Wang Kai tilted his head in confusion: "And?"

Lin Youde moved his eyes to the other two machines beside the Earth God.

Upon hearing this, Lei Mengmeng asked Lin Youde doubtfully: "What happened to those two machines?"

Alufemi sat in Lin Youde's arms and looked curiously at the black machine on the left side of the Earth God.

"This machine looks cool, but it doesn't feel like a good person."

Lin Youde touched Alufemi's head and explained: "That machine is called Phantom Shadow. It was a reward from the previous Olympic exhibition competition. Although the machine is very strong, it also has great flaws."

"There aren't many people who can control this machine, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

"The real problem is the other machine."

Everyone looked to the right side of the Earth God, and saw a machine that was gray and white with some golden embellishments all over the body, and a cloak hanging behind it.

Lei Mengmeng looked at the line of subtitles underneath the machine.


"Is there anything wrong with this machine?"

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