Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1181 Tomorrow Star Team

Listening to Lin Youde's analysis, everyone nodded, indicating that it made sense.

On the other side, in the lounge of the Free Federation.

Hiroshi Ishimaru also turned to look at his good friend Akira Kamiya.

"Is it really good? Even if the Earth God is a little exhausted, it is still a true country-level machine, and the battle is still very secure."

"Can this crazy girl really defeat the Earth God?"

Akira Kamiya crossed his arms, looking confident.

"Don't worry. Although this girl Liu Longzi is usually crazy, when fighting, she can still display her dual characteristics of calmness and aggressiveness."

"And haven't I already found two teammates for her to help stabilize her aggressive mood?"

Ishimaru Hiroya's mouth twitched: "I remember those two girls are members of the female Geta team, right?"

"If you bring those two girls here, won't the female Geta team be short of people?"

Kamiya waved his hand: "It doesn't matter. Since there has been no war recently, let's just give the Geta Team a holiday."

"And this competition is very important. I found them through formal channels and asked them to come and help."

"All procedures are complete and there are no problems."

Ishimaru Hiroya was speechless and said: "That's not what I'm talking about... I remember that Zhen Geta Kūzō Bodhisattva was originally a single-player machine, right?"

"Although it retains the deformation mechanism and separation mechanism, it can be separated like a regular True Getter."

"But when this machine was first given to Crazy Girl, I remember saying it was a single-player machine."

"If we suddenly find two teammates for her and turn her single player into a three-player player, will there be any problems?"

Akira Kamiya is still there: "I told you, it'll be fine."

"I have also told Ryuko Ryuko before that her two teammates usually do not interfere with her battles. They will only be allowed to work when necessary, when the body needs to be separated or combined."

"When she is in Unit 1 form, she can operate it by herself."

"The other two also agreed, and the three of them have reached an agreement, so nothing will happen."

Seeing his good friend swearing so confidently, Hiroshi Ishimaru couldn't say anything more and could only look at the screen.

"As long as you know what's going on."

"If your crazy girl also loses, then even if it's just to regain face, we probably have to play."

"Geta and the Demon God are the face of our Free Federation. If we lose one after another, the higher ups will blame us."

Saying that, Hiroshi Ishimaru also glanced at Windru.

Wen Drew responded with a gentle smile: "Don't worry, there are two people taking action, so naturally no one will be an opponent."

"Our Shadow Mirror Troop can do so smoothly, so naturally we will be happy and free."

Ishimaru Hiroshi raised his eyebrows slightly: "Oh? Do you really dare to be a foil?"

Wen Drew smiled and said: "Being a green leaf for flowers will naturally make you feel unwilling. But being a foil for the two of you has a different meaning."

"You know, these two are the idols of many people in our Shadow Mirror Corps."

"Our generation has grown up listening to your legends and stories."

Ishimaru Hiroshi glanced sideways at Windru with a noncommittal expression.

Kamiya Akira didn't care much about this: "It doesn't matter, the biggest threat at present is the Earth God, Bian Zoldak's Valcyon, and the fusion robot of human innovation and integration, SRX."

"No matter which one they are, they are all powerful, country-level machines."

"But in the end, it's just one machine. In terms of town-level machines, our Free Federation has the most."

"SRX needs three-in-one, and it is inherently inferior in quantity."

"There are no other teams composed of national-level aircraft in Santai Town."

"So, don't worry. We are sure to win this competition."

Seeing that his old friends were talking about this, Hiroshi Ishimaru could only stare at the screen.

"I hope the crazy girl can handle it. If we don't win this game and let us appear on the stage, some people above may lose their face."

Just as Hiroya Ishimaru and Akira Kamiya were chatting enthusiastically in the Free Federation lounge, the two teams on the battlefield also started talking trash on the public channel.

Ryuko Kamiya opened the public channel and shouted to Ymir.

"Hey, uncle, you look very capable. You even killed that Zenga."

"As expected, someone who can control the Earth God, the mainstay of the Silla Alliance, isn't he a good person?"

"It's a pity that you met me today, and you are destined to end up here."

Ryuko Kamiya was talking rubbish towards Ymir, and in the cockpit of Shin Geta Kyuzobosatsu, the other two pilots who were originally part of the female Geta team were talking about it in the private chat channel. .

The fat girl Kaede Shibasaki, the former female Getter Unit No. 3 pilot, covered her face and shook her head crazily in horror.

"No, that's the Earth God. If you provoke like this, you will be targeted and killed!!!"

Tsubaki Akiyama, a tall and thin girl who was the former female Getter Team No. 2 pilot, looked calm.

"It's okay to be killed directly. I can get off work on the spot and can go on vacation. That's great."

Shibazaki Kaede replied: "No, if we don't do anything, we will definitely get scolded when we go back, and Akane will definitely be angry then."

Akiyama Chun looked indifferent: "Just be angry if you're angry. It's like she's not angry now."

Kaede Shibazaki looked frustrated: "So, why don't we, the female Geta team, compete alone? We are also very strong, okay?"

Akiyama Chun leaned on the driver's seat with his head in his hands: "Because we have no background and no connections. The places in this kind of competition are very precious. The big shots are fighting for it, so how can we, small characters, take our turn."

"If we hadn't kept the crazy lady in check this time, neither of us would have been able to come."

When Akiyama Chun said this, Shibazaki Kaede became even more frustrated.

Ryuko Kamiya didn't know that her two teammates were talking about her like this. She was shouting to Ymir at the moment.

When Ymir heard Kamiya Ryūko's provocation, he replied with an indifferent expression.

“Since ancient times, the waves in front have pushed back the waves behind, and each generation has become stronger than the last.”

"But whether you, the back wave, can beat me, the front wave, to death on the field, that depends on your ability."

"Little girl, stop talking nonsense and see the real deal."

Seeing that Ymir was completely unmoved and still so direct, Ryuko Kamiya knew that trash talk was useless, so he changed his words.

"Okay, then let our subordinates meet Masaki. Kenji, Masami Ryo, you go and deal with the other two guys. Leave the Earth God to me."

"I want to challenge it! Let her understand how powerful I am!"

Kenji Akabane said nervously: "Okay, okay."

Masami Liao replied calmly: "Received."

Ryuko Kamiya was filled with a devilish smile: "Then, let's go!"

An extremely cold place, a place similar to a scientific research station.

A girl with orange hair was holding hot coffee, drinking it, and watching the TV and complaining.

"Isn't this girl too rude?"

Beside him, a young man with blue hair comforted him: "People from the Free Federation are like this, Lim, you can't learn from it."

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