Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1298 Dragon Snake’s Advice

"So, what exactly are you here for?"

Facing Lin Youde's question, the Dimensional Beast Marshal Dragon Snake replied calmly.

"It's nothing. I came here this time just to say hello and take this useless subordinate back."

"I have received the oracle from the God of Destruction and know that you have been given a new mission by the Dragon God of Time and Space."

"Before you complete your new mission, I will give an order to have the dimensional beast you call temporarily cancel its pursuit of you."

Lin Youde heard this and sneered: "Oh? Really? Then I have to thank you?"

Dimensional Beast Marshal Dragon Snake: "I can't feel the gratitude from you. Is this a reverse expression unique to you humans? It's really interesting."

Lin Youde sneered and asked: "Hey, let me ask you, since you have withdrawn the wanted order against me, will our planet not be harassed by you in the future?"

The dimensional beast marshal Dragon Snake crossed his arms, turned his head and glanced at the azure blue star, and replied: "This is absolutely impossible."

"The sins committed by humans in your original sin land are far beyond your own imagination."

"Even if this marshal can let you go temporarily, other beings will not be willing to let you go like this."

Lin Youde's eyebrows twitched: "What do you mean? Besides you, do we have other enemies?"

The dimensional beast marshal Dragon Snake chuckled: "Haha, this is natural. I am not interested in answering the specific situation for you. If you are interested, just go and investigate for yourself."

"After all, rather than this Marshal telling you, it is more practical for you, the people of the Land of Original Sin, to investigate for yourself."

"Okay, let's stop chatting here."

Lin Youde's expression became serious: "What, are you finally going to start a fight?"

The Dimensional Beast Marshal Dragon Snake waved his hand, and a beam of light fell from the dimensional crack above his head, covering the seriously injured General Dou Po Yan Sui on the ground, allowing him to slowly float up.

"I have withdrawn the wanted order against you, so there is no need to continue to embarrass you."

"I will bring back all the soldiers Yan Sui leads to the battle this time."

"Lin Youde, this Marshal very much hopes that you will be like the original you and grow to the point where you can fight with me."

"Only in that way will it be worthwhile for me, the Marshal, to defeat you."

"Before that, work hard to complete the mission entrusted to you by the Dragon God of Time and Space."

"The time left for you is running out."

Lin Youde's expression darkened: "Hey, what do you mean? Speak clearly!"

From the dimensional crack above his head, another larger beam of light fell, covering the body of the dimensional beast marshal Dragon Snake.

The Dimensional Beast Marshal Dragon Snake, who slowly floated up in the light beam and became faster and faster, looked at Lin Youde's Strike Freedom Gundam and said.

"I've said before, there are some things that are more valuable for you to explore for yourselves than for me to tell you directly."

"If I tell you too much now, I am worried that you will lose your fighting spirit."

"Work hard and become stronger. You are not worthy of being my opponent now."

"I hope that when I meet you next time, you will have the strength to fight against this marshal."

"Farewell, sinner who disturbs the peace of time and space."

The dimensional beast marshal, Dragon Snake, and the Dou Po general, Yan Sui, disappeared into the beam of light.

All the dimensional beasts in the sky were distorted and disappeared without a trace.

Under the gaze of countless people, the dimensional cracks on the moon's surface absorbed the two light beams, one large and one small, and gradually began to shrink and eventually disappear.

Lin Youde fell into silence as he looked at the disappearing dimensional crack.

After a long time, Katarina, who was in the fully armed Siren, asked cautiously: "Teacher!?"

After coming back from his thoughts, Lin Youde shook his head: "I'm fine, the battle is over, everyone returns to the team. Also, who is this machine!?"

At this time, Lin Youde noticed the cosmic Exalance who was supporting Gong Angel.

Katarina looked at Lamia, and Lamia replied: "You have great virtue, this is a machine made by our non-governmental organizations integrated on the moon. It's called Exalance."

"I will write a report on the specific situation for you to review later."

Upon hearing this, Lin Youde naturally replied: "Okay."

But in his heart, Lin Youde was thinking secretly.

‘Could this Exalans have traveled from the other side of the world? ’

‘I just don’t know whether this driver is the hero or the heroine. Or in the world view of "Super Robot Wars OG", the male and female protagonists exist at the same time, driving two Exalans as brother and sister. ’

‘Then because he traveled from the other side of the world, the hero’s brother and his family and friends were safe and sound. ’

'The younger sister, who is the heroine, is more unlucky and is stuck in the time and space barrier between worlds and cannot get out. ’

‘So in order to save his sister, this guy started the time flow engine of Exalance here, and ended up attracting General Dou Po, Rock Break? ’

In Lin Youde's opinion, this should be the most reasonable guess. After all, in the original book, Raul did go through all kinds of efforts and tried all methods in order to save his sister.

And in this world, I was informed by myself that dimensional cracks were about to appear on the moon. Raul would use Exalance's time flow engine to see if he could bring his sister back, which is considered human nature.

Only in this way can it make more sense why General Dou Po Yan Sui, who was obviously looking for him, did not appear on his side but appeared here.

Otherwise, the Dimensional Beast General, who possesses advanced intelligence, would have no need to embarrass Exalance, Lamia, and Katarina in their primary forms.

In the eyes of the Dimensional Beast General, they should all be small fishes, and he is the big fish.

After all, he is the biggest sinner in their eyes.

As for why in the end, the Dimension Beast General did not come to find him, but was defeated by the awakened Katarina.

We will have to ask Katarina and Lamia later.

"Civil organizations' machines are not under our control. You can just leave on your own. Lamia and Catalina will return with me."

Lin Youde made arrangements, but Catalina refused.

"No, teacher, my parents are in the cockpit of Exalance right now."

"Besides, my mother is injured, so it would be better to take Exalance back with her."

Lin Youde looked surprised: "Nani (what)?"

In the communication channel, Siegfried's voice sounded at the right time: "Hello, Colonel Lin Youde, I am Siegfried, Catalina's father."

"My wife was injured in the previous battle with the Dimensional Beast General and is still in a coma. I applied to have this civilian machine return to the base so that my wife can receive treatment."

When Lin Youde heard this, he naturally would not refuse: "Okay, let's take Exalance back with us. But there is no need to go back to the lunar base. It would be faster to go directly to Feilong Kai. There is also a medical class on Feilong Kai, so we can treat you directly." Faster."

Thanks to the leader "Balumongk of the Sky" for the reward of 50,000 starting coins, the author will work hard to update it!

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