Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1310 Warrior

"9997, 9998, 9999, 10000!"

"Phew! Done!"

Lin Youde stood on a wooden stake, put down the ax in his hand, and exhaled heavily.

I wiped my sweat, looked at the piles of firewood all around me, and subconsciously looked up at the sky.

"It's been three years..."

As Lin Youde released the ax from his hand, a huge dent was immediately made on the ground at Lin Youde's feet.

"Wow, I almost hit my foot. This thing weighs several hundred kilograms. If it hits my foot, I'm afraid I'll have to lie down for a few days, but I can't waste any more time."

Lin Youde looked at the ax on the ground, picked it up again, placed it on the stake, and rubbed his shoulders.

"I don't know how much time has passed outside."

"Mengmeng and the others would never have imagined that I have been in this world for three years, right?"

Lin Youde shook his head, picked up the barrel, walked towards the waterfall in the distant canyon, and continued his hard training.

Three years have passed since I followed Dongfang Bubai to practice.

He was different from the young man who was dumbfounded when he first heard that he would stay here for ten years.

Although there hasn't been much change in appearance, Lin Youde has become much calmer mentally.

This is not only due to the passage of time, Lin Youde's mentality has matured a lot.

It was during these three years that the boring practice day after day made Lin Youde, who was originally impatient, gradually calm down.

Three years ago, after Lin Youde gained some of Domeng's martial arts understanding and abilities, he suddenly had the talent of "Martial Artist·LV5 (Martial Artist)" on his talent bar.

The talents of "Warriors" are similar to those of new humans, and they are growth-producing talents.

It's just different from the way that new humans don't know how to operate and have a high probability of improving by chance.

The way for warriors to improve their talents is through pure cultivation.

This not only refers to the practice of breathing methods and internal energy, but also the practice of moves and body, as well as one's own understanding of martial arts, which is an all-round improvement.

Therefore, warriors are different from the abilities of new humans that have not yet been fully explored. In the undefeated world of the East, warriors have abilities that have long been explored.

Warriors are also similar to "Fighting Mastery" and "Shooting Mastery", innate abilities that can be acquired.

And after Dongfang Bubai sorted it out, the levels of warriors are divided into:

LV1: Apprentice

LV2: Martial Arts Master

LV3: Martial Artist

LV4: Martial Arts Master

LV5: Fighter

LV6: Fighting Champion

LV7: Martial Arts Master

LV8: Martial Arts Grandmaster

LV9: Martial Arts Celestial Being

Similar to new humans, the regular level LV9 is the maximum, but with a more detailed suffix.

This is how the suffix entry in brackets after the talent "Warrior·LV5" comes from.

Because he suddenly gained the ability of "Warrior·LV5 (Martial Artist)", Lin Youde specifically asked Dongfang Bubai.

Then he was told that Dongfang Bubai himself was a martial arts heavenly being at level 9. Duo Meng was a martial arts master at level 8 before his death, and he was only one step away from being a martial arts heavenly being at level 9.

The envelope that was shredded by Dongfang Bubai previously contained only part of Domeng's innate abilities, so Lin Youde was only given LV5 abilities.

However, this is just ability.

Warriors are different from new humans. Even if Lin Youde reaches the sky in one step and possesses the abilities of a LV5 warrior, he still cannot fully master them.

Warriors are different from the mental abilities of new humans. They need to temper their bodies bit by bit and exercise their control before they can slowly master the abilities.

In the past three years, what Lin Youde has done is to enable himself to accurately master the LV5 warrior ability without crushing a cup.

In addition, Lin Youde also asked specifically.

If I had chosen Flash Gundam when selecting the initial body, what kind of talents would I have received?

Dongfang Bubai's answer is the LV3 martial artist talent.

And without the inheritance of a warrior, if you get the Flash Gundam, you will most likely only be able to use bastard punches.

This explanation made Lin Youde very happy.

If I had been greedy and chosen the Flash Gundam directly, no one would teach me the internal skills and martial arts moves. I was afraid that the Flash Gundam would be useless in Lin Youde's hands.

After all, whether it was the talent gifted by the initial body or the talent in the envelope that came from some of Domon's abilities, there was no trace of martial arts inheritance.

Want to get the Flash Gundam and open the Musou?

Take a shower and go to sleep.

Without martial arts inheritance, let alone the ultimate move unique to the Dongfang Bubai style such as the Shi Potian Shocking Fist, even Domeng's early special move, Flash Palm, would be impossible to use.

Different from the machine that can be used simply by pressing a button, the Flash Gundam requires the pilot to adjust the energy in the body to concentrate on the palm of the hand, and then the body simulates feedback to gather the energy to the palm of the body, and finally explodes.

If you don't know internal strength, it's impossible to use the Flash Palm or anything like that. .

Even the big move in Domeng's hand can't be considered a big move at all, it can only be regarded as a level-A Hundred Split Fist, which is the kind of punch that can create afterimages. It also requires the cooperation of internal strength and the body's simulation to be able to use it.

Most of the mechas in "Mobile Suit Gundam G Fighter" operate in this way.

In other words, if you are not a warrior and do not know internal strength, getting any G-series Gundam will be in vain.

This is why Lin Youde is obviously a pilot, but in the past three years, he has not even seen the shadow of the aircraft.

The G-series Gundam is an amplifier for warriors, similar to the magical weapon in the traditional martial arts world.

The better the performance of the machine, the more it can over-increase the warrior's combat effectiveness.

But if the warrior himself is not good enough, no matter how good the machine is, it will be demolished by a master like Dongfang Bubai with his bare hands.

This is also the reason why real masters in "Mobile Suit Gundam G Battleden" can dismantle the machine with bare hands.

Because even without a body, these guys are still perverted monsters.

As for why martial artists are only at LV3 and martial artists are at LV5?

This is purely Dongfang Bubai's personal interest and understanding of martial arts.

According to Dongfang Bubai, if you don't fight with others, you can at most reach the level of a martial arts master.

Only by constantly fighting with people, the earth, and the sky can we break through the bottleneck and achieve the mentality that a true martial arts master should have if he encounters any difficulties and can give it a go without hesitation.

But many people can reach the level of a martial artist at most in terms of strength, but in terms of mentality, they simply cannot reach it.

The state of mind of Mingjing Zhishui in Dongfang Bubai Liu is the advanced version of ability developed based on this state of mind.

Mastering Ming Jing Shisui means you have truly entered the advanced realm of a martial artist, that is, a martial arts champion, which is the level of the world champion in "Mobile Suit Gundam G Fighting Den".

Well, in the eyes of the Eastern Invincible, it is the level that a world champion should be. Anything that cannot be achieved is considered a fake.

Domon also started piloting the Shining Gundam as a martial artist, and then realized Shisui Shisui and truly became a martial arts champion. Then give up the Flash Gundam, pilot the God Gundam, and become a true martial artist.

In the finale, when Domeng used his own LOVELOVE shocking fist, Domeng truly reached the realm of a martial arts master.

'And, through the super learning talent of the Perfect Adjuster, it took me three years to barely master the physical abilities that Domon had been practicing for more than ten years when he first started. ’

‘Only when I truly master this ability can I begin to truly practice Dongfang Bubai style’s moves. ’

‘I have initially mastered the breathing method and Dongfang Bubai-ryu’s internal energy operation method in the past three years. ’

‘The next step is to get Master’s approval and officially start connecting the Flashing Palm. ’

'I don't know how Master will arrange for me to practice this move...'


PS: The author of the original setting of "Mobile Suit Gundam G Battleden" is not sure. The setting here is that Domon has practiced martial arts with Dongfang Bubai for more than ten years since he was a child. He made some success before leaving the mountain and returning home. However, something unexpected happened. The TV version of the plot begins.

Practicing martial arts does not happen overnight and cannot be achieved quickly. Even in Xingye's funny movie "Kung Fu", Xingzi only became so good after practicing from childhood to adulthood. It's just that he doesn't know it.

At least the author believes that our Eastern martial arts is not the magic in the Western Harry Potter world. Just learn a spell and use it.

This kind of thing that comes from oneself and needs to be cultivated bit by bit is an ability that is accumulated over time. It cannot come quickly or in a hurry.

Those who can achieve it quickly belong to evil ways and demonic ways.

So even if the protagonist has the perfect adjuster talent, he still needs to spend time practicing.

After all, even martial arts wizards need time to practice. Perfect adjusters are similar to super academics in all fields. No matter how powerful they are, they still need time to learn and practice. I believe everyone can understand this, right?

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