Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1315 Iron Jiaman Blade

Listening to Noah's words, Aki Kisaragi's face was filled with helplessness.

"It's useless to say this now. In fact, when D-BOY rushed out before, didn't you stop him?"

As soon as Aki Kisaragi said these words, Noyer's face froze.

"Isn't it because he is very powerful and can show off his power and kill all the void messengers in one fell swoop?"

"Who knew he was just like Ultraman, with only three minutes of endurance and he would be dead after just a few hits."

"It's okay now. If you offend the Void Messenger, we have no place in the Martian world."

Aki Kisaragi sighed slightly: "It's useless to talk about this now. In fact, the Void Messenger is chasing us now. With this transport plane, it is difficult to escape."

"If it doesn't work out, I'll drive the Blue Planet to delay time. You have to escape with D-BOY."

"He is of great value. If he escapes to Aqua Blue Star, he should be taken seriously."

"my words……"

Seeing that Aki Kisaragi looked like he was going to die with honor, Noyer, who was originally complaining, immediately changed his words.

"Stop making trouble. I'm the captain of the Space Explorers. If I really want to die, it's my turn."

"No, I'll just go."

As soon as Noyer finished speaking, a steady male voice sounded at the door of the cockpit.

Kisaragi Aki and Noyer turned around and saw a tough black-haired man standing at the door.

Kisaragi Aki's face was full of surprise: "D-BOY!? Are you awake?"

D-BOY nodded and replied: "Yeah."

D-BOY's short answer made Noah look a little unhappy: "No, didn't you fail to deal with those guys before? What's the use of going now?"

"The Void Messengers are not those Radams. Although they are both insect-like in appearance, they are completely different in nature. One is a biological creature and the other is a purely mechanical drone."

"If you are not sure, I will not allow you to go out and die."

"We are going to take you back to Planet Aqua, and we can't let you die here."

D-BOY replied expressionlessly: "I have no intention of dying here."

"I just misjudged the number of enemies and fired the anti-matter cannon rashly without recovering my physical strength, causing my physical strength to suddenly run out."

"Now that I know the number of enemies, I won't mess around."

Noah's originally displeased expression also flashed with horror in his eyes when he heard the term antimatter cannon.

Kisaragi Aki looked normal, pondered for a moment, and replied: "D-BOY, are you really okay?"

D-BOY looked at Aki Kisaragi: "It's not a big problem if we just use conventional weapons to fight."

Kisaragi Aki groaned and gritted his teeth: "Then I will fly the Blue Planet and attack with you."

"The distress signal has been sent out, and I used a super strong frequency. I believe if there is someone nearby, it should be able to receive it."

"Whether it's a passing caravan or space pirates, as long as someone comes, we can be saved."

"So, what we have to do now is to delay time and escape at the same time. We can't be reluctant to fight."

D-BOY responded calmly: "No problem, as for those drones, I have no intention of dying with them."

Aki Kisaragi stood up: "Okay, let's set off. Noah, you open the way in front. I remember that this transport plane is also equipped with some missiles and artillery."

"You use these weapons to support us from the rear."

Seeing Kisaragi Aki and D-BOY's resolute expressions, Noyer did not refute, but just replied: "This transport plane is equipped with old-fashioned equipment in order to deceive others."

"Don't expect too much firepower from this transport."

D-BOY said calmly: "As long as we don't get shot down, our food supplies are all here. We will have to eat here later."

Noah looked at D-BOY speechlessly: "Can't you care about anything else besides food?"

D-BOY replied bluntly: "Besides filling my stomach, I only have two goals: killing Radam."

While Noyer looked speechless and choked, Aki Kisaragi smiled and shouted to D-BOY.

"Let's go, the jamming bomb smoke released previously has been broken by the Void Messenger's drone, and they will catch up soon."

D-BOY nodded and walked out.

Not long after, the transport plane's hatch opened, and a light blue fighter jet flew out.

In the cockpit of the blue fighter jet, Aki Kisaragi turned on the communicator and shouted to D-BOY in the rear hatch.

"Okay, D-BOY, you can transform. Once you have transformed, I will open the Blue Planet's hatch and let you out."

Near the rear hatch of the Blue Planet, D-BOY held up a strange green crystal and shouted.

"tek set up!"

As D-BOY shouted, the green crystal glowed brightly, enveloping D-BOY's entire body.

After a while, the light dissipated and D-BOY's figure disappeared. A man about 2 meters tall, wearing red and white armor, appeared where D-BOY was standing.

The armored man raised his head and shouted to the monitor: "That's it."

Aki Kisaragi in the Blue Planet hummed, pressed a button, and the rear hatch opened.

Aki Kisaragi: "Go, D-BOY, no, I should call you Tejaman Sharp Blade now."

Tiejaman Sharp Blade looked at the black universe in front of him and replied coldly.

"Tiejaman Sharp Blade, attack!"

Two blue flames suddenly shot out from the two jet-like things behind him, pushing Tiejaman Sharp Blade out.

After flying out of the Blue Planet, two white lights flashed on both sides of Tejaman Sharp Blade's shoulders, and he grabbed the white lights with both hands.

The white light turned into two spears of about one meter in the hands of Tiejaman Sharp Blade.

Putting the ends of the two spears in his hands together and twisting them, the two spears suddenly formed a 2-meter-long spear.

Holding a long gun, Tejaman Sharp Blade flew towards the white beetle-shaped drone that was charging forward.

Facing the charging Tejaman Sharp Blade, the white beetle-shaped drone opened its mouth and emitted circular blue light waves.

Tiejaman Sharp Blade did not dodge or evade. Taking advantage of its small size, it passed directly through the center of these blue light waves. He raised his spear and rushed to the front of the 20-meter beetle-shaped robot to stab it.

Along with a series of sparks, the surface armor of a beetle-type drone was pierced. After a series of sparks were released, a huge gap was left on the body by Tiejaman Blade and exploded.

After easily destroying one beetle-type drone, Tejaman Blade quickly rushed towards the other one.

The 2-meter-tall Tegaman blade moved freely among a group of 20-meter-sized Beetle drones, destroying each drone.

Looking at Tiejaman Sharp Blade's smooth operations, Kisaragi Aki's face in the Blue Planet didn't show much expression.

Without it, it's just because there are too many enemies that Tiejaman Sharp Blade needs to face.

The Blue Planet's radar was densely packed with reactions from Beetle-type drones.

Kisaragi Aki: "Next, it depends on whether we can't hold on first or whether rescue can arrive first..."

"I hope the goddess of luck will favor us..."

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