Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1327 Departure

After briefly summarizing, Lin Youde felt that one was bigger than the other.

Demon God ZERO, which originally evolved from Demon God Z, is already a headache.

Now being told by Dongfang Bubai that Demon God Zero was transformed from Demon God Caesar, Lin Youde felt numb all over.

Not to mention that there are a bunch of ghost things behind that are suspected to be the Geta Emperor, the final BOSS of the GGGG series, and the supreme god of the Z series.

The more he thought about it, the more pressure Lin Youde felt.

Thanks to the reincarnations of Doujia'er and Liu Longma, Du Jianlong and Liu Longma are still alive and well. You can use them to resolve the crisis between Demon God ZERO and Emperor Geta, and then gather all your strength to defeat other bosses together.

Otherwise, Lin Youde felt that it would be better for him to go to sleep and lie down and wait for death.

These are some bullshit and snake gods left to you to handle. Doesn’t this look too highly on yourself?

Thinking of this, Lin Youde felt that the Dragon Tiger King, SRX, and Ancient Iron Titan that he had already obtained suddenly no longer tasted good.

Is there any way to get the real Dragon Tiger King and Banprest, as well as the Free King's mobile machine Grandite Dragon God type hidden in the moon? Can it be played?

As if he noticed that Lin Youde's expression was not right, Dongfang Bubai coughed and said slowly.

"Actually... you don't need to feel too much pressure. Although there are quite a lot of negative legacies from the last era, you shouldn't need to worry about them in the short term."

"You can continue to be as strong as possible during this period. If it doesn't work, you can just die. It's no big deal."

Lin Youde's eyes were full of resentment: "Master, you can only say this after you are dead."

"I am still alive, my wife and children are still alive, how could I lie down and wait to die?"

Dongfang Bubai smiled and patted Lin Youde's shoulder.

"So, just work hard. Without pressure, where will the motivation come from?"

“Rest assured, along with the negative legacy, there is also a positive legacy.”

"And the little guys in Tieria will also help you in various ways."

"Don't we have an old saying in China that there are always more solutions than difficulties?"

"Not to mention Tian Xingjian..."

Lin Youde quickly raised his hand: "Stop, stop, stop, Master, you'd better tell me everything I asked before."

"I just want to become stronger now. I don't have time to think about other things for the time being."

Dongfang Bubai put his hands behind his back again and said with a smile.

"If you think so, it's naturally the best thing."

"Martial arts practitioners should not be intimidated by difficulties."

"The journey of martial arts is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat."

"Advancing despite difficulties is the mentality a warrior should have."

"As for the afterimage you mentioned after the ultimate mode is activated, it is just a deception that dissipates energy and interferes with those who rely on radar and naked eyes to identify enemies."

"In the years after my death, I was idle and bored, and developed a set of movement techniques similar to those in martial arts novels."

"Although this movement technique cannot directly make you faster, it can save more effort and trouble and create afterimages that can be used as blinders. It is still very easy."

"As a reward for your persistence despite the difficulties, I will teach you these little things."

Lin Youde said with a mournful face: "Thank you, master craftsman."

Dongfang Bubai: "Okay, we don't have much time. I'll teach you all the techniques and cultivation methods first."

"As a perfect adjuster with a strong memory, you should first write down all the techniques and cultivation methods and proofread them with me several times."

"For the rest, you can practice slowly by yourself after you go back."

In this way, Lin Youde gathered his mind and spent the remaining time memorizing the various cultivation methods taught by Dongfang Bubai.

As a result, there is only a small amount of time left, and it passes in the blink of an eye.

Soon, Lin Youde's time here was counting down to his departure.

Dongfang Bubai put his hands behind his back and looked at Lin Youde with relief.

"How about it? Do you remember everything I taught you clearly? Do you have any questions?"

Lin Youde clasped his hands in his fists, bent down and said, "No more, Master, I have memorized all the cultivation methods clearly."

"But Master, can we meet again in the future?"

Dongfang Bubai smiled and waved his hand: "Okay, no need to be too sad. I am living a good life in this world."

"I will stay here until I see your end."

"As long as you are alive, we will come back one day."

Lin Youde nodded heavily, and just as he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly turned back and asked.

"By the way, Master, according to you, Senior Brother Duomeng should have been reincarnated and was born in this era, right?"

"Is that something I can find on Earth now..."

Before he finished speaking, Dongfang Bubai stopped him: "Don't do that, that's not what he wants."

Lin Youde was startled for a moment, and then thought of the ordinary people Kira Huang and ordinary Miria he met in Orb.

"Master, are you saying that Senior Brother Domeng is not willing to continue fighting?"

Dongfang Bubai sighed, turning his head to look at the vast plateau with a sad expression.

"It's not that he doesn't want to fight anymore, it's that he chose not to fight for the world anymore."

"After Rei Fukamura's death, he has been blaming himself for not protecting his wife."

"When he was young, he failed to protect his parents, and when he became an adult, he failed to protect his wife."

"Domeng has always lost various relatives throughout his life and watched his relatives die in front of his eyes."

"After the end of the last era, he got a chance to start over again. After entrusting everything to me, he chose to reunite with his family and fight to protect them."

"In this era, maybe he will practice martial arts again. After all, I paid a price and left some inheritance about martial arts practice. Now he should continue to practice martial arts somewhere on earth."

"But I don't want you to go find him. He just wants to protect his family now, not follow you around."

"Perhaps, one day in the future, you will meet. At that time, you can do something you can do."

"If this doesn't happen, it means there is no fate between you. Don't force things that are not fate."

"It would be nice to let Domeng, in this era, be the pillar of the family who works hard for his family and occasionally practices martial arts."

"After all, that is the life he has never experienced but always wanted."

Dongfang Bubai's words made Lin Youde silent for a moment before he nodded heavily: "I understand."

Dongfang Bubai smiled and waved his hand.

"Okay, go back. Your relatives and friends are still waiting for you."

"But you have to remember that after you return from this world, you will be mentally and physically burdened."

"Although the "Machine Combat Game Cabin" can synchronize your physical ability with this place, your cultivation level is completely consistent. "

"But this huge improvement does not come without a price."

"In a short period of time, you will probably be affected to some extent, but it won't be a big problem."

"Just take more supplements and replenish yourself. Anyway, with your current status, you don't need the money."

"Okay, let's go back. From today on, you are out of the army."

Lin Youde nodded heavily: "Master, I will definitely not let down your teachings. I will let the whole world know how powerful Dongfang Bubai Liu is!"

Dongfang Bubai smiled and waved his hand again, and Lin Youde disappeared.

Dongfang Bubai was left standing alone on the plateau, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and he sighed.


"I hope this time, I don't have to go through those hardships again."

"There's only so much I can do for you as a teacher..."

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