Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1329 Route selection?

Moreover, this was not what shocked Lin Youde the most.

Although the appearance of Tiejiaman Blade means that its original enemies will appear one after another.

After all, the main bosses in the original work are all Iron Man Blades, who are D-BOY’s family members.

D-BOY, whose real name is Aiba Takano, and his family board an outer space exploration ship to explore the outer universe.

But this family was very unlucky and encountered the cosmic creature Radham outside the solar system.

Radam parasitized Aiba Takano's family and transformed them into the high-level biological combat weapon Tegaman.

In this way, Aiba Takano's family changed from humans to Tejaman.

But Aiba Takano is luckier, or rather unlucky.

His transformation was not complete, so he escaped without losing his mind and being controlled by Radam.

Instead, he can transform into Tegaman independently and fight while maintaining himself.

However, Aiba Takano knew that he could not fight against the entire Radam tribe on his own, so he fled back to Earth and chose to inform the people on Earth of the news and unite with the people on Earth to fight against Radam.

Then, Aiba Takano turned into a Tejaman blade, killing family members who were controlled by Radam one after another and could not be saved at all.

In the end, Aiba Takano defeated all Tejaman and Radam who attacked the earth, defeated their leader, completed the feat of saving mankind, and ushered in the end of TV.

Lin Youde has never watched this ancient drama, but because the plot of "Super Robot Wars W" is so good, Lin Youde took a rough look at it and was able to roughly figure out the plot.

But these are not the key.

According to the appearance of Tiejiaman Blade, a regular guest of BAN, there are also parts of the Shilei Horse that are currently known to have been dismembered and placed in various military locations of the three major countries, as well as the Demon God ZERO, whose whereabouts are currently unknown.

In view of the fact that these three BAN resident guests have already been identified, Lin Youde has reason to suspect that the last BAN resident guest he is familiar with, Idian, is probably somewhere in this corner of the universe.

After all, several other BAN resident guests are already in this world, so there is no reason why Aedian won't show up.

And this is what gives Lin Youde a headache.

According to the plot description in "The Third Super Robot Wars α", King Jim Idian seems to have the ability to restart the universe. While its combat effectiveness is fierce, it is also extremely dangerous.

If one fails, the entire universe will be reset.

Moreover, this reset cannot be decided by outsiders, but is determined by the will of ancient humans from unknown eras within Idian.

When the will of these ancient humans determines that the humans in this universe are hopeless, they will completely release the terrifying power of Idian and restart the universe.

As a member of this world, Lin Youde did not want to live a good life and suddenly be restarted along with the universe.

‘It seems that we need to send someone to search for any clues about Idian in the solar system. ’

Although Lin Youde thought so, Lin Youde himself felt that this hope was not great.

Because according to the description in "The Third Super Robot Wars α", Idian's body parts are not in the solar system at all, but in a corner of the galaxy.

At present, the solar system has not been solved. It is impossible for Lin Youde to leave the solar system and go to the vast galaxy to find Idian.

After suppressing the thoughts in his mind for a while, Lin Youde calmed down and asked.

"Have there been any messages from Lamia and the others so far?"

"What is the current situation on Mars? It is impossible for the Void Messenger to know nothing about our arrival."

Refina replied: "Right now, Lamia and the others have not sent back any news, and the Void Messenger and Supervisor troops near the Mars circle have no trace of going out."

"But according to the time, it has been a day since they went to Mars, so they should have gained something..."

Almost as soon as Refina finished speaking, the communicator in Lin Youde's room rang.

Refina immediately walked over and pressed the communication button to reveal Sanye's figure.

"What's up?"

Mitsuha: "Captain, the rescue signal carried by Lamia and others appears on Mars."

"According to the signal level, they should be under siege, but it is not fatal. Alfemi's Soul Seat should not be deployed yet, but it seems that they will not be able to escape in a short time."

"In addition, a distress signal of unknown origin appeared in the direction from Mars to Mercury."

"Captain, what do we need to do?"

Rafina frowned: "Distress signals appeared on both sides at the same time? Is this too much of a coincidence? Director, do you think this is a trap?"

Lin Youde heard this and secretly complained: 'What, you want me to choose the Mars route? Or the Mercury route? This isn't a game, why should I choose just one? ’

After releasing the new human's mental telepathy, Lin Youde felt a wave of mixed emotions as soon as the mental telepathy touched the vicinity of Mars.

It is a huge emotional mass of people on Mars filled with fear, unwillingness, anger, help and other negative emotions.

In order to prevent his extremely weak self from being disturbed by this emotion, Lin Youde immediately took back his mental energy and released it in the direction of Mercury.

After the mental induction surgery was stretched to the limit, Lin Youde finally felt two small emotions that vaguely carried the desire for survival.

This emotion was too weak. I don't know if it was because they were too far away or because the two guys were too weak and their willpower was about to lose.

Feeling all this, Lin Youde thought for a moment and made arrangements.

"Refina, let Catalina take the Caesar to rescue the distress signal coming from the direction of Mercury."

"Walstock is heading to the place where Lamia and the others sent out their distress signal before, preparing to respond."

"Feilong will directly choose a base of Void Messenger or Supervisor to attack."

Lefina looked shocked: "Director, are you planning to surround Wei to save Zhao, and then save both sides?"

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "Yes, Lamia and the others were trapped, but they were not in a hurry to escape. They were able to send out a distress signal. Maybe it was the enemy's plan to lure them deeper."

"There is absolutely no need for us to follow the enemy's plan. We can just open fire. We are here to destroy them, so there is no need to be polite to them."

"As long as we put enough pressure on them, the enemy will naturally give up on using Lamia and the others as bait."

"With Alufemi and Soul Seat here, ordinary enemies will not be their opponents."

"But in this case, all the pressure will be concentrated on Feilong Kai."

"Let the SRX team, Li Te, Nanye and the others get ready."

"It's time for the aliens on Mars to see the counterattack from the humans on Planet Aqua."

Refina said in high spirits: "Yes, director, I will make arrangements right away!"


PS: The author doesn’t remember clearly the setting of Idian. The will in Idian seems to have the power to restart the universe, right?

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