Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1352 Olga’s decision

Before leaving Aquablue Planet, Kiliam had contacted Lin Youde and informed Yuzes that he was on Aquablue Planet and asked him to be careful.

At that time, Lin Youde felt that he was going to Mars soon and there was no need to worry too much if he did not stay on Aquamarine.

But now it seems that I am still too naive.

As a villain like Bai Hechou, who can know many things in parallel worlds and has N weeks of experience, how could Yozes have no backup plan?

Obviously, even if he is on Aquamarine himself, he can still know everything about Mars and control it remotely.

As the famous conspirator and BOSS in the "Super Robot Wars OG" series and the "Super Robot Wars α" series, Lin Youde now has a new understanding of Yuzes' abilities.

'However, don't think that this will trouble me. ’

‘In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are just paper tigers. ’

‘As long as Youzes doesn’t jump out himself, I still have a chance. ’

'And according to Juzes's cautious character, he will never jump out on his own unless he thinks he is sure of victory. ’

Thinking of this, Lin Youde knew that he did not need to face Youzes directly for the time being, so he looked at Olga.

"The Void Messenger obviously intends to hold us back and keep us here."

"But we have other missions besides Mars. We can't stay here forever."

"Therefore, the Mars matter must be resolved quickly."

"Olga, are you interested in being the representative of human innovation and unity on Mars?"

Olga was stunned for a moment and frowned: "Doctor, what do you mean..."

Lin Youde said in a deep voice: "Without the goal of establishing authority, it is inevitable that those of us who came from the Blue Planet will be hostile to the remnants of Mars."

"But unlike us, Tekkadan is a local organization on Mars that resists aliens."

"If we evacuate Mars and instead support Tekkadan behind the scenes to fight for the true control of Mars with those careerists and traitors who have defected to aliens, then the resistance we will receive will be much smaller."

"After all, as a member of the resistance against aliens, you, Tekkadan, can't help but be discussed in this situation where the aliens have been driven away."

"We can use this to manipulate a wave of public opinion, elevate you to a high position, and gain more initiative."

"But in this case, Tekkadan will have to fight against those ambitious people who want to control Mars."

"Whether it is a struggle overt or covert, bloodshed and sacrifice are inevitable."

"Olga, as the leader of Tekkadan, you have the right to refuse."

Everyone from Mikazuki to Tekkadan, as well as some representatives who cooperated with Tekkadan, all looked at Olga.

After Olga was silent for a moment, she asked, "Doctor, if I refuse, what will you do?"

Lin Youde replied with an unchanging expression: "If you refuse, I will choose to find other forces for cooperation."

"If it still doesn't go well, then I will choose to give up Mars."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked: "What? Give up Mars!?" *N

Amid everyone's disbelieving expressions, Lin Youde replied very calmly.

"Yes, Mars was not in my plan originally."

"I have another purpose for this trip. I came to Mars just to stop by. In the original plan, there was no intention to completely recover Mars."

"Only after I heard Captain Bracefield talk about the situation here when we set out, I decided to intervene in this matter in order to prevent our former compatriots from being enslaved by aliens."

"Now that the aliens have been driven away, I still have my original affairs to deal with."

"Being dragged here by aliens doesn't fit in with my plans."

"So, if I really have to choose, I will give up Mars and continue with my original plan."

"In my opinion, regaining control of Mars now or giving up Mars will not change much in the future."

"What we need to do is to improve the overall strength of humans on Aquablue Planet."

"If our fists are not strong enough, as long as the aliens come back and cannot be defeated, the land we once reclaimed will be lost again."

"So we must increase the strength of Aqua Blue Star according to the original plan instead of wasting it on these things."

"Of course, I also know that this may cause a lot of sacrifices."

"But compared to the future complete defeat of mankind on Aquamarine Planet, which will lead to the annihilation of the country and the annihilation of the species, it is still bearable to just let Mars temporarily have civil strife."

Lin Youde's words caused everyone who originally had opinions to fall into silence.

As a superior person, Lin Youde's thoughts are understandable.

After all, from a long-term perspective, what Lin Youde said does make sense.

As long as the humans on Aquamarine have no ability to resist alien invasion, the result will be the same whether they regain control of Mars now.

That's what happened, but it was said so straightforwardly that the Tekkadan people, who were the survivors of Mars, still felt a little uncomfortable.

With everyone watching, Olga, as the group leader, quickly made her decision.

"I... understand. I will become the representative of human innovation and unity on Mars, fight against those careerists and traitors, and not hand over Mars."

"But at present, we alone cannot fight against those careerists and big conglomerates who are seeking refuge in Mars."

Seeing Olga make a decision, Lin Youde nodded and said, "Don't worry, since you have joined our Human Innovation Alliance, you are naturally one of our own. We are still very careful about ourselves."

"Although we are unable to support you financially."

"But in terms of combat, I can still give you enough support."

"Not to mention the latest mobile suits and various military supplies and technologies captured from aliens."

"We will give priority to the things we excavate from the ruins in the future for your use."

"As long as you have a strong enough force, you will have a place on Mars. As for financial resources..."

As Lin Youde watched, the beautiful blond girl Gudelia, who was brought here by the Tekkadan people earlier and was wearing a red outfit, spoke.

"I, Gudelia Lanna Bernstein, can provide financial support to Tekkadan on behalf of the Bernstein family."

"Originally, our family supported Tekkadan in order to take back Mars from aliens and complete the independence of our Martians."

"The current goal is just to retake Mars from the hands of aliens, instead of from the hands of careerists and traitors. The essence is still the same, so we can still continue to cooperate."

From Bracefield, he learned that the Bernstein family was one of several relatively wealthy families that cooperated with the supervisor. Lin Youde, who knew that the other party had considerable financial resources, nodded slightly.

"In that case, I'll trouble you."

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