Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1370 Frank Announcement

Lin Youde took a deep look at Alexis, the final BOSS that needed to be dealt with in the original work.

As the final villain of the original work, Alexis is undoubtedly a very powerful guy.

Not to mention the abnormal attributes of infinite energy and infinite life in its original setting, just its resourcefulness in bewitching the god Akane Shinjo to the point of playing around in circles is enough for Lin Youde to be wary of.

But Lin Youde didn't feel any negative emotions or malice from this guy so far, which made Lin Youde a little unsure of what he was planning.

Considering that although Alexis is powerful, Akane Shinjou, the god who has not yet been attacked by him, is right next to him.

Lin Youde felt that as long as Shinjo Akane was dealt with, Alexis would not be unable to fight against her.

After all, in front of Akane Shinjo who is fully awake and able to control her own power, existence like Alexis in a low-latitude world, no matter how powerful the setting is, cannot resist the will of Akane Shinjo, a creature in high latitudes.

Therefore, Lin Youde nodded slightly and began to talk about everything in the outside world.

Since the outside world is very different from the world here, and in order to convince Hibiki Yuta, Shinjo Akane and others, Lin Youde patiently kept telling the story slowly and slowly.

This narration took nearly 3 or 4 hours.

Talking from afternoon to evening, and then into the night.

In the middle, there was also a dinner prepared by Baoduo Zhijiang for everyone. After everyone enjoyed it together, they listened to Lin Youde's story together.

Just like that, when the time reached 20:30, Lin Youde finally finished speaking.

"That's it. This is the situation in the outside world right now."

"We came to this world to look for some relics left in this world from the last era."

After Lin Youde finished speaking, he took a sip of tea and waited quietly for everyone to digest the large amount of information.

After more than ten minutes of silence, General Utsumi was the first to react, rubbing his head and saying.

"In other words, the outside world has now arrived in 2235, and more than 200 years have passed since our time!? Is it a completely futuristic science fiction world?"

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "From your point of view, there is nothing wrong with understanding it this way."

"However, due to the disaster of the Dimensional Beast, civilian technology has been greatly impacted and has been in a state of stagnation for a long time."

"Most resources are used to expand military force and fight against dimensional beasts in order to continue the survival of mankind."

"Moreover, human beings were at an absolute disadvantage in the early stages of the Dimensional Beast War, and many people's livelihood technologies even experienced regression to varying degrees."

"So, the quality of life of ordinary people in the outside world is actually not much different from that here."

"At most, the treatment effect is better, the Internet speed is faster, and commuting is more convenient. In other aspects, the difference is not really big."

Utsumi looked surprised: "Eh? Is that so?"

Pola glanced at Akane Shinjo and Alexis who were silent, and curled her lips.

"There is no other way. Who told them to use most of their resources to continue the survival of the race?"

"Even in Ultraman's alien world, the technological level of many worlds is only ahead of yours in the military field. In terms of civilian use, the difference is really not that big."

Seeing what Bora said, General Utsumi gradually looked disappointed: "Well, I thought the outside world had entered a super science fiction world like Doraemon."

When Lei Mengmeng heard this, she couldn't help but complain: "Doraemon's world is a pure fairy tale world. If you think about it for a moment, before the governments of the world were completely merged, you would have had those magical props in Doraemon's pockets. .Would governments use those things to govern other countries?”

Lei Mengmeng crossed her arms and kept nodding: "If those props are placed in the hands of anyone with a little ambition, they will become props that cause chaos in the world."

"Just leave it in the hands of Nobita Nobi so that it won't cause riots."

General Utsumi looked resentful, and suddenly seemed to think of something, and asked curiously: "Is Doraemon in your world still being serialized? How many issues has it been serialized?"

Lei Mengmeng replied instantly: "I don't know, we don't need the issue number now. And because our era has surpassed the 21st century where Doraemon is, the story of Doraemon has been restarted to a certain extent."

"Although the story has not changed, some settings have changed..."

Before Lei Mengmeng could finish speaking, Shinjou Akane interrupted impatiently.

"Anything is good!"

Akane Shinjo looked at Lin Youde seriously: "According to what you mean, the outside world is now in an era when humans have initially entered the cosmic century and begun to confront aliens."

"That means there's a war going on out there, right?"

Lin Youde nodded calmly: "Yes, and now on Aquamarine, which is the Earth you know, there are still several big countries that have not completed the unification and are still fighting with each other."

“Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to describe the human condition as precarious.”

"For this, I need your help, Akane Shinjo."

"I hope you can assist me in finding the relics from the previous era and hand them over to me."

"If it were you, you should be able to do it, right?"

In response, Akane Shinjo curled her lips: "As the god of this world, of course I can do this kind of thing."

"But why should I help you? What's in it for me?"

Alexis also spoke at the right time.

"Although I am very interested in the outside world you mentioned, we do know the whereabouts of the relics from the previous era that you mentioned."

"But, unfortunately, we can't get it to you right away."

"Because we are not sure whether you are the one who can really possess those relics."

"When those people handed these relics to us, they said that there might be other entities in the outside world who intend to seize these relics."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

Lin Youde frowned slightly: "Alexis... you have memories of the previous era... No, it should be said that you are a remnant from the previous era!?"

Before anyone else could be shocked by Lin Youde's speech, Alexis responded calmly.

"Yes, Akane and I are both survivors from the previous era."

"We escape from the outside world back into this world and hide."

"But I didn't expect that the outside world has actually undergone reincarnation and entered a new era."

"I think those guys from the past have all returned to dust and returned to dust."

"A limited life is too fragile after all..."

After sighing for a while, Alexis looked at Lin Youde.

"After the change of an era, we still need to determine whether you can inherit that inheritance."

"So, you can understand that we can't hand those things over to you, right? The New Type (New Humanity) of the New Era."


PS: There is a little bit of confusion, let me sort it out, how to write in the future...

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