Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1382 The innocent little boy

Rikka Takarata: "This is my father, his name is Alexis. This is your first time seeing him, Hibiki-kun, no wonder you are surprised."

Alexis laughed and said, "I can't help it. Who can make my head burst into flames? Most people will be shocked when they see it."

Takarata Rikka said helplessly: "So, Dad, you should probably put away those weird magic tricks. They scare people and can scare them to death."

Alexis: "Sorry sorry."

Looking at everyone who was getting more and more uncomfortable, Hibiki Yuta stood up and shouted.

"No! None of this is right."

Amid everyone's strange expressions, Hibiki Yuta shook his head and backed away towards the door.

"I have never experienced what you are talking about."

"I haven't done anything yet, and the campus festival is over or something... I absolutely cannot accept this kind of thing!"

"Because, I haven't asked Rikka yet..."

The next words were not spoken. Hibiki Yuta couldn't say anything because of the strange expression of Rikka Takarata, so he could only shake his head and ran out.


Looking at Hibiki Yuta who suddenly ran away, Rikka Takarata wanted to chase him, but failed.

Asakahata, who was too worried about Hibiki Yuta, stood up and said.

"I'd better go take a look. Yuta must be under too much pressure. I'll go and enlighten him."

With that said, Ma Zhongpeng chased after him.

Hibiki Yuta, who ran out first, shook his head and ran as fast as he could.

"No, this is wrong. I haven't done anything, I haven't even had a chance to confess to Rikka, everything is over or something. I can't accept this kind of thing!!!"


Hibiki Yuta, who was running wildly, suddenly bumped into something and sat down on the ground.

"Sorry, I...Eh? Mr. Lin Youde!?"

As soon as Hibiki Yuta, who was sitting on the ground, raised his head, he saw Lin Youde standing at the entrance of the park.

Just as he was about to speak, Hibiki Yuta screamed.

"Ghost, ghost, Mr. Lin Youde, there are two ghosts beside you!!!"

Amidst Hibiki Yuta's screams, Asakahata, who was chasing after him, was about to speak when he also screamed.

"Ghost, there is a ghost!!!"

Hibiki Yuta quickly turned around: "Peng, can you see it too!?"

Ma Zhongpeng, who was also frightened and sat on the ground, was sweating coldly: "Yuta, are you being targeted by ghosts? No wonder I feel that something is not right with you recently, so that's what happened."

As he spoke, Asaka Peng rolled and crawled and came to Hibiki Yuta's side. Pulling Hibiki Yuta up, he planned to run away.

"Come on, let's go back to Shimasang. Shimasang and the others must have a way to deal with this kind of ghost."

Being pulled up by Ma Zhongpeng, Hibiki Yuta didn't quite believe it: "Mr. Rex and the others have a way to deal with ghosts?"


Asakapo, who wanted to pull Yuta Hibiki to escape but failed, looked at Yuta Hibiki suspiciously.

Although Hibiki Yuta was very scared, he looked at Lin Youde and did not move. Instead, he mustered up his courage and asked in a trembling voice.

"Mr. Lin Youde, you...are not a ghost, right!?"

Lin Youde put one hand on his waist and said jokingly: "If I were a ghost, could you still stand here and make such a noise?"

Ma Zhongpeng was stunned: "Eh!?"

Hibiki Yuta looked excited: "Then..."

Lin Youde's hand flashed with light, and he waved his hand to the side. The dark ghostly figure in the eyes of the two people revealed his true identity.

Hibiki Yuta exclaimed: "Anchi!? And, Ms. Monster!?"

Anqi nodded towards Hibiki Yuta: "Finally I see you, Hibiki Yuta."

The second-generation monster girl waved to Ma Zhongpeng: "Hey, Peng, we meet again."

Ma Zhongpeng looked at the two of them doubtfully for a while before tentatively asking.

"You are!?"

The second generation monster girl pointed at An Qi and herself.

"Knight Lord, second generation."

Ma Zhongpeng exclaimed: "Mr. Knight!? Second-generation lady?"

The second-generation monster girl nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, this posture must be your first time seeing it, Peng."

Before Ma Zhongpeng could answer, Anqi interrupted.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Hibiki Yuta and Asakabo, you came just in time. The situation is somewhat urgent now, and we need your help."

Although Ma Zhongpeng didn't quite understand what was going on, he still nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Knight."

Hibiki Yuta asked Lin Youde: "Mr. Lin Youde, what is all this..."

Lin Youde put one hand on his waist and said with a smile: "You should have noticed something is wrong, right?"

"But I care more about another thing than these."

Hibiki Yuta was confused: "Another thing."

Lin Youde's joking expression made Hibiki Yuta blush and suddenly blurt out.

"I heard it. You were planning to confess your love to Rikka at the school festival or something."

Hibiki Yuta blushed and waved his hands wildly, but did not deny it.

The look of that innocent little boy made Lin Youde laugh heartily.

"Hahahaha, it's great, it's great. It's worth waiting for so long, and it finally pays off. It's really good!"

It seemed that because Lin Youde smiled so exaggeratedly, the roots behind Hibiki Yuta's ears turned red. Seeing this, Ma Zhongpeng couldn't help but interrupt.

"So, what is going on now, Mr. Lin Youde, can you explain it to us?"

After taking a look at the second-generation protagonist who was helping the first-generation protagonist change the topic, Lin Youde secretly complained: "As expected of the original protagonist, he is a real-life protagonist. This emotional intelligence is really not something to be underestimated." ’

‘By the way, was it because the second-generation protagonist was a current character and there was no sense of immersion that I didn’t watch the second season? ’

Doubting himself, Lin Youde waved his hand, and An Qi began to explain the current situation to the two of them.

After everything was explained, Lin Youde spoke.

"The abnormalities you noticed before, Yuta, are actually all true."

"This world is controlled by unknown beings, and the time dimension is gradually distorted. Even the will of the people around you has been interfered with to a certain extent."

Yuta Hibiki looked astonished: "No wonder Rikka gave up the story setting based on Akane Shinjou-san, so that's what happened."

Although Lin Youde was not sure about the details, he still responded.

"Yes, Akane Shinjo has the same special status in Rikka Takarata's heart as you do. It is absolutely impossible to make her give up on you under normal conditions."

"On the other hand, being able to make her give up Akane Shinjo means that she is no longer normal... No, why are you blushing?"

Hibiki Yuta blushed and said: "Well, um, Mr. Lin Youde. I have a special status in Rikka's heart. Is it true?"

"I-I don't have any memory of the time when I combined with Gullit, so..."

Looking at Hibiki Yuta who was not very confident, Lin Youde said helplessly: "Isn't it more appropriate for me to tell you about this kind of thing or for you to determine it yourself?"

Hibiki Yuta lowered his head in embarrassment: "That's right..."

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