Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1414 The black box is unresponsive

Tielia's words stunned Lin Youde for a moment.

"What!? Gunbasta!?"

Lei Mengmeng looked at Raymond curiously and asked: "What is Gunbasta!?"

Raymond shook his head: "I don't know, there is no memory related to Gang Basta in my memory."

Ye Ling looked at Lin Youde, her eyes full of curiosity: "Is this Gunbasta very powerful?"

Alufemi replied without thinking: "It must be very powerful. Tieria is dumbfounded when you look at it."

Lamia also looked at Lin Youde curiously. In the curious eyes of everyone, Lin Youde looked at Tieria and asked.

"Tieria, this Gangbasta refers to the Zaku King Gangbasta, right?"

Before Tieria could answer, Lei Mengmeng interrupted out of curiosity: "King Zaku? Is Gangbasta a Zaku robot?"

Tielia looked at Lin Youde with some surprise: "King Zaku!? What is this name?"

Lin Youde explained: "Look, aren't all Zaku-type robots one-eyed robots? Gunbasta's shape is somewhat similar to Zaku's, and he's still a one-eyed robot."

"And among all the Zaku-type or one-eyed machines known so far, Gunbasta is the strongest, so it's appropriate to call it King Zaku, right?"

Tieria's cheeks twitched slightly: "The king of the Zaku lineage, so he is called King Zaku? If you call him this way... forget it."

"King Zaku, let's just say King Zaku, your description is quite appropriate."

"That's right, I'm talking about the Zaku King Gangbasta that you know."

As he spoke, Tieria looked back in memory.

"Gunbasta is the ultimate decisive weapon created by the Earth Federation by integrating all parallel world technologies."

"The main mission of this final battle weapon is to transport black hole bombs to the galaxy to fight and annihilate alien monsters as I told you before."

"It's a pity that when this machine was performing its final mission, because our defense line fell, one of the black hole bombs was destroyed, resulting in insufficient detonation power."

"As a last resort, the original pilot detonated the machine as a black hole bomb. Together with other black hole bombs, it caused the collapse of the universe and the retreat of time."

"Although most of the alien monsters were wiped out in this battle, we also completely lost Gunbasta."

"It is also because of this battle that the Earth Federation believed that the biggest threat had been eliminated. Not only did it attack us, but it also withdrew all kinds of assistance, resulting in repeated failures in frontline operations, and ultimately a crushing defeat, resulting in an irreparable defeat."

After saying that, Tielia looked at the two black boxes on the instrument with a complicated expression.

"I never expected that Gunbasta, which I thought would never be found again, would actually return to our hands in this way. This is probably the so-called destiny."

Tieria's words shocked everyone who had heard about the cruelty of some past battles for the first time.

Lei Mengmeng looked at the two black boxes on the instrument with bright eyes.

"Doesn't this mean that we now have incredible combat power?"

Lin Youde crossed his arms with a slightly subtle expression: "It's more than incredible. According to the knowledge I know, Gunbasta, as the final decisive weapon of the earth, is a true star-killing robot, and even a final decisive battle robot for interstellar battles. "

"As long as the true combat power of this machine can be exerted, not to mention the supervisors, the void messengers, and even a few alien forces can be easily crushed."

Ye Ling looked surprised: "So exaggerated?"

Lin Youde nodded: "It's just that exaggerated."

Lamia was confused: "Why is such a powerful black box of a machine in a place like this? Is it a coincidence?"

Lei Meng frowned and looked at Lin Youde meaningfully.

"Is it really just a coincidence? Could it be that this was artificially arranged?"

Lei Meng was stunned for a moment, and her eyes suddenly became sharp: "Leimeng, are you saying that these two black boxes were originally arranged by Youde?"

Raymond nodded slightly: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Lin Youde thought deeply: "'s really hard to say."

Although Lin Youde doesn't think that his other self has paved his future path to this extent.

But there is something unspeakably weird about how easily Gunbasta can be obtained.

Tielia glanced at Lin Youde and said.

"I have also heard about the things in the other world."

"But I think this may not be another Lin Youde arrangement, but just a coincidence."

Raymond frowned slightly and looked at Tieria: "What do you say!?"

Tielia pointed to the instrument: "If it were really another Lin Youde's arrangement, then this situation wouldn't happen now."

Everyone stepped forward to take a look and were all stunned. Lei Mengmeng even exclaimed: "What the hell!? Why is the extraction button gray?"

Raymond tilted his head slightly and thought: "Is this... the black box is unresponsive!?"

Ye Ling asked in confusion: "The black box is not responding!? What does it mean!?"

Raymond explained: "I once saw some information in the original world."

"In fact, the black boxes held by the three major countries are far more than what we know so far."

“After decades of searching and exploring secrets, Black Box has actually discovered a lot.”

"It's just that some of these black boxes cannot be liberated for some reason."

"This situation is called black box unresponsiveness."

"And other machines are similar to the original one of Gu Tie. Because the driver's characteristics are not suitable, the machine becomes unresponsive."

"There are also some bodies that cannot be parsed because their data is locked. They are called unparsable bodies."

"If there were no black box unresponsiveness, more black box bodies would be liberated, and now there would be more black box bodies in human hands."

"If some bodies were not locked and unable to be analyzed, humankind's technological level would have improved even higher."

"If not all black-box aircraft were piloted, human combat effectiveness would be stronger."

"The two black boxes we currently have are the black boxes that are unresponsive, and they are also the worst of all the black box situations."

"Because you can't get the things in this black box out at all, and it's basically the same as not getting them."

Ye Ling was stunned: "Doesn't that mean that our two black boxes were dug in vain?"

Lei Mengmeng suddenly realized: "No wonder Tielia would say that this is not another virtuous arrangement. Otherwise, we would not be able to get out the things inside."

Alufemi looked at Tieria curiously: "Then how to take out the things inside. Do you know?"

Tielia nodded slightly: "I know roughly."

Lei Mengmeng, Lei Meng, and Ye Ling were all stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "You really know?"

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