Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1420 The whereabouts of Leonard and Embrio

The Space-Time Dragon God has not yet answered, but stared at Lin Youde and sighed with complicated eyes.

"They are really the same person, and they all react exactly the same."


Lin Youde scratched his head, really confused.

Orathion sighed slightly and explained.

"When you first heard these requests, you had the same expression."

"It seems like you already knew the existence of these enemies. It's... very subtle."

Soliande also looked at Lin Youde up and down with unfriendly eyes.

"So how many things are in your head? I really want to open it and see what you know."

Lin Youde subconsciously took two steps back and touched his head with a respectful expression on his face.

The Time and Space Dragon God spoke after the two maids finished speaking.

"Our original deal was that I give you the power to save the people you love."

"In exchange, you need to clean up all the unstable elements from other worlds."

"By the way, you need to bear the consequences of reopening the parallel world yourself."

"Our deal, that's it."

Lin Youde was still a little surprised, but he didn't express it, but asked.

"Lord Dragon God, can't you handle those enemies you mentioned?"

"As an innate god, your power should be very powerful, right?"

Before the Time and Space Dragon God could answer, Soliande replied first.

"Of course Lord Dragon God's power is incomparable, but it's not because of you damn humans..."



After being stopped by Orathion, Thoriende turned his head away with a look of displeasure.

Orathion bowed slightly: "Lord Dragon God..."

The Time and Space Dragon God shook his head slightly: "It doesn't matter, he already knew it at the beginning anyway, so it doesn't matter if he says it again."

"Anyway, he has to deal with subsequent enemies, so it doesn't hurt to know this."

Oratheon nodded slightly: "I understand, then let me explain it again."

Orathion looked at Lin Youde and began to explain.

"The power of Lord Dragon God is of course unrivaled. As the original god in this world, there is no dispute that Lord Dragon God has the strongest power."

"But Lord Dragon God is not the only innate god. In addition to Lord Dragon God, there are other powerful gods."

"And because in the last human era, two cunning humans secretly stole the power of Lord Dragon God, made a special bomb, shattered the barriers of time and space, and almost destroyed the world built by your ancestors. The temple doesn’t say anything.”

"Even Lord Dragon God was severely injured because of the backlash from his own power."

"At the same time, some of the existences that you humans have developed and continuously evolved have gradually gained power to a certain extent that can rival the innate gods."

"Under the raging power of these forces that gradually went out of control, many innate gods were slaughtered because of their long-term comfort, which led to the evolution of those existences created by humans to a new level."

"Because these existences continue to lose control, they not only destroy you humans, but also lead this world that continues to merge and become the only one to go to destruction."

"In order to prevent everything from ending in nothingness, Lord Dragon God, with his seriously injured body, sealed those guys who destroyed the innate gods in a space. At the same time, he used the power of time and space to return everything to the original starting point and start over. .”

"And this is the origin of humanity in your era."

"Because the serious injury has not healed, he used the power of his origin to seal those beings who tried to destroy everything and reverse time and space. Lord Dragon God's injuries have not recovered yet."

"On the contrary, those guys who were sealed by Lord Dragon God killed each other in that sealed space, and their power was further improved."

"To this day, we still don't know how strong those guys have become."

"But one thing is for sure, once those guys are released, with the current Lord Dragon God, I'm afraid there will be no way to seal them again."

"And in the beginning, after you learned all this, you volunteered and said that you would solve it all."

"Lord Dragon God used the power of time and space and saw a certain possibility, so he decided to try it on you."

"This is how the original deal was concluded."

Lin Youde listened to everything and had a better understanding of the compassion of this dragon of time and space.

In order to save the entire universe, he is willing to risk his life. The dragon of space and time is worthy of being an innate god and a being with a great compassionate heart.

Lin Youde, who grew up listening to various myths and legends such as Nuwa mending the sky, Kuafu chasing the sun, Hou Yi shooting the sun, and Dayu controlling the floods, sincerely admires this kind of compassionate person who sacrifices himself for others.

At the same time, Lin Youde also vaguely understood something.

"The two cunning humans you are talking about are called Leonard and Embrio, right?"

"Those two guys stole the power of Lord Dragon God and made a strange bomb that blew through the barrier of time and space, causing the disaster of multiverse fusion. At the same time, because they stole Lord Dragon God's power, Lord Dragon God was killed. His own strength came back and he was severely injured.”

"Are these two guys still alive now?"

Orathion nodded slightly: "Yes, they are these two sinners."

"The true bodies of these two sinners are sealed on these two stone pillars, and they will suffer eternal punishment."

"Originally...that's how it was."

Lin Youde frowned slightly: "Original?"

Taking advantage of the situation, Lin Youde looked back at the two large pillars behind him, and sure enough he saw two familiar faces printed on the two stone pillars, those of Leonard and Embrio.

Although the two people in Lin Youde's impression were two-dimensional faces, now they are three-dimensional, so there will be some differences. But there were only two faces on the stone pillar. Lin Youde knew that there was no one else except them, so naturally he didn't need too much effort to identify them.

"It's not like those two guys are a bit special and too cunning."

"When Lord Dragon God restarted the universe, these two sinners used part of Lord Dragon God's hidden power to secretly escape from this temple."

The answers given by Solander and Orathion surprised Lin Youde.

"Reynard and Embrio ran away?"

Solander curled her lips in displeasure and nodded silently.

And Orathion said to Lin Youde: "Their physical bodies are still here, only their souls, that is, their spiritual bodies, have escaped."

"They should still be hiding somewhere on the planet you currently live on."

"If they show up later, you are also obliged to arrest them and come back to be punished, because they are also criminals who disturb order."

Thoriende: "So are you."

Orathion glared: "Thorien!"

Soliande turned her head away in displeasure: "No...just don't say anything."

Lin Youde scratched his face in embarrassment: "..."

Orathion comforted him: "It's okay. You have the permission of Lord Dragon God, and you are different from these two sinners."

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