Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1434 Today’s Situation

Just these words caused Feilong Kai and everyone on the Caesar to fall into chaos.

Yutong Yurika: "What? The DC army launched a revolution? How about my dad? Is my dad okay?"

Lefina: "The unified headquarters of Aquablue Star has lost contact. How is that possible?"

Sanye: "Did the DC army invade our union? Isn't this too ridiculous?"

Although among the people, many people vaguely understood that the DC army would launch a revolution and start the civil strife of the Silla Alliance because of what Lin Youde or others told them.

But when things really broke out, everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

Especially Yutong Yurika, after hearing that the war had really broken out, she was still worried about her father's condition.

As for the people who were born in Unified, they caused a small commotion because they fell in love with the moon.

Even Lei Mengmeng, Lei Meng and others are worried about their parents on Aquamarine.

Among the crowd, only Lin Youde analyzed with a calm expression.

"We set off from the orbit of Pluto before, probably in early September of 2236, and now it's only the 9th. In other words, the time difference between our teleportation this time is not big?"

After hearing this, Lin Liuli responded in a low voice: "Yes, according to the time calibration, this jump took about 6 hours, 6 minutes and 6 seconds, which is very different from the time fluctuation of the previous jump of Caesar from Mars to Pluto. Far."

Latoni muttered in a low voice: "It's strange. The jump from Mars to Pluto took half a year, and the jump from Pluto to Venus only took 6 hours. Isn't this right?"

Of course, Lin Youde also vaguely noticed something was wrong with this boson jump, but now Lin Youde had no time to care about this aspect for the time being, but asked Commander Qian Wandi.

"Commander Qian, please continue. You haven't finished speaking yet, right? Please be as detailed as possible."

Qian Wandi rubbed his temples and continued to explain.

"Okay, then I will start sorting out the timeline after you left."

"One week after you set off from the moon, that is, on October 12, 2235, the DC army officially launched a revolution, declared war on the Silla Alliance, the Free Federation, and our Humanity Innovation and Unification, and immediately moved towards the Silla Alliance The homeland launched an offensive.”

"At that time, because the DC army mainly attacked the Silla Alliance, there was not much movement on our side. Only the Free Federation wanted a share of the pie and began to send troops to attack the surrounding areas of the Silla Alliance and launch an encroachment operation. However, it was blocked by the DC army. A fierce counterattack, the battle was very fierce.”

"At the same time, the commander-in-chief of the Silla Alliance Space Force, Maia V. Brownshutan, responded to the call of the DC Army Commander-in-Chief, Bian Zoldak, led the Silla Alliance Space Force, launched a revolution, and Declare war on the Space Force of the Free Federation and Humanity’s Innovation and Unification.”

"On October 15, 2235, the DC Army Space Army launched Operation Meteor, sending five specially-made Gundams to land at various bases in the Silla Alliance, and launched a surprise attack. With the cooperation of the nearby DC Army, they successfully Many important bases of the Silla Alliance were destroyed."

"At this time, because the Free Federation took the initiative to attack the DC army, the main targets of the DC army's ground forces were the Silla Alliance regular army and the Free Federation's regular army. In terms of space, the Silla Alliance space army completely defected, resulting in the original Silla army The Alliance Space Force began to fight against the Free Federation Space Force as the DC Army."

"Because our side can't be affected for the time being, the military headquarters asked us not to act rashly for the time being, and prepare to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. If possible, there will be a snipe and clam fighting for the fisherman's profit."

"But before the DC army, the Silla Alliance, and the Free Federation could decide the winner, something happened in the unified mainland."

Lin Youde frowned: "Mutation?"

Qian Wandi nodded solemnly: "Yes, this change happened very suddenly. As a result, I only received a few communications from the intelligence department and then lost contact with the mainland."

Sanye was shocked: "What happened to our homeland? We can only send a few messages? Isn't that ridiculous?"

Lei Mengmeng also frowned: "Don't we unite and have a four-elephant formation composed of four holy beasts to guard the Dragon King? How come the connection was suddenly severed?"

Qian Wandi sighed: "Isn't it because something happened between the Four Sacred Beasts and the Dragon King..."

"...Ha!?" In an instant, screams of surprise were heard on the bridge of Feilong Kai.

Before anyone else could react, Lin Youde asked with a straight face.

"What is the specific situation? What is the information coming from the intelligence department?"

Qian Wandi was startled and replied: "The information sent by the intelligence department was very scattered. After sorting it out, we only know that it was probably December 12, 2235, when the Dragon King suddenly fell into a deep sleep, and the King of Martial and the King of Sparrows Suddenly and mysteriously disappeared from Kyoto."

"The Dragon King's sudden slumber, the mysterious disappearance of the Martial King and the Sparrow King caused a huge commotion in the capital. However, because this is a secret, the news has been temporarily blocked and has not been spread."

"However, two days later, on December 14, the military headquarters suddenly discovered that the Four Elephants Formation was out of control, causing a quarrel between the staff headquarters and the military headquarters."

"On the 15th, the Dragon King revived, rose from the capital, hovered for a while, and then disappeared into the sky."

"On the same day, a huge white barrier appeared, covering the unified mainland and cutting off contact with the outside world."

"And the last news that came out from the intelligence department was that on this day, a bunch of monster-like things suddenly appeared all over the unified mainland and launched attacks on various bases."

"In the end, the intelligence department only spread these few pieces of information, and the communication between the mainland and the moon was completely cut off."

"At the same time, on December 12, the Space Fortress of the Void Messenger, White Star, suddenly appeared and launched a full-scale offensive against the moon."

"Under the attack of the Void Messenger, the DC Army, the Free Federation, and our unified space army had to put aside their previous conflicts and began to jointly resist the Void Messenger's space army attack."

"But because of the alienation between the DC Army and the Free Federation, the cooperation between the coalition forces cannot be said to be completely absent, it can only be said to be a complete mess."

"Especially the Space Force of the Free Federation. Except for a small number of troops fighting on the frontal battlefield, the rest of the troops are stabbing us in the back."

"Damn it, if it weren't for the aliens who are our formidable enemies, ground contact and supplies would be cut off again. Otherwise, I would have to stab those liberals in the butts to open their eyes."

After cursing, Commander Qian Wandi regained his expression and sighed.

"In short, this is roughly the situation. After the Void Messenger appeared, we have been fighting against the Void Messenger."

"As for Aquamarine, the Free Federation has already started a real fight with the DC Army, and they are still at war with each other."

"The DC Army has said that we should put aside our prejudices and speak to the outside world unanimously."

"However, the Free Federation's domestic views are different from those of the Space Army. They preach that "to fight against foreign forces, we must first settle the domestic affairs." They must kill the DC Army first, making it impossible for the DC Army to send people into the space. "

"These liberal guys, they are really crazy..."

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