Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1445 Rescue Method

Lin Youde's words made D-BOY turn his head and look at Lin Youde with admiration.

"As expected of Dr. Lin Youde, he really knows things well."

"Yes, after I detached from the Argos, I escaped along the coordinates that the Argos drifted to after being teleported."

"Then, at the place where the Argos was teleported, I found a tulip teleportation device that was very similar to the original position of Venus and had completely transformed into a cosmic stone sculpture."

"But I didn't know what that thing was at the time. I was just being chased by other Tejaman and Radam, and rushed into the stone-like flower statue in a panic. I planned to take the opportunity to escape, fight back, and delay time. .”

"I never thought that the device was actually a teleportation device, and it was activated for unknown reasons, causing me to be teleported back to the solar system, and near Mars."

Aki Kisaragi looked astonished: "No wonder we met you on Mars. It turns out you were teleported there... Wait a minute."

Aki Kisaragi seemed to have thought of something and looked at D-BOY with a shocked expression.

D-BOY said frankly before Aki Kisaragi spoke.

"Yes, from the time our family was teleported away to the time I was teleported back from the outer universe, it should not take more than a year in total."

"Although I was not aware of the passage of time when I was transformed, no matter how you think about it, it didn't take 30 years. Otherwise, the efficiency of this transformation would be too low."

"This can be seen from the fact that various parts of the Argos were still relatively new when I escaped. Time should not have passed too much."

"It's also because when I came back, I found that 30 years had passed all of a sudden, so I didn't confess to you."

"Aqua Star has undergone great changes, the Neon Country has disappeared, and I have nothing to prove my identity. Even if I confess to you, you may not believe it."

"In order to avoid trouble, I chose to pretend to have amnesia, which is more convenient."

With D-BOY's confession, all the truth is revealed.

But Raul still couldn't figure it out.

"But, this isn't the reason why you and your brother are fighting each other, right?"

D-BOY shook his head: "That's not the case, Raul."

"Because my transformation was incomplete, I only had 30 minutes to fight. But it was also a blessing in disguise that I could maintain my true self."

"Although I will go berserk once the 30-minute time limit expires, but as long as the transformation is released, I will still be myself."

"But my family members who have been completely transformed are different. Although they still have the memories of the past, their stance has completely changed to Radam's stance and they have chosen to be loyal to Radam."

"Among the Tejaman troops who were chasing me before, there was a Tejaman dagger transformed by my brother Aiba Hoshino."

"After a brief battle and contact, I knew very clearly that that was no longer my brother, but another thing that occupied my brother's body and held my brother's memory."

"Although Tiejaman was transformed from Radam, the completely transformed Tiejiaman has the ability to control Radam. I doubt..."

D-BOY didn't continue, and Lin Youde helped him finish: "Those Tiejaman who have been completely transformed may have been implanted with the consciousness or even the soul of the original ruler of Radam. Is that what you mean? ?”

D-BOY nodded silently and said nothing.

Lei Mengmeng held her chin: "If that's the case, it will be very difficult indeed."

"After all, our current technology doesn't have anything to do with the soul level."

"Simple mind control is okay, maybe there is a way to deal with it. Once it is really parasitism on the soul level, then we are really helpless."

Lei Mengmeng's words silenced everyone in the restaurant.

Only Lin Liuli looked at Lin Youde: "Dad, is there really nothing we can do?"

Lin Liuli's words made everyone look at Lin Youde.

In the eyes of everyone, if there is anyone who can bring about a slight change in this unsolvable situation, it is undoubtedly Lin Youde.

And Lin Youde lived up to everyone's expectations, raising the corners of his mouth and showing a smile.

"That's not necessarily the case."

Everyone's eyes lit up, and Ye Ling said in shock: "No, you really have a way!?"

Lin Youde smiled mysteriously: "That's right, but the time is not ripe yet. But in my opinion, people transformed by Radam are not necessarily completely hopeless."

As he said that, Lin Youde looked at D-BOY: "After that, I will take everyone to the lunar orbit to fight against the Radam troops and the Tejaman dagger."

"When the time comes, I need you to defeat the Tejaman Dagger, but not kill it, but capture it."

"Although I can't completely guarantee that we can save him for the time being, we can use freezing technology to force him into hibernation mode and refrigerate him. When the time is right, we can thaw him out for treatment."

D-BOY rushed to Lin Youde with excitement and grabbed Lin Youde's arm.

"Really? Can my family be saved!?"

Looking at D-BOY, who had always had a cold face and looked like a cool man on an iceberg, his expression was out of control, and everyone smiled in unison.

This smile means that everyone truly understands D-BOY, a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Lin Youde smiled and nodded: "Don't give up hope. Just because you can't do it now doesn't mean you can't do it in the future."

With Lin Youde's words, D-BOY was relieved, took a few steps back, sat on a chair in the restaurant, and showed a reassuring smile.

Looking at such D-BOY, Lei Mengmeng asked Lin Youde curiously.

"When is the time you mentioned? Do we really have the technology to design the soul level?"

Raymond also looked at Lin Youde: "Could he be looking for Tieria again..."

Lin Youde smiled and shook his head slightly, making Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng even more confused.

"Not Tieria!?"


Lin Youde had already confirmed with Tieria before that there was no information or technology about Rebrilias in VEDA.

In the last era, Mist and Rebrias did not join Tieria's team, but disappeared elsewhere.

But now that Rebrillas has come to Lin Youde's side, the technology for designing the soul level will be analyzed sooner or later.

When Lin Youde first met Mist and Rebrias, he had already realized the special nature of the original protagonist of "Super Robot Wars K".

It has the ability to design the soul level and eliminate other souls and consciousness without damaging the main soul of the original body. This is the only one among the Chinese version of machine combat works that Lin Youde has played.

Now Rebrilias's secret has not been discovered for the time being, and Mist has not yet been able to use Rebrilias' true power.

But as long as Mist is given some time to develop, the parasitic enemies at the soul level will be eliminated in minutes~!

This is the method Lin Youde thought of to save D-BOY's family.

On that day, the premise was that D-BOY’s family was really parasitized by Radam with other souls and consciousnesses.

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