Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1449 Challenge of Tiejaman Dagger

The arrogance that almost overflowed from Tegaman's dagger made everyone on the human innovation and unity side dissatisfied.

"This guy looks down on people so much."

"What does he think he is? Doesn't he know how powerful Dr. Lin Youde is?"

"It seems like these aliens have to give us a little bit of a shock to us Aquamarine people."

"Dr. Lin Youde, kill this alien quickly!"

Because Londebel's troops did not use special forces at all before, they crushed Radam's troops. So much so that the morale of the human innovation and unity side has now been greatly boosted.

The public channel was filled with the shouts of the Human Revolutionary and United Space Force personnel who were watching the battle from behind.

Lin Youde didn't care about the complaints and comments of his own soldiers.

Now Londe Bell has become the strongest symbol of the Unification, and he is the iconic figure in this symbol. It is human nature for the Unified soldiers to have special expectations of themselves.

Especially when the unified homeland is undergoing major changes, it is normal for the soldiers to have such expectations of themselves.

But Lin Youde is now the commander of an army. It is somewhat inappropriate to go out and challenge others casually.

However, as soon as this thought came to an end, Lin Youde heard the cry of Tiejaman's dagger.

"It seems that you have a high prestige in the earth's army."

"In other words, if I defeat you, will the sharp blade not resist? The morale of the people on earth will also plummet, and they will not have much desire to resist, right?"

Amid the surprised expressions of Lin Youde and the surprised expressions of Lei Mengmeng, Lei Meng and others, the Tiejaman dagger raised the spear in his hand and pointed it at Lin Youde's new Strike Freedom Gundam.

"Lin Youde, let me try your skills."

"Let me see what an Earthling who can be trusted by a sharp blade is capable of!"

"How about it, do you have the guts to fight me?"

Lin Youde blinked with a subtle expression: "You mean, you want to challenge me to a duel?"

Tiejaman Dagger: "Yes, as long as we defeat you, Sharp Blade and those stupid earthlings will understand that there is no point in going against our Radam, right?"

"It's time for the stupid Earthlings to see what a true powerhouse in the universe is."

As soon as Lin Youde said this, before Lin Youde could reply, Ronde Bell and the soldiers of the Human Revolutionary United Space Army who were supposed to be supporting the rear but were now doing nothing suddenly went into an uproar.

Ni Xingxing's eyes widened: "Holy shit, is this guy so brave? He actually wants to challenge Youde in a duel?"

Ladis shook his head: "Maybe this is the fearlessness of the ignorant."

Gu Lincai: "It should be."

Nanye was a little worried: "Could it be that the other party has some support and trump card?"

Li Te shrugged: "Who knows, but I'm sure that no matter what support and trump cards he has, he will not be my uncle's opponent."

Catalina even made a violent comment: "It's really great that the other party can be stupid enough to die."

Aki Kisaragi curiously asked Chitose Kisaragi: "Chitose, is Dr. Lin Youde very strong?"

Kisaragi Chitose looked confused: "What? Cousin, you can actually ask such a question. You are really from the Aqua Blue Planet... Oh, I forgot that you have been working on Mars before and don't know about the doctor."

Noah: "Although I know that Dr. Lin Youde should be very strong, how strong is he? When I was on Mars before, I never saw him take action at all."

Raul: "I think it's better if you don't see it. Especially when you are hostile to Dr. Lin Youde. Seeing the doctor take action will definitely not be a good memory."

Tianhe Mingren nodded heavily: "Yes, although I have been in the Silla Alliance before, I am also very familiar with Dr. Lin Youde's affairs. That is no longer a question of whether he is strong or not."

Banagher: "You just need to know that sensei is the strongest Gundam pilot, no one else."

Kazuma also interjected: "Speaking of which, I have watched the videos and broadcasts before. But Dr. Lin Youde used ancient iron in both competitions, right?"

"I have never seen how powerful Dr. Lin Youde can be in driving a Gundam."

Mist followed: "Me too. Although I have been on Aquamarine for a while, I only know Dr. Lin Youde from TV."

"In my impression, Dr. Lin Youde drives ancient iron."

"I don't have much memory of driving a Gundam or anything like that."

If the people in Londe Bell's team were talking politely, then the soldiers of the United Space Army had no moral integrity at all.

"Oh my god, there are actually people who are not afraid of death and want to challenge Dr. Lin Youde!?"

"It seems it's time for this alien bumpkin to see the power of the famous white devil."

"Is Dr. Lin Youde finally going to put on Amuro Ray's vest again? It's a pity that the machines are not ν Gundam and Hi-ν Gundam."

"It's okay. The combat style of Strike Freedom Gundam is very similar to Hi-ν Gundam, and I believe that the doctor's body must have been modified, so there should be no problem with its performance."

"Come on, doctor, let this alien bumpkin see how powerful Gundam is!"

"Suffer death and be smashed! Today next year will be your death anniversary!"

Listening to the noisy discussions and clamoring of a group of people, Lin Youde could sense everyone's enthusiasm without using the new human's mental induction.

Lei Mengmeng quietly popped up the communication and asked Lin Youde: "Youde, how are you? Are you sure?"

Lin Youde raised his eyebrows: "Are you questioning your husband? I can't do it!?"

Lei Mengmeng blushed, rolled her eyes at Lin Youde, and replied: "Since there is no problem, then you agree to teach this guy a lesson."

"Because of the unification of local affairs, the Space Army does need something to boost morale."

"And I found some drones around the combat area. They are probably sent by other forces to monitor."

"We have been away for a year, and some people seem to ignore us again."

At the same time, Tiejaman Dagger, who could hear many people clamoring and talking in the public channel, was also a little impatient.

"Sharp Blade, your backer seems to be a courageous gangster."

Tejaman looked at the new Strike Freedom Gundam silently.

After hearing Lei Mengmeng's words and feeling the sight of Tiejaman's sharp blade, Lin Youde knew that he had to express something.

Later, Lin Youde didn't even wear a helmet, opened the public channel of visual communication, and responded to the Tiejaman dagger.

"Since you are so eager to seek death, then I will help you."

With that said, the New Strike Freedom Gundam put away the twin guns in his hands and waved at the Tegaman dagger.

"Come on, I don't know how to use long-range weapons, lest you say I'm bullying you."

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