Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1454 Signature of family members

Raymond's words shocked everyone, and they all looked at the insect-shaped creature on the tablet that had Fritz's mind entangled.

Seeing the horrific scene of a human being's brain being completely engulfed by bugs, female members such as Ye Ling, Nanye, Aya Fururubayashi, Katarina, Aki Kisaragi, Chitose Kisaragi, etc. all showed expressions of nausea, vomiting, and other discomforts.

Even the male pilots such as Ni Xingxing, Ladis, Kazuma, Raul, etc. didn't look good.

Only Lin Youde, Li Te, Noyal and others looked calm.

That is to say, the younger Lin Liuli, Latoni, Banagher and others are not here, otherwise I am afraid that the expression management will get out of control on the spot.

"Is there any way to remove it?"

After D-BOY took a look, he asked Raymond.

Raymond shook his head slightly: "It is not difficult to simply remove it. What is difficult is how to ensure the life of the parasitized person after removal."

"Even if you just look at the diorama of this bug, you should be able to understand how closely it is integrated with the parasite's brain."

"And I have never done this kind of surgery. I can't guarantee the life of the parasitized person after removing the Radham worm."

Ye Ling suppressed her nausea and asked: "Isn't our integration a regeneration repair cabin provided by organic warfare?"

"After removing the bug, wouldn't it be enough to use the regeneration repair chamber to repair his damaged brain?"

Raymond still shook his head.

"I thought about this at the beginning, but after thinking about it more carefully, I realized that it couldn't be done."

"First of all, we don't know if there will be any stress response in the bugs during the surgery."

"Secondly, even if drug anesthesia is used, the bug is still in the brain. How much dose of drug can be used to take effect on it also needs to be considered whether the parasitized person's brain will be damaged and lead to death."

"Then it's unknown whether the bug's blood and guts are corrosive or can cause damage to the brain."

"Although the regenerative repair cabin provided by the machine war is powerful, the materials required are quite staggering. And when this kind of repair cabin is used on the human brain, it may not guarantee that the memory will remain intact after repair."

"You know, for a person, memory is the most important part of personality."

"Once memory is damaged and personality changes, can this person still be considered the original person? Such ethical issues also need to be considered."

Lei Meng's words reminded Lei Mengmeng and Ye Ling of the memory loss caused by Lin Youde after he was pulled to use the regeneration repair cabin.

Recalling that incident, the two people's expressions were quite solemn.

However, unlike Lei Mengmeng and Ye Ling's solemn expressions, D-BOY's expression was quite calm.

"It doesn't matter, please give Miss Raymond a try. Even if he dies, it doesn't matter."

D-BOY's words shocked everyone, and Raymond also looked at D-BOY in surprise.

"Is it really okay? To be honest, I don't have any experience with this kind of surgery. I can't do it well. The probability of his death is very high."

"Although Feilong Kai's medical equipment is sound at present, my confidence is only about 3%, not even 10%."

D-BOY replied immediately: "It doesn't matter, Fritz is not my brother. When we were on the Argos, our relationship was not good."

"It would be best if he could be rescued and kept alive. If he couldn't be rescued, it would be better than continuing to kill his compatriots as Radam's puppet."

"Anyway, I had already prepared for the worst and was ready to kill him with my own hands and end his pain."

"If there is still a chance for him to change back, no matter how small it is, I think he can give it a try."

"And Miss Raymond also said that the current low success rate is due to the lack of understanding of the Radam parasite."

"Use Fritz as a test subject to accumulate experience and information. When we operate on other Tegaman in the future, we will have more experience and a higher success rate, right?"

"If Fritz is sober, he will definitely be willing to dedicate himself to fight for other people's chances in life."

"Because if it were me, I would definitely do that."

"Even if necessary, Miss Raymond can also dissect my body. As long as it can increase the success rate, I will give it a try."

D-BOY said that he judged others by himself, so Raymond didn't know how to refuse.

Although it seems that D-BOY gave it a try with an indifferent attitude because the other party is not a family member.

But D-BOY's statement included himself, and he was even willing to let Raymond dissect himself.

He said this, and others couldn't find a reason even if they wanted to accuse him.

Because the fact is just like what he said, anyway, you will die anyway, why not give it a try and dedicate your life to science and other people?

Because of D-BOY's words, the faces of everyone present gradually became firm.

There is no pressure on Raymond. To her, D-BOY and his family have nothing to do with her, Raymond. Raymond didn't care whether they lived or died.

On the contrary, it was her scientific research as Raymond from afar and her current curiosity about Radam and Tejaman that made her very willing to give it a try.

There is nothing to lose if you fail, and you can even take the opportunity to dissect the body of a Tejaman, no loss in any case.

Just out of respect for Lin Youde, the talker, Raymond still glanced at Lin Youde.

After Lin Youde nodded in approval, Raymond turned off the tablet.

"Okay, since you said so, I'll give it a try."

"However, it is somewhat dangerous and inappropriate to perform it on Feilong Kai. If there is any bacterial infection, it will be troublesome."

"The operation will be performed in a sterile operating room after returning to the Nantianmen base. It will take a few days to prepare. Is that okay?"

D-BOY bowed slightly: "Excuse me, Ms. Raymond."

Raymond smiled slightly: "Leave it to me, I will try my best. But because this is the first time to perform this kind of surgery, the success rate is only 3%. You'd better not have too much hope."

D-BOY replied decisively: "It doesn't matter, I am mentally prepared.".

Raymond: "Okay, then just sign here."

"We are the coordinator after all. To perform this kind of surgery, we still need the signature of the family members."

"He probably doesn't have much family now, so I'll let you sign on my behalf."

D-BOY: "Okay."

It was decided that Raymond would perform the surgery on Tegaman Dagger Fritz.

Since the fact that the Tiejaman dagger was recycled by Feilong Kai was a public matter, Commander Qian Wandi was notified of this matter, and he sent some people to perform the surgery with Raymond. Record various information by the way.

For the Aquamarine people, this is a precious opportunity to collect Tejaman data, and it must not be missed.

Lin Youde himself has no opinion on this.

Like Raymond, Lin Youde didn't care at all about Fritz's life or death. Anyway, if Raymond didn't take action, he would die in the hands of himself or the Tegaman blade transformed by D-BOY.

If it's all death anyway, then there's nothing to worry about.

The only thing that concerned Lin Youde was D-BOY's mentality, which ranged from joy to disappointment to indifference.

‘It seems that D-BOY doesn’t pay that much attention to the people on the Argos except for his own relatives...’


PS: I'm working hard on coding, and I hope to have a wave by the end of the month!

PS2: Thanks to "Jack the Watermelon Hand" for the 10,000 starting coins. Additional updates will be recorded in the account and will be arranged later!

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