Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1470 The gap between quantum computers and quantum computers

Tessa's words stunned Lisa Kujo, and then three big question marks appeared on her forehead.

"No, Tessa, what do you understand? What can the conversation just made you understand?"

Even though she was as smart as Lisa Kujo, she couldn't figure out what Tessa wanted for the moment.

Tessa did not answer Lisa Kujo, but just shook her head and replied: "Sister Lisa, please come with me to meet Lin Youde."

"We may have to fight with him in the future."

Lisa Kujo frowned: "Action with Lin Youde? Is it to break through the strange barrier of human innovation and unification?"

"We have analyzed before that the barrier may have been transformed by human innovation and integration of the four-elephant formation that originally guarded the territory."

"Based on energy supply issues, Lin Youde, who holds the dragon and tiger among the Four Sacred Beasts in his hands, is indeed the most likely person to break through the barrier and re-enter the mainland of human innovation and integration."

"This form now helps humanity to reform and unify to get out of trouble, and to unite the DC army to restrain the Free Federation's wanton behavior, which is of great benefit to the overall situation of Aquablue Star."

"But, Lin Youde's "Londe Bell" is very powerful. It can be regarded as the strongest combat power in Aqua Blue Star now, right? "

"I'm not saying it's frustrating, it's just that our combat effectiveness is a little stronger at the mercenary level."

"Although we have one black box machine, that machine is left in the Human Revolution Union's homeland because of Sagara Sosuke, and we can't get it out at all."

"Currently, the only one that can be called a strong combat power is Rei's attacker of unknown origin."

"Although the M9 has undergone various upgrades, its overall performance is barely the same as the mass-produced Jishu Soldier II."

"Lin Youde has a lot of high-end aircraft in his hands, and there are countless black box aircraft."

"With our little fighting power, do people really think highly of us?"

Kujo Lisa's words made Tessa look at her curiously.

"Sister Lisa, don't you want us to act together with "Londe Bell"? "

Kujo Lisa nodded on the spot and responded: "Yes, although I admire Lin Youde's character, his combat ability is also second to none on Aquablue Star."

"But he is so sharp, and there are countless people targeting him."

"Not to mention that the human innovation and integration has encountered a strange blockade. Anyone who can do such a thing has at least Ying Long's level of combat effectiveness."

"I know very well how much fighting power we have."

"With our little fighting power, we can't even make a splash if we put ourselves into a battle level like that of Yinglong."

"From the perspective of a tactical forecaster, I personally do not recommend that everyone die in vain. After all, the original intention of establishing the position of tactical forecaster is..."

Halfway through her words, Lisa Kujo couldn't continue.

Tessa seemed to understand what was going on and didn't force it, she just replied.

"Of course I know what you said. And I believe Dr. Lin Youde also knows it very well."

"Based on what Dr. Lin Youde has been doing, I have reason to believe that he will not randomly send us on missions that involve death."

"In terms of safety, I think Sister Lisa, you can rest assured."

Kujo Lisa looked at Tessa with some confusion. She frowned and thought for a long time. Suddenly her eyes flashed and she asked with a sudden look on her face.

"Tessa, you are so determined to join forces with Lin Youde, could it be that the financial backer behind Mithril is..."

Tessa gestured with her fingers in front of her mouth and winked cutely.

"Sister Lisa, you will know these things later. Now, let's sort out the information a little bit and communicate with Dr. Lin Youde later."

Lisa Kujo scratched her hair irritably: "Okay... Anyway, my ancestral home is Neon. Now Neon has been merged by the Human Revolution Union, and the Silla Alliance is gone again. I said that I am half a Human Revolution Union person, There’s no problem.”

"Since you have the intention in this regard, then I will help you for a while."

After hearing this, Tessa happily hugged Lisa Kujo's arms.

"I knew you wouldn't leave us alone, Sister Lisa."

Lisa Kujo looked helpless: "It's really... Oh, remember to get me some good wine later."

Tessa saluted on the spot: "No problem, sir!"

Lisa Kujo rolled her eyes: "Don't make trouble, you are my commander."

Tessa left with a smile. Lisa Kujo leaned on the seat, looked at the ceiling, and murmured.

"Mithril is the work of human innovation and integration?"

"I remember that Mithril had been established for several years. It existed before Lin Youde became famous."

"In other words, when the overall strength of the human innovation and integration was not strong, they had already established Mithril, a special overseas force?"

"It seems that the guys who are involved in human innovation and integration are quite ambitious..."

The battle in Xinnisaiah is over. Because of Lin Youde's intrusion, this long-lasting battle ended quickly and unexpectedly.

The Da Kong Demon Dragon troops, who originally received orders to come to support, also immediately changed their sailing direction and headed to the next place for support after receiving this news.

When Lin Youde learned the news, he was a little surprised and a little disappointed.

Although the Sky Demon Dragon is a unit with the highest overall combat power in the super system, ranked T3~T2, the bow of the Sky Demon Dragon is a special type that can transform into a combat robot.

Lin Youde was very interested in this special combat robot. If he had the chance, he really wanted to see with his own eyes how the Sky Demonic Dragon without its bow flew and fought.

There's no way Lin Youde hasn't watched the original animation. I got to know Big Sky Demon Dragon through the "Super Robot Wars" series of games.

However, Lin Youde also understands that the current situation of the archipelago alliance is not very good, so Lin Youde can understand and approve the decision of the Sky Demon Dragon to go to other places as soon as the situation here stabilizes.

‘If you have a chance in the future, let’s go see the Sky Demon Dragon alone. ’

In addition to being interested in the appearance of the Sky Demonic Dragon, there is another thing about the Sky Demonic Dragon that Lin Youde is very concerned about.

That is, based on Lin Youde's previous experience and memory of playing games, Lin Youde vaguely remembered that the central control computer of the Sky Demon Dragon seemed to be a super-powerful quantum computer.

Lin Youde didn't know clearly before that which one is stronger or weaker between the Da Kong Demon Dragon's quantum computer and the VEDA up to 00 miles away.

For this reason, Lin Youde specifically called Tielia himself to ask.

Tieria: "Compared with the performance of the Big Sky Demonic Dragon's quantum computer and VEDA, there is a huge gap."

"In the last era, the quantum computer performance of Da Kong Demon Dragon was only about one-quarter of VEDA."


PS: The author has never read Sky Dragon, so the setting here is made up by the author, and the original work cannot be taken seriously.

After all, the computing power of the matrix in The Matrix is ​​only the computing power of a graphics card in our era. The early setting is no longer applicable to the current era.

Based on this principle, the author believes that the quantum computer performance possessed by the ancient Sky Demon Dragon should not be comparable to the quantum computer up to 00 miles.

The era gap is too big, the settings should be updated and more rigorous.

After all, Big Sky Magic Dragon was a work in 1976. The limitations of technological computing power in that era restricted some things of Big Sky Magic Dragon.

On the contrary, Gundam 00 is a work from 2007. In terms of computing power, it is definitely more impressive than the work from 1976.

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