Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1487 Rakelam, falling

Amid the ridicule of the Free Federation pilots, Asuka was about to open her mouth to curse when she heard Shinji Ikari's voice on the friendly channel.

"Asuka, stop talking nonsense with these guys."

"There are so many of them that we can't defeat them."

"Instead of arguing with them, why not save some energy and deploy the AT field."

Nagisa Kaoru also echoed: "Yes, although it does not take much effort to deploy the AT force field, in the end, we still need to use our mental power to maintain it."

"Moreover, there are more and more machines with BGM fields recently, and the pressure on the AT field is also increasing."

"That is, those black box bodies were attracted by Du Jianlong and Liu Longma. Otherwise, our pressure will only be greater."

Listening to the words of the two people, Asuka said: "Of course I know what you said."

"But, these guys are so annoying. They can't penetrate the AT field, but they still come to harass us."

"And they fly so high, it's not easy to hit them. I'm so angry."

In the same voice channel, Makiha also interjected.

"Don't tell me, even I am a little angry."

"These guys from the Free Federation are so arrogant because they bully our EVA that it can't fly."

"If only Miss Lux had finished equipping the flying wings she had prepared for us, we wouldn't be in such a mess now."

Asuka became even more excited when she heard that Makiha agreed with her.

"That's right, that's bullshit. Why was the unified mainland covered by that strange barrier just after our EVA-specific flight thrusters were completed?"

"His grandma, as long as there are flight propulsion wings, I will let them know why the flowers are so red!"

Ikari, who had been silent before, suddenly said: "It should be a conspiracy."

Shinji Ikari's voice was a little low: "It should be so. Dad and Captain Datie discussed it before. Everything is too coincidental. It must be a conspiracy."

"Otherwise, there is really no way to explain why that strange barrier appeared not long after everyone left the unified mainland."

Nagisa Kaoru sighed and said: "There is no way, people do calculations mentally but not intentionally. It is inevitable that we will fall into the trap of luring the tiger away from the mountain."

"The only good thing now is that the "Londe Bell" led by Director Lin Youde has returned from Mars and is heading towards us. "

"I believe it won't be long before they arrive here."

“Everything will be fine when ‘Londe Bell’ arrives. "

Asuka also closed the public channel before shouting: "That's right, when the director comes back, it's time for these damn guys to run away."

"Uncle Director's machines are all a bunch of magical machines. They can definitely destroy them!"

Makiha threw cold water and said: "I guess those in the Free Federation also know what you said."

"They probably also guessed that the director's brother was heading towards us with "Londe Bell", so they stopped this operation. "

Nagisa Kaoru echoed: "That should be the case, the combat effectiveness of "Londe Bell" is known to the world. If it wants to challenge "Londe Bell", the Free Federation will not show all its resources, even if it has no chance of winning. "

"So the other party should be planning to end the battle before "Londe Bell" arrives and snatch "that child" away. "

"No matter what happens, I'll take "that" away. "

Hearing Nagisa Kaoru mention this topic, Asuka couldn't help but ask.

“So, is ‘that kid’ really that powerful? Is the thing in her hand that special? "

Ikari replied: "Mom said her telekinesis is probably at the level of LV9."

"The mysterious crystal in her hand detected very powerful energy, which directly exceeded the upper limit of the instrument's detection."

"This mysterious treasure cannot be handed over to those bandits from the Free Federation."

Asuka was surprised: "Isn't it right? The good girl has changed her temper? I feel like I said more words today than in the previous week."

"Also, why don't I know these things?"

Shinji Ikari complained: "Asuka, you fell asleep during the meeting. Your drool while you were sleeping stained a set of my clothes."

Asuka's face turned red: "Well, isn't it because we fight too often and I'm too tired?"

Makiha twitched her eyebrows, and before Asuka could finish, she interrupted: "Anyway, that child is very special. Whether it's the incredibly high level of telekinesis, the strange crystal in her hand, or the fact that she's been subjected to those... Hunted by monster-like things.”

"No matter which one it is, it shows how extraordinary that child is."

"Such a child cannot be handed over to the Free Federation."

Shinji Ikari responded: "Yes, Mr. Du Jianlong, Mr. Liu Longma, and Mr. Wang Kai have helped us block the Free Federation's super robot force."

"Now we must go and join Captain Datie and the others, take the child back and protect him until Mr. Director comes back."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for Miss Serena to hold on alone now. We must speed up."

Asuka muttered: "Of course I know what you said. My relationship with Sister Serena is quite good. I don't want anything to happen to her."

"But with our EVA's pace, the fastest we can do is only this speed."

"What's more, there are these damn flies hanging around in the sky, so it's impossible to pick up the speed."

"Good girl, it's been a while since we set off from New Tokyo City 3, right?"

"How long is it until the dock?"

Ikari replied coldly: "We are still 1 minute away from the meeting point."

Asuka was shocked: "One minute distance? Isn't that very fast?"

boom! boom! ! boom! ! !

As soon as Asuka finished speaking, a series of explosions and roars sounded in the distance.

A few people controlled EVA to raise its head, and saw a La Kelam coming from a distance with billowing smoke.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Shinji Ikari exclaimed: "That's... Captain Otetsu's ship!?"

Kaoru Nagisa also exclaimed: "No, La Kellam's engine seems to have been hit, and La Kellam's altitude is decreasing."

"We have to get there quickly. Once Ra Kellam lands on the ground and cannot move, he will become a living target."

Asuka's face darkened: "I'll deploy the AT field with all my strength. Let's sprint over at full speed. Let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, Asuka shouted angrily: "AT force field, deploy with full strength!"

The AT stance in front of the orange-red EVA Unit 2 was fully deployed. All attacks hitting it were bounced off, and there was no longer a flicker when hit as before.

Unit No. 2 was in front, and the other units were behind. All the EVAs formed a single column and rushed towards the falling La Kelam at full speed...

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