Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1488 Crash Landing

La Kellam is falling, its propulsion speed is decreasing, and its altitude is also decreasing.

On the bridge of La Kelam, the alarm was blaring.

CIC: "Captain, the No. 1 and No. 2 propellers are greatly damaged. The thrust of the No. 3 and No. 4 propellers cannot maintain the height of the ship. The enemy mobile force is catching up."

At the captain's seat, an old man with a white beard and a military cap spoke up while everyone was in a mess.

"Don't panic, turn off the No. 1 and No. 2 thrusters, and rely on the No. 3 and No. 4 thrusters for low-altitude taxiing to prepare for the subsequent emergency landing."

"Emergency landing procedures are initiated, and everything should be done in accordance with the rules and regulations."

After hearing the words of the old man with the white beard, the originally turbulent bridge quickly calmed down, and everyone performed their duties and began to get busy.

Beside the white-bearded old man, a young man lowered his head and asked.

"Captain Datie, if this continues, I'm afraid we will..."

Before he could finish his words, the captain of this ship, La Kelam, Minase Otetsu calmly interrupted.

"Don't panic. As a captain, the most taboo thing is to mess up your position. When you, as the commander, panic, that panic will be transmitted to the entire ship and even the entire unit."

"Being timid before fighting is a taboo for military strategists."

"Tetsuya, although you graduated early, you are still far from enough compared to your fellow juniors."

The vice-captain named Tetsuya Onodera smiled bitterly and complained: "Captain Otetsu, please stop making fun of me."

"Although I graduated early, when I was in school, my grades were suppressed by fellow junior Rafina in every aspect."

"Unlike me, a mediocre ordinary person, junior classmate Rafina is recognized as a genius girl by the whole school."

"Although I have never met that junior fellow student named Mitsuha, but he is valued by junior fellow student Refina, so he must be the same genius."

"And I was originally a trainee captain, and suddenly I was promoted to deputy captain. This promotion is a bit too fast for me."

Minase Daitetsu smoked a cigarette and replied calmly.

"Is it quick? Extraordinary times require special treatment, that's what it is."

"I think that when Sean and I set foot on the battlefield, we were about the same age as you."

"We were also like this at that time. We were ordered to fight against the dimensional beasts when we were in danger."

"You know, when we were in school, we were just doing nothing."

"But in that war with the dimensional beasts, those so-called geniuses died, but we mediocre people survived."

"So, Tiezai, you don't need to belittle yourself. Whether it's a genius or a mediocre person, only those who can survive will have the opportunity to grow."

"A genius who dies in infancy is just a genius."

Onodera Tetsuya quickly lowered his head: "Captain Otetsu taught you a lesson."

Captain Datie hummed, glanced at the altitude instrument panel display area on the bridge screen, and suddenly said.

"That's almost it. The emergency landing procedure is activated and the entire ship is prepared for impact."

Tetsuya Onodera was shocked and repeated the order: "Initiate the emergency landing procedure, prepare the entire ship for impact resistance, activate all firefighting systems, and prepare for fire extinguishing procedures after explosions in various areas."

CIC: "Understood! La Kellam has begun an emergency landing, and the entire ship is preparing for impact."

Accompanied by a huge roar and violent vibrations, everyone in the entire bridge screamed one after another.

Although I had been prepared for it, the inertial impact of a warship several hundred meters long landing from the air and constantly sliding and decelerating on the ground was still very scary.

Even if they are secured by seat belts, many people with weak physical strength will feel their brains buzzing and develop slight tinnitus.

After a while, the impact stopped. Onodera Tetsuya got up from the ground in a somewhat embarrassed manner because he was not sitting on a chair. Looking at Captain Datie, who was also not wearing a seat belt but was sitting firmly on the captain's seat, his eyes were full of admiration.

But before he could open his mouth, Minase Daitetsu gave the order first.

"Start the fire extinguishing procedures, and the maintenance team will make emergency repairs. All fire control insurances are lifted, and the enemy is coming."

Almost as soon as Minase Oitetsu finished speaking, one explosion after another exploded on various decks of La Kelam, and the violent impact made everyone scream again.

But fortunately, the panic only lasted for about 1 or 2 seconds before everyone got over it and started getting busy.

At the same time, Onodera Tetsuya also reacted and asked the CIC: "Where is our mobile force now? Where is Second Lieutenant Serena now?"

CIC immediately replied: "Our mobile troops are blocking the pursuit of the Free Federal Army in the rear, and the casualties are increasing."

"Ensign Serena has successfully broken through and landed on the deck of this ship."

Upon hearing this, Onodera Tetsuya's face relaxed: "Did you successfully escape?"

Suddenly, Onodera Tetsuya seemed to have thought of something, and turned to Minase Otetsu with a rather ugly expression.

"Captain, Captain Sean..."

Minase Daitetsu calmly replied: "That guy Sean won't die that easily. Don't worry about it now, contact Second Lieutenant Serena and ask about the situation."

CIC: "Yes!"

After a while, Serena's figure appeared on the bridge.

"Lieutenant Serena, has that child been brought out?"

Minase Oitetsu's words made Serena half step aside, revealing the rather cute little blond loli sitting on the improvised driver's seat behind her.

"Here, I brought it out intact."

"But as a price, many of us died."

"Also, Captain Datie, this ship can't fly anymore. The Free Federation's Duan Kong team and the Skeleton Demon God team are catching up soon."

"With our current combat power alone, it is impossible to stop them."

"Why don't you let me be the bait to buy time."

"When La Kelam made an emergency landing just now, I saw the EVA team running towards this direction."

"As long as the EVA team arrives, you can at least temporarily report that you are safe."

Minase Daitetsu listened to Serena's words and did not answer directly. Instead, he looked at the girl behind Serena and asked with slight doubts.

"Is she her? The child who is being chased by monsters, has a telekinesis level of LV9, and possesses a strange crystal."

Seeing that Minase Oitetsu didn't respond to her, Serena had no choice but to respond.

"Yes, that's her. To be chased by those monster-like machines, she must have some other secrets."

Minase Oite took a deep look at the frail little girl behind Serena who exuded a harmless temperament.

"Is it a secret? It can attract those monsters to actively pursue and kill them, and also allows the Free Federation to come and snatch it. I guess it has some special characteristics."

"But it doesn't make much sense to say this now."

Serena frowned: "Captain Datie, the enemy is about to catch up, please make a decision as soon as possible. Here, you are the supreme commander."

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