Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1490 Continuous pursuit of soldiers

Looking at the speeding Duan Kongwo and the other World Seizer, Serena understood that even if she wanted to leave at this time, she could no longer leave.

"Ha, I had no intention of leaving anyway."

Duan Kong I flew less than 500 meters to AS Soreales, and I drew the Duan Kong sword.

At the same time, Shinobu Fujiwara's voice sounded on the public channel.

"I'm sorry, unified pilots. Although this is taking advantage of others, we are now on the battlefield and cannot face one on one like we did during the competition. We are going to besiege you."

Shinobu Fujiwara's words made Serena snort and reply.

"Haha, if you want to fight, just fight. Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"The real soldiers we unite are not comparable to cowards like Ning Pengcheng."

As soon as he finished speaking, AS Soleares put away the beam dagger in his right hand, pulled out a long beam whip, and twisted it towards the Duan Kong Sword in my hand.

The beam whip rotated several times and wrapped the Sky-breaking Sword firmly.

In the public channel, Jiechengsara shouted: "It's useless. Even if your machine has a BGM field, it is just a real-type machine. With strength, it cannot be the opponent of the super-type Duan Kong."

"Ninja, expand the BGM field and let her understand how powerful I am in Duan Kong."

Masato Shikibe in the same group reconsidered: "Yes, Shinobi, open the BGM field, otherwise we will be shot down."

Sima Liang shouted: "Captain, please go rescue Lieutenant Ning Pengcheng."

Shinobu Fujiwara understood and immediately started the BGM field.

"Understood, BGM field, expand!"

[BGM: Burning Fury - Totsuka Osamu]

My BGM field was opened, and AS Sorealus' BGM field was canceled on the spot.

"Let's fight!"

Duan Kong I waved my right hand, and the Duan Kong Sword, which was wrapped in the long beam whip, flew sideways with the thin AS Soreales.

However, the captain mentioned by Sima Liang, Shapiro Kitz, who was driving another World Seizer at the moment, had no intention of rescuing Ning Pengcheng.

"Don't order me around, I'm the captain!"

"Lieutenant Ning Pengcheng is very skilled and will not be killed so easily."

"Now, it is more important to annihilate the enemy's effective forces. I will take the head of AS Soreales."

"Xuanwu light bomb!!!"

The World Seizer's hands flashed with blue light, and he waved his hands towards AS Soares. Blue light bombs were swung out and flew towards AS Soreares.

Faced with this double attack, Serena sneered without panic or dissatisfaction.

"Hmph, I already knew the ugly face of your Free Federation, how could such an attack hit!"

AS Solearesna pulled hard with the hand holding the beam whip, and used the traction to pull herself to fly in the direction of Duan Kongme, just in time to avoid the attack of the Xuanwu light bullet. With his backhand, he swung the beam dagger hard and threw it towards the World Seizer.

The speed was far beyond the expectations of Shinobu Fujiwara and others.

And because there was a huge Zangongme as a cover, Shapiro Kizzi didn't even notice AS Soreales' throwing attack at first.

By the time he saw it, it was too late.

The World Seizer, who hastily launched the BGM field, even though he speeded up to dodge and used his hands to block in front of himself, was still unable to completely block the piercing attack of the beam dagger.

The World Seizer uses the mass-produced BGM field obtained from machine combat, while AS Soleiarus uses the exclusive black box BGM field. The gap between the two is too great to completely offset the suppression and increase in the BGM field.

This caused the beam dagger thrown by AS Soleareus to penetrate the two arms of the World Seizer crossed in front of him on the spot. It almost hit the cockpit of the World Seizer's chest.

Unfortunately, this beam dagger was still too short. Although the beam penetrated both arms of the World Seizer, the physical hilt at the end was stuck by the World Seizer's arm parts, preventing it from going any further.

Such a scene made the shocked Shapiro Kitz break into a cold sweat and quickly retreated.

Although Shinobu Fujiwara was happy to see Shapiro deflated, he thought of Masato Shikibe's previous reminder not to confront Shapiro too openly.

Fujiwara Shinobu suppressed his laughter on the spot and deliberately used a roar to cover up the laughter that was about to burst out.

"How brave! Take my move and cut off my light!"

I fired my chest Razer and side waist beam cannon at AS Soreares on the spot, but the targets were the head monitor, arms, thighs and other non-main parts.

It's a pity that Serena didn't appreciate it. Instead, she gestured with her sword in front of her with her free left hand, and the entire machine suddenly turned into a ball of white smoke.

My beam penetrated the white smoke and missed AS Sorealus instead of hitting it.

Faced with this scene, Fujiwara Shinobu and others were not surprised.

Jiechengsha Luo shouted: "This move again?"

Shinobu Fujiwara also had a glimmer of fighting spirit in his eyes. He controlled Duan Kong and threw away the beam whip on the Duan Kong sword, spinning vigorously.

Fujiwara Shinobu: "If it's not here, it must be behind the back, the Sky-Breaking Sword!!!"

As soon as I turned around, a cloud of smoke appeared directly in front of me. The Sky-breaking Sword split the white smoke and sent a red machine flying with a bang.

Fujiwara Shinobu and others took a closer look and found that it was the AS Soleares who had disappeared before.

It's just that the blow just now did not damage AS Soleareus' body, but shattered the two physical flying cones in his hand.

Inside the AS Soleares machine that was shot away, Serena's face was full of solemnity.

"Hey! Is this the wild intuition that a real Duan Kong pilot would have? It's really..."

"Sister Serena, be careful!"

Before Serena could finish her words, Ilui's exclamation interrupted her.

After Ilui's exclamation sounded, the alarm in the cockpit of AS Soleares suddenly exploded.

The robot Elma exclaimed: "Alarm, alarm, high-energy response!"

Amid the exclamations of the two, Serena controlled AS Soreales and just dodged a golden beam. Before she could react, the body was hit.


As Irui screamed, AS Soleares was hit by two solid boomerangs on the side arm and was knocked away.

Thanks to the BGM field of AS Sorealus, the other party seemed to be in a hurry and did not expand the BGM field.

Otherwise, these two boomerangs will definitely cause heavy damage to the AS Soleares, which has relatively thin armor.

Serena, who finally managed to stabilize her posture before falling to the ground and slid on the ground in a low-altitude dive for a while before turning around, saw the new pursuers appearing in the sky.

A familiar demon god Caesar with a skull on his head, and a machine with demon wings that looked a bit like a female demon.

Serena: "Demon Caesar SKL and its support aircraft, Winger, eh, the pursuers seem to have arrived..."


PS: I won’t release the mass-produced BGM. Not only is it troublesome to find, the non-OG BGM is generally not that good, and it’s easy to duplicate the protagonist and supporting characters of the original work.

Serena's exclusive BGM has been added to the royal playlist. You can listen to it by yourself. I think it's pretty good.

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