Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1493 Whose general is this?

Lin Youde's voice silenced the entire battlefield.

All the battles were interrupted with Feilong Kai's strong entrance.

Countless machines raised their heads and looked at the huge flying dragon, and the fighting spirit in their hearts quickly faded.

Especially those who have witnessed the scenes of many robots in "Londe Bell" fighting at full strength in the "True Super Robot Contest", they cannot generate much fighting spirit.

In this kind of scene, even hot-blooded men like Kaidong Ken and Fujiwara Shinobu did not make any moves, completely unlike their previous impulsive appearance.

The two people's sixth sense and beast intuition were conveying a message to them all the time, Lin Youde was serious.

If you still resist at this time, he will really kill you.

Shinobu Fujiwara, who was very dissatisfied with the mission and was reluctant to carry it out, gave up on the spot.

"Everyone, what do you think? I don't want to continue fighting. There is no chance of winning."

Although she wanted to refute when she heard Fujiwara Shinobu's Yuisesara, but feeling the beast's instinct that constantly fed back warnings, her lips wriggled slightly, but in the end she didn't say a word.

Shikibu Masato looked for a ladder on the spot: "That's right, that's right, one person can fight a dozen, but can he face the entire "Londe Bell"? Unless God sends three more divisions, we will never be able to defeat them. So I'm not going to die. "

Sima Liang helped smooth things over: "Captain, what do you think of the current situation? The military department's order only asked us to arrest people, but it didn't require us to directly go to war with "Londe Bell", right? "

"Once Dr. Lin Youde is angered, let "Londe Bell" rush into the territory of the Free Federation. Unless all the super robots of the Free Federation are involved, there is no hope of being able to stop it. "

"This kind of matter is of great importance, so I ask you, captain, to make the decision."

Seeing Sima Liang kicking the ball to his side, Shapiro Kizzi was so angry that he wanted to curse.

As proud as he is, he doesn't dare to openly say that he wants to resist in such a situation.

He Shapiro Kitz is proud, but not stupid. As a qualified commander, if he could no longer understand this situation, it would be an insult to his more than ten years of military career.

But if he really wants to surrender directly and admit defeat, he can't lose his face.

The most important thing is that he understands that as long as he declares surrender at this time, when the Free Federation holds him accountable, he will definitely be held fully responsible.

The Free Federation doesn't care about a little captain like him.

Pull it out and jack up the tank casually without any hesitation.

At this time, Shapiro hoped that someone with a higher military rank than himself would come out to top the tank.

But among the team currently in charge of the pursuit, he is the only captain, and the others are either lieutenants or second lieutenants.

This left Shapiro on the verge of tears.

While Duan Kong's team was discussing, the Skeleton Demon God's team was also discussing a lot.

Yuki Tsubasa asked on the team channel: "Lieutenant Hai Dongjian, Lieutenant Masami Ryo, what should we do at this time?"

Hai Dongjian replied impatiently: "I don't know, but if we dare to resist, we will definitely die. Those guys from "Londe Bell" are serious. "

Mashang Liao's tone was calmer: "If you don't do anything, just maintain the status quo and wait."

"We are just soldiers, not commanders."

"At times like this, it's the commander who should make the decision, not us soldiers."

"Just wait and see what the officials say."

Just as Duan Kong's team and the Skeleton Demon God's team were discussing in the team voice, the countdown had reached 30 seconds.

There was still no reaction from the Free Federation Army, but near La Kellam, a World Seizer with some smoke coming from the back got up again.

Then, an extremely arrogant voice sounded from the public channel.

"Lin Youde, don't be too arrogant."

"This time we are led by Colonel Basque Ohm and dispatched a lot of demon robots and getter robots. We are not afraid of you rotten fish and shrimps!"

As soon as these remarks came out on the public channel, everyone was shocked.

Hai Dongjian sweated on his forehead: "This guy really dares to say that. Is he really not afraid of death?"

Zhen Shang Liao also had some cold sweat on his forehead: "I don't know, maybe this means that those who don't know are not afraid?"

Yuki Tsubasa looked around: "Who is this? How dare you say such words at this time."

Shinobi Fujiwara even said on the spot: "Whose general is this, Wo Cao? He is so brave. Are there any such fierce men in our pursuit force?"

Jiechengshaluo frowned: "I seem to have heard this voice somewhere."

Shikibu Masato seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly looked at a screen: "Could this voice be Lieutenant Ning Pengcheng?"

Sima Liang's eyes bulged: "Really, this voice is similar to Lieutenant Ning Pengcheng. When he came to harass Sharo before, he also had this arrogant tone."

Jiechengsha Luo looked at Shapiro's World Seizer: "Captain?"

Before Shapiro Kitz could reply, everyone heard a childish laughter like silver bells.

"Hehehe, you really have a head start, then let me send you on your way."

A will-o'-the-wisp flashed in the sky, and the Soul Seat teleported to the World Seizer on the ground. The sword stabbed into the World Seizer's chest with a click, penetrated the cockpit, and swung it toward the sky.

The World Seizer flew 200 meters into the sky and exploded...

The will-o'-the-wisp of the Soul Seat flashed and appeared right above the explosion of the World Seizer, holding the sword in hand and looking around.

"Is there anyone else who wants to die?"

The entire battlefield was silent.

Soul Seat's actions made everyone understand that Lin Youde was not joking.

Anyone who dares to resist will be dealt with immediately.

As for the person responsible for solving the problem, it is unknown whether it is the Soul Seat, the Pure White Knight, the Dragon Tiger King, the SRX, or other machines.

Just when the atmosphere was freezing to freezing point, Lin Youde's voice sounded again.

"Time's up! It seems that you have made your choice."

"You haven't put down your weapons yet, that means you..."

Before Lin Youde could finish his frightening words, another boy's voice sounded on the public channel.

"Wait a minute."


Lin Youde raised his head and looked into the distance. Seven gray-black 500-meter-class warships were flying in from the distance.

Lin Youde frowned slightly when he saw these battleships.

‘These battleships...are they from which work? I always feel like I’ve seen it somewhere before, but I don’t seem to have a deep impression and can’t remember...'

Lin Youde didn't speak. Lei Mengmeng asked Lin Youde in the team voice.

"Youde, what are these battleships? Why haven't I seen them before?"

Lin Youde did not answer, but Raymond received: "Linfors Jr., in my world, a space battleship independently developed by the Free Federation based on UC series battleship technology."

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