Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1505: If you don’t need a body, you’re giving away resources for free? Is the Free Federatio

To be fair, Sanye Grayfrey could barely be considered a close relative to Lin Youde.

But Lin Youde really didn't let Sanye come in simply because she was beautiful.

Instead, Mitsuha is the true heroine of "Super Robot Wars 30". She is the captain of a space-like Noah-class battleship. Her commanding ability has also been recognized by Brad Noah. She is a new generation of genius captain girl. .

It was for these reasons that Lin Youde asked Sanye to join his research institute and team as the deputy captain of Feilong Kai.

But Lei Mengmeng and others did not know all this.

I originally thought that Tieria would know a little bit, but it turned out that he had no idea at all.

Lin Youde didn't know that he had never seen Sanye flying a battleship in the previous era.

He had seen it before, but the memory was the same as Gilliam and C.C. It was sealed or something else.

In short, Tielia's words now put Lin Youde into a big crisis.

Fortunately, Lei Meng knew the overall situation better and held Lei Mengmeng down.

"Okay, stop making trouble. Sanye is recognized in the school as an outstanding student who is not inferior to Rafina."

"Furthermore, Sanye was brought in at Refina's request and has nothing to do with Youde. You are very aware of this matter."

"As the saying goes, don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face. Considering that Lefina is the true captain of Feilong Kai, it is impossible for Lin Youde to refuse Lefina's request to take Mitsuha aboard the ship."

When Lei Meng said this, Lei Mengmeng's eyes suddenly became much kinder.

"That's true. But now the vice-captain of Feilong Kai, the old man named Sean Webley has been found, hasn't he?"

"We will definitely arrange for the old man to join Feilong in the future, right?"

"In this case, how will Sanye arrange it? One battleship, equipped with two deputy captains? Isn't this appropriate?"

In response, Raymond replied calmly: "Don't worry about this, we can let Mr. Sean Webley serve as tactical advisor and deputy captain."

"Sanye has become a trainee captain and continues to study on the side."

"Anyway, Sanye has been studying before, and our unified army has always had the practice of arranging newly graduated interns to serve as intern captains on various battleships to learn from the captain and deputy captain."

Seeing that Lei Meng was talking about this, Lei Mengmeng could only give up. Lin Youde let out a long breath.

Tielia also seemed to realize that what she just said seemed to almost cause a fire in Lin Youde's harem.

So he said to Lin Youde with a slight apology.

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake. Sanye Gravely's personal ability is still worthy of recognition."

"If possible, we might as well incorporate her into the heavenly beings."

"Although Kujo Lisa is also very good, she is not a captain with a true academic background. She is more suitable for a single commander with both strategy and tactics."

"For the operation and command of battleships, perhaps Sanye Gravely is more suitable."

Seeing that Tielia continued to seek compensation, Lin Youde was not angry with Tielia and replied.

"Well, this aspect can be arranged. And our era is a bit different from yours."

"I think a single force and a mothership can easily be targeted. We may arrange for Sanye to go to the "Angel" to organize another force specifically responsible for combat support. What do you think? "

Tieria nodded: "Well, this is a good suggestion. In our time, we have suffered a lot from insufficient combatants. This time, we should really prepare more manpower to deal with some difficulties and dangers to prevent everyone from getting into trouble. "

Seeing that the topic was guided back to its normal track, Lin Youde also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, everyone studied for a while and determined that there were no familiar names worth looking for.

Lin Youde made a tentative decision and arranged for Otetsu Minase, Tetsuya Onodera, and Sean Webley to come over to perform their duties.

It's just that there is no way to get the Steel Number yet, so the whereabouts of Minuse Otetsu and Onodera Tetsuya have become a problem.

Just when Lin Youde and others were discussing how to arrange for Minuse Otetsu and Onodera Tetsuya, a piece of news came from the Third New Tokyo City.

"What? The Free Federation fully agreed to our request? Are they still willing to keep Demon God Caesar SKL and Duan Kong me with us? Is it true or false?"

Lin Youde stood on the bridge of Feilong Kai, looking at Ikari Yuantang on the screen in disbelief, with an expression on his face that said, "You must not be joking."

Others standing on the bridge of the flying dragon, such as Refina, Mitsuba, Bracefield, Yutong Yurika, Tessa, Kujo Lisa and others, also had the same reaction.

Um? Why are there so many people on the bridge of Feilong Kai?

Of course, because the departure was imminent, everyone decided to have a good celebration at Fei Long Kai before departure.

Now that we have too many people, we continue to hold a celebration banquet in the Nadeshiko. It is a bit too crowded, so we have no choice but to come to Feilong.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that now everyone is looking at Ikari Yuantang with expressions of obedience.

It was rare that Ikari Yuantang didn't continue to have a sullen face, or even he couldn't bear the news.

In the strange expression of Ikari Yuantang who wanted to laugh but couldn't, everyone heard Ikari Yuantang explain.

"Of course it's true. I've confirmed it repeatedly with people from the Free Federation."

"After hearing your request, they fully agreed to your request. They only asked us to return the surrendered prisoners, and then they were willing to fully deliver our massive resources that were as big as a lion's mouth at the beginning. We didn't even have to return the broken ones. Kuuga and Mazinger Caesar SKL are two black box units.”

"Of course, the Skeleton Demon God team and the others in Duan Kong's team still need to be returned."

Yutong Yurika exclaimed: "But even this is too strange, isn't it? I remember that Dr. Lin Youde requested a lot of resources. He can use them to build several Nadeshikos, right?"

"Giving so many resources on demand is not at all like the gangster style of the Free Federation. Is there any fraud in this?"

Bracefield analyzed: "Although I am just a conspiracy theory, you can just listen to it. But do you think the other side plans to keep the two groups of Demon God Caesar SKL and Duan Kong me here, and then take the opportunity to collect them? Our data?”

"After all, our force is already the strongest combat force on Aquamarine, right? Otherwise, the Free Federation would not have simply retreated before."

"The opponent can't beat us, so you plan to collect our data first, show the enemy's weakness, make us paralyzed, and then give us a fatal blow?"

Listening to Bracefield's words, Tessa nodded and agreed: "It's not impossible."

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