Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1507 Release the second Noah-class ship Steel in the universe!

Chapter 1507 Release·Cosmic Noah-class second ship·Steel!

Sean was speechless, and others were also speechless because of Bracefield's speculation.

But no one can refute it. Who knows that this is a consistent trick of the Free Federation’s external propaganda department?

It's easy to call a deer a horse and pretend to be proud. Confusing black and white and reversing yin and yang are their specialties.

In the silence where even Ikari Yuantang couldn't talk to him, Lin Youde broke the silence.

"It doesn't matter. We'll talk about the rest later."

"For us, what is really important now is how to liberate the unified local area in one go."

"As for your achievements after liberation? That kind of thing, no matter what, I don't care."

"Now, the top priority is to get the resources provided by the Free Federation and transform them into real combat power."

"As for Duan Kong, I and the crew of Demon God Caesar SKL might become spies?"

"From their previous performance in the "True Super Robot Contest" and their decisive surrender in previous battles, I have a rough idea of ​​their characters. "

"It is difficult for the crew members of these two black box aircraft to become spies, because such personalities do not fit with the black box itself."

"As long as what we do is always done with a clear conscience and worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth. Based on the character of the crew members of those two aircrafts, they should not become our enemies again, but may become our partners. "

"So there is no need to worry about this aspect."

After hearing Lin Youde's final conclusion, Qingyuantang finally understood what Lin Youde meant.

"I understand. I'm going to talk to the other party and get all the resources first."

Lin Youde nodded heavily: "Yes, please. In addition, there is a line connecting "Machine War" in the Third New Tokyo City now, right?"

Ikari Yuantang responded: "Well, after the revival troops were stationed, they had already been installed as a priority. The importance of "Machine War" is now self-evident to Aquablue Star."

"So our Third New Tokyo City has also installed several lines to ensure that we can transmit information by connecting to "Machine War" at any time."

"But unfortunately, something seems to have happened to the unified mainland. Our people logged into "Machine War" and did not encounter any players from inside the unified mainland. The situation is really weird."

"But these are not important for now. Dr. Lin Youde, you want to confirm the line connecting to "Machine War" now, what do you want to do?"

Lin Youde didn't hide anything and replied bluntly: "Yes, I have a black box here. I need to use resources to extract it through "Machine War"."

"Commander Ikari Gendo, please connect that line to the temporary port outside."

Ikari Yuantang: "No problem, I'll make arrangements right away."

When the communication ended, Lin Youde also clapped his hands: "Okay, this is how it is now, let's continue celebrating."

"Lieutenant Colonel Minase Otetsu, Major Sean Webley, and Second Lieutenant Tetsuya Onodera just happened to arrive together. This banquet will take advantage of the opportunity to add another purpose for you to receive the wind, please~!"

At Lin Youde's invitation, the three newly arrived Minase Daitetsu also joined the banquet and got to know the main personnel of the current "Londe Bell" unit.

The banquet lasted a whole day before it ended.

After a little rest and adjustment the next day, a group of people gathered near the temporary port above New Tokyo City.

Looking at the Feilong Kai, Nadeshiko and Valstok that were specially driven out and parked in the distance, Du Jianlong, Kazuma, Shinji Ikari and others who didn't know the truth were puzzled.

Kazuma was puzzled: "Do I need to withdraw so far?"

Shinji Ikari was a little excited: "Could it be that the thing in the black box this time is also a big guy? Dr. Lin Youde?"

Du Jianlong, Kang Dingbang, Liu Longma and others gathered together and muttered.

Du Jianlong: "Let's make a bet. Let's guess how big the things in the black box will be this time. Whoever guesses the most accurately will get the first midnight snack after returning to the integration."

Kang Dingbang: "Then I'll go first. Based on the distance, I estimate that it should be a warship of more than 1,000 meters."

Liu Longma was confused: "Battleship? Why can't it be a machine body?"

Hayato Kami: "Aircrafts generally do not need such a large space for movement. The largest known body currently, the Titan 3, is only 120 meters in size."

Tomoe Musashi nodded: "Indeed, anything larger than Titan 3 is generally considered an MA-level battle fortress. A conventional super-type machine body is only about 60 to 80 meters at most."

"In similar Gundam systems, the largest is the Destruction Gundam, which is 56 meters tall and less than 60 meters tall."

Kang Dingbang corrected: "No, there are actually bigger ones in the Gundam series. Let me tell you a little trivia: the Gundam GP03-D Dendrobium Orchid, also known as the big refrigerator, is only about 40 meters tall, including the beam cannon. The length is 140 meters long, and the height can be more than 70 meters. Therefore, the largest Gundam series is the large refrigerator, not the Destruction Gundam."

God Hayato waved his hand: "Whether it is a Titan 3 or a large refrigerator from the Gundam series, it is more than enough to put it here. There is no need to let other battleships get out of the way."

"So the thing in this black box must be very huge. So I guess it is not a machine body, but a battleship."

"Since it is a battleship, the size should be larger. Based on Youde's past experience, I will be more conservative, below 2,000 meters and above 1,300 meters."

Tomoe Musashi: "You are not conservative enough. I will do a more conservative one, below 2000 meters and above 1500 meters."

Liu Longma looked at Du Jianlong: "What should we do? They all guess battleships, so should we guess battleships?"

Du Jianlong: "Well, I also think it should be a battleship. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to bring it into the unified mainland later. I guess it is 2000 meters, a super-large space battleship of the same series as Feilong."

Liu Longma scratched his head: "Then I don't have to guess? Forget it, let me be unconservative. I guess it is over 2,000 meters, a super-large space battleship different from Feilong Kai."

While everyone was talking, a ray of light rushed into the sky from the instrument operated by Lin Youde not far away, completely covering the sky above everyone's heads.

After a while, the light dissipated, and a huge rust-colored warship that covered the entire sky above everyone appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at this huge battleship, even Du Jianlong and others who were prepared were dumbfounded.

"Is it really a battleship of the same level as Feilong?" *N

Lin Youde didn't know that Du Jianlong and others were making a bet. He was talking to Minase Oitie, whose eyes were shining brightly.

"The second ship of the Space Noah-class battleship, the Steel, will be in charge of you from today on, Lieutenant Colonel Minase Daitetsu."

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