Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1520 The third daughter of the Shen family moved to Guangzi! ?

Lin Youde's answer does not surprise those who are familiar with Lin Youde.

Everyone has been with Lin Youde for a long time, and basically knows that Lin Youde has no ambitions, is very easy-going, and is only interested in robots and women.

Otherwise, he would not have established a political faction until now, but would be running around in various battlefields.

So after Bracefield mentioned it, he didn't say much more.

On the other hand, Otetsu Minase and Sean, who were not very familiar with Lin Youde, looked at Lin Youde a few more times.

Feeling the strange emotions between the two of them, Lin Youde explained helplessly.

"Okay, stop reading. I know I'm not meant to run the country, and I don't want to cause chaos to the people across the country."

"And what's the good thing about being the top leader? I'm so busy doing that that I don't even have time to go out with my girlfriend or play games with my friends. I'm just going to suffer when my brain is exhausted."

"Besides, the current situation in the entire solar system is not good. If we engage in internal fighting at this time, it will only give others an opportunity."

"So don't think about that in the future. I, Lin Youde, am a patriotic and good young man. Don't even think about tarnishing my life experience."

In the subtle expressions of Minase Daitetsu and Sean who didn't know what to say, some were relieved, some were funny, but they didn't dare to laugh, Lin You took Alufemi's hand and turned around.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and leave quickly."

"First go to the capital to take a look at Zhao Zheng's situation, and then find Li Xingke to learn about the internal situation."

"Let's see if there are any backup plans that we can use."

Sean was a little confused: "Backhand?"

Raymond asked back: "Don't you know, Mr. Sean? Now our family, Youde, is the one with the highest wartime command authority among all the military personnel of the Human Revolutionary Integration."

"This is the permission given by Zhao Zheng before we set off from Aqua Planet."

Sean was shocked: "So that's the case, was there a premeditated plan?"

Minase Daitetsu also reacted: "Are you fishing? There should indeed be a backup plan. It's just that you have been using it for more than a year, so I don't know how much the backup plan has been used."

"Although I have been at the border, the Dong family, the He family, and the Gao family were able to prosper under the constraints of the four major families, which is not a good thing."

Lin Youde walked far away and replied calmly.

"It doesn't matter, I will take action. Extraordinary times and extraordinary means. I, Lin Youde, am not a political person, so I will not talk to them."

Looking at Lin Youde who was still replying after walking out, Minase Otetsu showed a happy smile: "That's good, that's good."

Sean patted Minase Daitetsu's arm: "Let's go, old man. I can't wait to see how young people can rectify the chaos in the capital."

Minase Oite pulled up his hat: "Yes, the capital has been in chaos for so many years, and it's time for a thorough rectification. Let's go, I, an old man, can't wait any longer."

After walking far away, Lin Youde asked Lei Mengmeng doubtfully.

"Mengmeng, is the Shen family a big family? Is it very influential? Why does Mayor Li dare to sever ties with the He family, but still has no connection with the Shen family?"

Lei Mengmeng replied: "Before the Shen family became unified, the head of the family was Shen Wansan, a famous merchant in ancient times."

"Although the Shen family declined due to the baptism of many wars in the past, the Shen family also made a lot of money from the war because of the dimensional beast war and rose again."

"After the unification was established, the Shen family was liquidated for many crimes they committed during the Dimensional Beast War. The head of the family, Shen Wanwan, voluntarily surrendered and donated all his family property to save his life."

"Taizu did not directly kill Shen Wanwan in order to sacrifice the flag, but he also completely split up the Shen family. Since then, the nominal head of the Shen family was still Shen Wanwan, but the person in charge was They are his three children."

"Since then, the Shen family has been divided into three parts, managing various commercial businesses respectively. The Shen family occupies the majority of many private express and cold chain transportation and other logistics."

"However, the three children of the Shen family are smarter than Shen Wanwan. They are currently engaged in various businesses related to serving people's livelihood, and will actively hand over 50% of their profits to increase military expenditures for the integrated military, so that they will not be exploited later. The possibility of a quiet liquidation.”

"And the Shen family has never been involved in politics since then. Although they have a name in the political arena, they are just a little transparent. As long as they focus on business, they are absolutely neutral and provide stable military expenditures, so their reputation has improved a lot."

"Oh, by the way, you have seen Youde, the only female among the three children of the Shen family."

Lin Youde looked confused: "The only woman in the Shen family? Who is she? When did I meet her? Why don't I remember?"

Lei Mengmeng smiled and said: "It's that Shidong Guangzi. We met before in the dormitory building of the Olympic Games. Have you forgotten?"

Lin Youde was shocked: "Huh? Shi Dong Guangzi is Shen Wanwan's daughter? But isn't her surname Shi Dong?"

Lei Mengmeng explained: "Shi Dongguangzi takes his mother's surname. It is said that Shen Wanwan's wife died in an accident during the Dimension Beast War. In order to commemorate his deceased wife, he changed his youngest daughter's name."

"But my mother said that Shen Wanwan was building a plank road in secret and planned to let his youngest daughter change her name and engage in other businesses."

"Later, Shidong Heavy Industry, with the support of the four major families, focused on the development of military machinery, which proved what my mother said was right."

"The Shen family currently has a wide range of business and is very good at being a good person. They will often give back various gifts and favors to the forces they are friends with. Therefore, the forces and people who are friends with the Shen family basically have a dirty butt. of."

Now Lin Youde understood: "I see, what Mayor Li said before, he also took the initiative to say that his butt is not clean, but it is because of the Shen family. So I hope that for the sake of the world being as black as a crow, let him go. right?"

Lei Mengmeng nodded: "Well, probably so."

Lin Youde shook his head: "There are so many twists and turns here. Forget it, it's none of my business. At most, go back to Shidong Heavy Industries and give them a beating. Lest they become the next four major families."

Lin Youde did not forget that Shi Dongguangzi was a ruthless character who dared to do business with aliens.

I used to think that she was just powerful on her own, but now it seems that the power and interest chain behind her is quite large.

I have to ask Zhao Zheng later if he has any idea of ​​taking advantage of this opportunity to cut off this chain of interests.

A businessman like Shi Dongguangzi, who only cares about money and not the country, may become a leader or a second-in-command at any time. Even if she cannot be killed, she must not be allowed to continue to be so proud.

With this idea in mind, Lin Youde and others all boarded the ship. After preparing, they began to move towards the capital...

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