Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1522 The living species outside the capital! ?

Faced with Raymond's question, Alfemi shook her head.

"I don't know either, but I do feel that there is a companion over there who is in pain and struggling."

"It's so strange. Everyone should have returned to the Quiet Place in accordance with the Arbitrator's order. How could we meet our companions in a place like this?"

"It weird."

Lei Mengmeng looked at Lin Youde nervously: "Youde, how about we go take a look?"

Raymond also reconsidered: "Yeah, I agree too. It's about native species, so don't be careless. And when native species appear at this time and place, I always feel that there's something fishy about it."

Ye Ling also said curiously: "Okay, okay, let's go and see it together. I have only seen native species in recorded videos. So far, I have never seen native species other than Alufimijiang. .I’m a little curious.”

Seeing that his wives all expressed this, Lin Youde certainly would not refuse.

"Okay, let Refina turn the wheel and go over there to see what's going on."

"I'm also very concerned about things over there."

In Lin Youde's memory, after the original species incident ended, there were no original species left in the general world line.

However, in the world view of "Super Robot Wars OG", other native species besides Alfemi have appeared.

Lin Youde didn't know whether what he was experiencing now was similar to the situation in "Second Super Robot Wars OG".

If so, then the Wolf Howl troops, who had a fairly good relationship with him before, might be in trouble.

As a unit with both the protagonist and the villain BOSS of "Super Robot Wars MX", this unit was wiped out by the Demon Gundam in "Super Robot Wars MX".

In "Second Super Robot Wars OG", it was because all animals, except Alfemi, were re-cloned and strengthened by humans using the remains of the original species, the living species.

There is currently no Demon Gundam in this world. But native species have already appeared.

Although Lin Youde had previously asked everyone at the institute to help destroy all biological remains related to native species after the native species incident.

However, Lin Youde could not guarantee that during the native species incident, the shadow mirror troops who had fired black guns at Alufimi and attacked him had collected the remains of biological species related to the native species.

If so, the situation is worse.

However, according to Lin Youde's thinking at the time, even if there were to be such stupid plots in this world where humans create a big daddy for themselves, it should only happen in the Free Federation.

After all, the Shadow Mirror Troops at that time had been clearly informed by Raymond that they had gone to the Free Federation.

Therefore, Lin Youde did not forcefully investigate at that time.

No matter what happens, it will be the Free Federation's misfortune. There are a lot of Daedrobots and Getter Robots over there. A mere living species should not be able to make waves.

But now the result is somewhat beyond Lin Youde's expectation.

‘Did the people from the Shadow Mirror Army bring the living species with them when they came back with the four major families? ’

‘Or were there other forces that I didn’t know about at that time that also collected the remains of the native species, which led to the emergence of this living species? ’

No matter which one it was, Lin Youde couldn't let it go after Alufemi discovered the existence of the suspected living species.

The living species is a native species created by humans. It is a special existence with no memory and no belonging.

This kind of existence will not be accepted by the native race group, but will be regarded as human beings' desecration of the native species.

The native species don't think much of humans. If they learn about the existence of the living species, they are blasphemous to the native race group. He might get angry and have another invasion of native species.

Although the super bosses on his side have grown up now, Lin Youde won't be afraid if he tries again.

Maybe one thing is missing, but it is always good. Lin Youde had extraneous problems and just wanted to save time for development.

Therefore, he must deal with this guy who is suspected of being a living species.

To prevent the native species from getting angry.

In addition, special units such as arbitrators that did not exist in the original work have appeared in the native species.

Lin Youde could not guarantee whether there were higher-level combat units among the native species.

If there were, then there would be no truly powerful machines like Demon Caesar and True Geta or True Getalosaurus driven by Du Jianlong and Liu Longma. Lin Youde still felt a little guilty.

He no longer wanted to be on his own and fight against the native species.

With this idea in mind, Lin Youde found Refina and asked the "Londe Bell" unit to slow down and turn around, changing its route in the direction sensed by Alfemi.

As a senior mecha player, Lin Youde would not commit the plot requirement in the game. Instead of sending all the troops, he would only send a small group of troops there, then be attacked, and then escape and wait for rescue.

Lin Youde worked hard and led everyone to defeat the enemy in one breath.

In this way, the four battleships "Londe Bell" slowed down and changed their course on the spot, heading in a different direction from the capital...

At the end of the "Londe Bell" sailing direction, there is a building complex that looks like a temporary research institute built in the wild.

A group of monsters that are similar to the native species that attacked Lin Youde before are entrenched here.

It was an army of strange native species led by a strange native species that looked very similar to the native species Supervisor, but its color was more gray and dark purple, as if it had been coated with a thick layer of foundation, and its body size was only about 113 meters.

There are two types of mass-produced native species under his command. One is a strange melee unit that is very similar to the native species Iron, but looks more like a skeleton overall.

There is also a group of long-range combat units that are very similar to the native species and siblings, but the color has also changed to dark red, dark purple, and gray as the main tone, and they look quite gray.

On the outermost side of these strange native species, two machines are confronting each other.

The one on the left is relatively slender, with a silvery white color + a little dark blue + red paint. It carries a large gun barrel behind it. It once appeared in the Lin Research Institute and was later sent by the Lin Research Institute. The black box mobile suit Cerberus that has gone out.

Standing opposite the Cerberus is a machine that is about 60 meters tall, golden in color, with a red The auxiliary arm looks very tall and domineering.

In the Cerberus cockpit, Hugo, who had been Lin Youde's teammate for a while, shouted angrily.

"Why do you want to stop me from killing this living species? Have you forgotten what happened before? Captain!!!"

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